Beginners and Beyond


Chicago Marathon race report (Read 125 times)


Go figure

    Awesome race.  I'm really happy for you!  I know exactly the kind of training you were putting in, and you definitely deserved the result.  It's shocking how similar your race was to the one I ran in April, with a large negative split and an early decision to pick up the pace.  The fact that you made your surges decisively can't be underestimated.  I really think, within reason, as long as you make pace changes confidently, you're likely to sustain them.


    Congrats on the race, and I hope you're still enjoying that feeling of accomplishment.

    Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn


      LRB - You won't believe how much time I waste just staring at my log ... My training log that is.


      I miss my log, and my log misses me.  There are more zeroes in it now than in a Swiss bank account! lol
