Beginners and Beyond


TUESDAILIES Are Awake Way Too Early Too Early. (Read 42 times)


    First run back tonight. 30-45 minutes. I hope it doesn't suck.

    No more marathons

      Thanks stepbystep and wcrunner - that's the direction I was leaning - I'll be heading out in about half an hour.

      E    A     S    Y    3 or 4.

      Boston 2014 - a 33 year journey

      Lordy,  I hope there are tapes. 

      He's a leaker!


        Neighborhood route instead of trail, which meant a few little slopes, one of which my knee did NOT want to run down. So a little more walking than planned, but no pain now that I'm done. 3.77 miles in 52 minutes - blazing! 10 min warm-up, 2:3 run/walk x 8, more or less.

        20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


          My goodness is my butt sore this morning from the massage.  I have actual bruises on my body.  But I do feel looser.  Driving back from the coast today, with a stop at Costco to restock staples -- sugar, flour, peanut but, beans and, of course, wine.


          It is such a bummer to be over at the coast and able to see my wonderful ocean trail and not be able to run on it.

          Life is good.


          Run to live; live to run

            4.2 for me Pilates later



            delicate flower

              I had my first swim lesson 10 weeks ago, wanting to be able to cover 400 yards so I could participate in the Tuesday night off road tri series DW does.  Today I swam that 400 yards in the pool without stopping (did 1000 yards total).  I'm psyched about that.  I was hoing I'd be able to do that by July.  10 weeks seems like a short learning curve.  Now I need the lakes to warm up so I can practice in open water.


              Got home and ran 6.8 miles easy.


              From the Internet.

                Weights done now too. I squatted 135 lbs for 3 sets of 5 after warming up, finally back over bodyweight for full worksets! Big grin And on the same day as a 10 mile workout. Lazy formerly-weak body, you've made me so proud of you *tear*

                  cjones1, excellent runs.


                  Damaris, I hope that Pilates and running go well.


                  Jack K., I hope that a week of rest is all you need to heal.


                  B-Plus, have a pleasant run.


                  Shari, beautiful run-walk.


                  outoftheblue, I'm glad that your massage helped you to feel better. I hope that you can run again soon.


                  Marjorie, fantastic 4.2. Enjoy Pilates.


                  Phil, sweet 6.8. I'm amazed at how quickly your swimming has improved.


                  Lauren, brava on lifting the same day as a ten-mile run.


                  I had my appointment with the macrobiotics counselor this morning. I was pleasantly surprised and am really looking forward to a new way of eating. Giving up dairy will be an adjustment. Meat? Not so much. (I rarely ate meat, anyway. Having to wait six hours after eating a burger to have ice cream? No me gusta.) Caffeinated beverages? I haven't had any in almost six weeks and feel fine. The counselor gave me a hundred-page book of recipes and recommendations for me.


                  I also had a body-fat reading at the gym, after having hydrated and lifted. 24.8%, down from 30.something% in January


                    While I was jogging at lunch break (in a park, no traffic lights, so no jogging in place), there was a race about to start. It was a 4 K and when I ran past all these runners I stopped and saw a few people I know. They tried to talk me into entering. Had I not been on a lunch break, maybe I would have.

                    There was a majority of kids (17-19 yo) there, and a 20 minute bunny (not a kid). He was carrying a message that said "If you want 100%, follow me". The race was a school exam for over 300 runners.


                      I am home, what a long exhausting day.  If I had a nickel for each time someone said I was not my usual chipper self I could retire.

                      Half Crazy K 2.0

                        A little over 6 miles. My legs were not happy about yesterday's strength training. It seems we skipped right over spring again this year and are into early summer.


                          I am home, what a long exhausting day.  If I had a nickel for each time someone said I was not my usual chipper self I could retire.

                          Poor thing. Feel better soon!


                          6 easy effort miles in perfect weather.

                          Hip Redux

                            I am home, what a long exhausting day.  If I had a nickel for each time someone said I was not my usual chipper self I could retire.


                            Turn that frown upside down!



                              5 miles on a hot and humid day.   Legs behaved, but I had a really hard time with the heat.


                                I am not happy about my knee. After three runs last week that incorporated running with no problem, and 40 minutes of walk/run with no problems today, I was running - cautiously - on a slight downhill slope and suddenly had pain in the front of my knee. Immediately walked and after about 4 minutes the pain had gone away, tried running again, and it was fine for my 2-minute run interval. Went to do the last one, and pain again, so I walked it out.

                                Didn't hurt for the first couple of hours after the run, so I thought I was in the clear, but since mid-afternoon I've had pain at about 3-5/10. Dammit. Fingers crossed that a rest/swim day tomorrow does the trick.

                                20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.
