Beginners and Beyond


Monday Run Day (Read 29 times)



    I don't find MP+15 seconds to feel easy at all but a lot of people here seem to 





      Former Bad Ass


        Upper right of the page of the suggested paces, you choose between speedster or endurance monster.


        Even at those I'm way out of my league (on the TM), lol. But thanks, that gives me an idea of how realistic my goal is.  Time to tweak it, although if I'm doing the HMP and MP workouts fine, am I hurting myself in the foot?  Not sure.


        Based on my easy runs, I should expect something like 4:39. I can live with that.



        Former Bad Ass

          I have seen some correlation of my easy pace to all other paces, and accordingly race times. Although it of course depends on what I did the day before, how much total mileage I'm doing, and other factors. I am sure everyone's correlation is different, just like everyone's race time prediction formula. I remember reading about one of the elites who does some runs at 8:30.


          TBH, I really like having a faster easy pace, just because it makes runs take less time. Last fall I had some kind of mysterious step-change improvement in easy pace, that was as inexplicable as the step change decline a year prior. Right now it's not quite what it was in the spring, but still better than it used to be.


          Me too, BUT I remember my PRs (my fastest marathons of 4:34, 4:38, 4:39) were done when I did my easy runs at 12mm or thereabouts, so I should actually slow down my runs further if I want to mimic that result, rather than run at 11:19, which is 1mm slower than MP. YMMV


          For me, there is never such a thing as gaining too much endurance, which I can only do when I run slower than I should.



            Another 3 miles after work so 6 miles for the day. I do not want to run doubles so I need to figure out this childcare issue better.


            My easy pace is usually by HR, I don't even look at pace. I'm more likely to go too slow rather than too fast.


              I still have a hard time running slowly. Fortunately, McMillan's LR/Easy run paces work well for me, since I tend to be on the faster end most days. I have a harder time with the recommended interval paces though. They are too fast for me.


              I spent part of today's run searching for a neighbor's missing dogs. I actually found them. They were caught and tied up outside a house about a mile and a half from home (by road, but only half a mile by dog short cut). I spotted the black and white fur, so ran over to the house and talked to the people who managed to capture them. I called my husband to collect us, then we returned the dogs to their very anxious owners. Even though it was 89 and I hadn't intended to run outside today, I decided to finish my run in the heat. It was hard, but I got 6 miles done.

              Half Crazy K 2.0

                I find McMillan's paces impossible across the board. There is nothing easy about the easy paces I get from his calculator. The problem I have is that when I run more, absolutely nothing feels easy, not necessarily from a heart rate standpoint, but from an overall leg fatigue standpoint.


                Rest day. Pulled a bunch of weeds out of the garden. Made some progress, but there are just so many.

                Half Crazy K 2.0


                  I don't find MP+15 seconds to feel easy at all but a lot of people here seem to 


                  It is easy when you did the marathon at easy pace.
