Beginners and Beyond

Sadurdailies (Read 37 times)



    Yeah, it was pretty sweet.  Only one other person this morning, walking on this inside lane.  I took lane seven.



    You should have made a citizen’s arrest. That thing is beautiful. I pretty much always take lane one, unless it’s occupied and/or someone else is out there doing a serious workout.




      I don't take Gu on a training run.


      This whole training cycle I did one time (the big 22 mile workout) and we had Mr O be our mobile aid station, driving to 2 different spots to give us water.  Other than that one, every run has been without water or gels.


      I need to get me one of those. I can’t imagine how hard Mrs PNW would laugh if I made this request.


      No water/gel for me till 18 (maybe a bit less if it includes a workout), then take Gu with handheld water bottle.



        I used to run in the outermost lane because it meant not needing to run a full lap to clock a quarter mile, so over the course of running mile repeats, you run less than 4 laps. It was just a way to make it seem like less WORK when in reality it wasn't. Then I got the FR 630 and it all went to shit. That thing was awful at calculating distance running in circles at the track, to the point I completely stopped going.


          I used to run in the outermost lane because it meant not needing to run a full lap to clock a quarter mile, so over the course of running mile repeats, you run less than 4 laps. It was just a way to make it seem like less WORK when in reality it wasn't. Then I got the FR 630 and it all went to shit. That thing was awful at calculating distance running in circles at the track, to the point I completely stopped going.


          I take the outermost lane if I’m just adding to warmup/cooldown miles. Or sometimes if I want the recoveries to be a little longer....




            I take the outermost lane if I’m just adding to warmup/cooldown miles. Or sometimes if I want the recoveries to be a little longer....


            That works. 👍


              The chocolate didn't bother me. I gagged on strawberry banana on a busy corner.  It was awful.


              Oof. I forgot which one it was, but whatever flavor I ate at mile 19 at NY did the same thing. Honestly though, the flavor wouldn't have mattered. At that point, swallowing sugar of any kind is a chore.


                Also, I stopped at Starbucks for my Americano, and when I got to the car the cup was dripping, which happens sometimes, but this leak was coming from the side of the cup.  Ahhh!  I had to run back inside to get a new cup and the leak got worse as I got closer to the counter.  My hand was soaked with coffee.  The barista offered me a new drink but I just needed another cup.  lmao exciting stuff, I know, but how often does the side of the cup spring a leak??


                An Americano is my go to when I have a long evening planned. The thing just works.



                  An Americano is my go to when I have a long evening planned. The thing just works.


                  But you probably don’t have a Baboon 6-shot Americano.


                  Half Crazy K 2.0


                    But you probably don’t have a Baboon 6-shot Americano.

                    My heart would explode


                      HCK, I’m sorry about your FIL! Hopefully you can find a good time to go get some stress relieving miles. 

                      I ran/walked 10 with my SIL. We could have run more, but got caught up in a story about work this week and walked more than we should have. It was good convo though and the miles always go by quick with her. 

                      Now I’m sitting in the Walmart parking lot waiting to pick up my groceries. Should be ready any minute, then I can get home to start cooking. We’re hosting a birthday dinner tomorrow for my BIL. All their siblings are in town to celebrate his 50th, so it’ll be nice to have everyone together. Doesn’t happen often enough.


                      delicate flower


                        But you probably don’t have a Baboon 6-shot Americano.






                          But you probably don’t have a Baboon 6-shot Americano.


                          "What in the fuckity fuck?"



                            10 miles with some progression. Was supposed to run with RP but he was feeling feverish. Unrelated but he got bit by a dog a few weeks ago while running. It was on a leash and chomped him on the calf a few times. I guess it was a bloody mess. Now he understands why I cross the street every time I see a dog coming.


                            Watching my Lions losing to Memphis, wtf

                            From the Internet.

                              5:43.40 and I'm NOT DONE YET BABY 


                              Former Bad Ass

                                5:43.40 and I'm NOT DONE YET BABY 


                                Go girl, go!
