Beginners and Beyond

WednesDAILIES: Run/Stop/Run/Stop (Read 43 times)


Super B****


    Blue--I think you have to go for your own PR at the 5 miler. You are ON FIRE this year.



    I'm just going to stop thinking about it for a few weeks... he might change his mind and then I won't have to feel like a bitch if I decide to run my own race! (I know, it doesn't actually make me a bitch. I'm just super sensitive about being perceived as selfish. Because I have issues.)

    chasing the impossible


    because i never shut up ... i blog



      those are from Athleta


      but get a Wazzie Wool


      Those Athleta tights you recommended ARE MY FAVORITE. I think I have 3 pair now.


      And so is the Wazzie Wool. 



        They come to every location here. It's required, so nice that they make it easy.


        LOL. I wish they came to my place of employment (home) haha.


        Go figure

          SIAR-- I'll take your place at the concert!


          FreeSoul-- what kind of business do you have?


          Blue--I think you have to go for your own PR at the 5 miler. You are ON FIRE this year.



          9 miles this morning with 5 mi wave tempo, alternating between MP and 10k. I really struggle with 10k pace in the early morning darkness but I managed to not die this morning. I was looping around a park and the smell of weed was overpowering.

          Unless we get Jesus Take the Wheel or the theme song to Sunday Night Football, I won't have a clue what's going on!  That's a tough run...nice job getting through it.

          Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn


            All I got for my flu shot was this.


            At least yours was a fun bandaid?


            I actually kind of get annoyed at pediatricians offices who give candy to kids. I like the stickers more. My kids don't, ha.



              Because I have issues.


              We all have issues.



                At least yours was a fun bandaid?


                I actually kind of get annoyed at pediatricians offices who give candy to kids. I like the stickers more. My kids don't, ha.


                I remember taking my son when he was 3 to a flu clinic and they gave him a blow pop WTF. Yes, just what the toddler needs: lollipop with GUM in it.


                  BTW, speaking of Ghosts (not for you, LRB!), the 11s are on sale at Jack Rabbit for about $85 if anyone needs them. You have to put them in your cart to get the sale price.



                    I remember taking my son when he was 3 to a flu clinic and they gave him a blow pop WTF. Yes, just what the toddler needs: lollipop with GUM in it.




                      My watch gave me a performance condition of -6 this morning. 



                      Right now, what I like about the Stryd Power Meter is that it is NOT HRM dependent like all the gizmos on the Garmin watches.



                        Right now, what I like about the Stryd Power Meter is that it is NOT HRM dependent like all the gizmos on the Garmin watches.


                        Cyber, it seems like so far you are liking it well enough? Does it give you any feedback, as it is learning you?


                        delicate flower

                          I want a Blow Pop.  Sad


                          From the Internet.

                            Dress rehearsal/final sharpening workout done: 3 miles easy then 2 MP (7:18, 7:14 or thereabouts), 1 HMP (6:49 neato), 0.5 10k (6:37 pace), 0.25 5k (6:20 pace) with a couple minute jog between each interval, mile cooldown. Caaaan't wait for Sunday! Just have to go out smart in the beginning and then be brave and hang on!


                              I ran 5.8 with 4x1000m @MP, 200m recovery. Or, I should say, GMP, since I have no idea what MP is. Nor do I know what GMP is. Daniels, oddly enough, is a lot more reasonable than McMillan when it comes to shorter distances, but for the marathon he predicts I can run 3:07. Um.



                              Daniels is always more aggressive than McMillan in predicting marathon times from shorter distances. This one however I've found works the best; allows you to plug in a few extra variables. Gives me a 3:20:55, incidentally.



                                Dave, this is random, but is it the Birch Bender Paleo sweet potato pancake mix your wife uses and loves?