Beginners and Beyond


WednesDAILIES (Read 35 times)



    I think it was a bit harder to find this year, which was a good thing - maybe eliminating some people who stumbled upon it last year and had no idea WTF they were signing up for.



    No more marathons


      I know or recognize about half the team.  Last year I only knew bluesky and freesoul when teams were assigned.

      I recognize a few names, but don't think any that I've been on teams with before.


      Half day of work today - you'd think I'd use this as a day to get in some extra miles.

      Not so - think I'll take a rest day instead.

      Boston 2014 - a 33 year journey

      Lordy,  I hope there are tapes. 

      He's a leaker!

      No more marathons

        Well - pulled two switches today.

        1.  Signed up for a 10K on the 21st of January - I've run this twice before - it has a bitch of a hill at the end

        2.  Signed up for coaching with Hudson Elite - my coach will be Maggie Callahan

               (thanks for the referral onemile).



        Looks like this shit is about to get serious.

        Boston 2014 - a 33 year journey

        Lordy,  I hope there are tapes. 

        He's a leaker!


          Looks like this shit is about to get serious.


          Ruh roh.

          Half Crazy K 2.0

            6 with about 3.5 at HM effort. Like Bluesky, I got off work early today (2 hours), I had grand plans of being able to get in a longer run cause more time in daylight. Then, in what must be a bad week for the vehicles in the B&B, I got rear ended getting off the highway. Dude's reaction was totally not proportionate to the damage done, so had to call 911 to file a report. Think hysterical crying & throwing himself face down into the grass next to the road. I asked him twice if he was ok and could not get an answer. I let the cop handle that shit.


              Think hysterical crying & throwing himself face down into the grass next to the road.



              Half Crazy K 2.0




                Yea, interesting for sure, I kept thinking did he hit his head when he ran into me and that's why this drama? And then thinking back, there are some things I did that were stupid. Like when I got out of the car, I left the keys in the ignition (it was turned off & in park) and left my purse on the seat. 


                delicate flower

                  Interval workout wasn't terrible.  7 x 3:00 with 2:00 recoveries.  I averaged a 6:45 pace on the intervals, and the last three were the fastest.  Now if I could do mile repeats at that pace I'd be getting somewhere.


                  Half Crazy K 2.0


                    WOO HOO, I'm on Baboon's team!


                    Babs - Zelanie says you can count swimming & cycling miles this year. Gonna be captain again? You can kick some heads.

                    If I see 3 minute miles, I'm calling BS


                    Former Bad Ass

                      I recognize a few names, but don't think any that I've been on teams with before.


                      Half day of work today - you'd think I'd use this as a day to get in some extra miles.

                      Not so - think I'll take a rest day instead.





                      Former Bad Ass

                        9 miles and weights.  3 hour nap after court made my head feel normal.



                          This morning I hit 400 hours of running for the year. Think of all the productive things I could've done with that time.



                            Think of all the productive things I could've done with that time.


                            Why do that and depress yourself. lol


                            Are we there, yet?

                              This morning I hit 400 hours of running for the year. Think of all the productive things I could've done with that time.


                              Like how many craft beers you could have consumed?

                               2024 Races:

                                    03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                                    05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                                    06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





                                Interval workout wasn't terrible.  7 x 3:00 with 2:00 recoveries.  I averaged a 6:45 pace on the intervals, and the last three were the fastest.  Now if I could do mile repeats at that pace I'd be getting somewhere.


                                I am sure you can
