Beginners and Beyond

Talking about Tuesdailies (Read 49 times)



    The best time for us to talk about this will be when you are mid-taper, which is coincidentally when the registration window is 

    Who's currently ahead in the mileage death match?

    Half Crazy K 2.0

      6 miles.


      I bought the Ghosts to be part of the group, but they just don't do it do for me. They feel like bricks on my feet.


        I'm planning on it. And LRB is thinking about it too 


        Considering Chicago, but also considering Toronto, and also that fast cheater's course I did last year 


          Who's currently ahead in the mileage death match?


          my plan is to overtake him the second week of November and not look back 


            Oiselle knew I was drooling over the new Wazzie Wools so they sent me a 20% off postcard in the mail.  20% off insanely expensive is still a  good deal right? 



              my plan is to overtake him the second week of November and not look back 


              LRB can enjoy this while it lasts.


              6 LRBAdministrator 2204.38 mi
              8 onemile 2188.22 mi



                I'm planning on it. And LRB is thinking about it too 





                Former Bad Ass

                  Oiselle knew I was drooling over the new Wazzie Wools so they sent me a 20% off postcard in the mail.  20% off insanely expensive is still a  good deal right? 


                  It sure is!



                     my plan is to overtake him the second week of November and not look back 


                    Actually, you'll probably get me by the end of next week but if not most definitely by the end of the one after it.  #runlikeagirl


                      LRB can enjoy this while it lasts.


                      6 LRBAdministrator 2204.38 mi
                      8 onemile 2188.22 mi


                      lol - Good one!


                        I ran 12 with 4x2k with 2 minute recoveries followed by 6x200m with 200m recoveries. First MRT workout done 


                        Nice work. Have you set a goal?




                          Nice work. Have you set a goal?


                          Have to see how training goes

                            Ran another 3.2 miles, headed home and found dog shit on the living room floor 🤬🤯🤬🤯🤬

                            And DH said she was out in the yard still shitting after I put her out.

                            My vet has no answers, she has no parasites and no infection.... it's been.... just over 2 weeks since her last incident. It used to be a couple months apart and now it's becoming constant..... I'm losing my mind, I'm beginning to wonder if I should buy Science Diet canned food for digestive care and mix it with her dry food.... I'm seriously at a loss, I mean wtf, is it IBS, stress, distress..... inbreeding... I don't fucking know!!


                            Happening with my mother in laws dog, they live with us.   Started about a month ago.  Dog is let out all the time in the fenced back yard.  Dog is 11-12




                              Happening with my mother in laws dog, they live with us.   Started about a month ago.  Dog is let out all the time in the fenced back yard.  Dog is 11-12


                              Jetta will be 5 next February. She's been doing this since I adopted her, the only info I have on the first 5-7 months of her life was that the woman who (I'm assuming bought) had her was leaving her outside in a kennel with 2 very large mastiffs. Those two large beasts wouldn't allow Jetta to eat and of course the woman had no reason to potty train her.

                              *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                              5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                              10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                              15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                              13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                               26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)