Beginners and Beyond


Run To Read HM - First Race of the New Year - PR! (Read 215 times)

Trail Monster

    Yesterday Shane and I travelled to West Virginia to take part in the Run To Read Half Marathon. I was scheduled for 18 miles so I had no intentions of actually racing. My plan was to run 5 super easy miles right before the race and then run the race as close to 10 minute mile pace as I could depending on how I felt.

    We had a fast trip and pulled in to Prickett's Fort just after noon. We found the bathroom and then picked up our packets. No T-shirt, no finisher's medal, no goodies in the bag, just a hat and gloves. I guess I should have realized that considering the race only cost $25. The volunteers also parked Shane and I about 5 feet from the edge of the river which made me really uncomfortable. I would kind of like to pay off my vehicle before I let it get swept away by a freak flood or something.


    View from our parking spot


    I asked a volunteer for some directions about which way the race ran from where we were. They pointed out the path and I headed off to do my warm up. I was disappointed to find my legs felt like lead and my heart rate was sky high for how slowly I was moving. I had plenty of time before the 2PM race start so I just kept moving and taking some pictures of the course I would soon be running with 400 of our closest friends.


    The running path


    This race is nice in that the views are pretty cool. The first part of the race runs a 2.25 mile out and back which goes through a tunnel (which threw my Garmin off by a good bit). Going out it's slightly uphill but it gives you a good boost coming back down on the way back past the start. After you cross the parking lot where the race started you continue on the path over a couple bridges (a little scary with the ice in January) and beside the river. There's another turn around at the 9 mile mark and then the runners make their way back towards the parking lot for the finish.


    Running in the hills of West Virginia


    After my warm up I headed back to the car to drop my jacket and hydrate and fuel. I expected Shane to be in the car staying warm but he wasn't there. I ate two Shot Bloks and drank some water before I checked my watch. I had less than 15 minutes until start time! Whoops!


    I made my way past the fort to the parking lot and lined up at the back of the pack. There were no real directions on paces or walkers being towards the back. I was hoping I was in the right place based on the looks of the people around me. That is until the woman beside me started talking about running Boston. Apparently I think I look a lot faster than I actually am?


    Prickett's Fort


    The race started only a minute or two late after a couple runners realized they weren't wearing their chips. Doh! I was down to just my INKnBURN denim print pants and peacock long sleeve top plus a hat and gloves and I was COLD! I believe it was about 35 degrees with a wind chill of 28. Getting started felt so good that I went out way too fast. I was passing lots of people despite the uphill grade and I was wondering if maybe I had started too far back. Then I hit the first mile marker and my watch beeped out a 9:11. Whoops!


    The really cute mile markers for this race


    I backed off and tried to get closer to 10:00 pace. My legs and lungs seemed pretty happy in the 9:30-9:45 range though so I just went with it. It was really odd to be moving so well after such a tough 5 miles right before but I figured I'd be slowing down soon enough. My splits for the first out and back:


    Mile 1: 9:11

    Mile 2: 9:21*

    Mile 3: 9:21*

    Mile 4: 9:23

    Mile 5: 9:39


    * Miles 2 & 3 are averaged because the tunnel screwed up my GPS signal.


    As I hit the second out and back portion I lost a little steam and walked through the aid station just after mile 5. I wanted to take a GU but didn't want to take my gloves off. I was just comfortable and I knew that as soon as my hands got cold I would be freezing. I decided to walk the next water station and take one there. However, I started running next to an older man and at the 7+ mile water stop we started talking while we walked and drank and I completely forgot to take my GU. I stayed right behind this man up to the turn around hoping to catch him and passing quite a few people in the process. I was really surprised how many people were quitting and walking back. Splits to the turn around:


    Mile 6: 10:05

    Mile 7: 9:50

    Mile 8: 10:04

    Mile 9: 10:01

    I was pleasantly surprised reviewing these splits. Every other mile is a little bit slower because I walked and drank a little bit. I had been planning to carry my handheld but with aid stations just over 2 miles apart I didn't really see the point. If I had actually been in the frame of mind to race and not walked every aid station I bet I could have put up a really good time! As I came around the turn around I could see the older gentleman in front of me and I decided I would slowly reel him in before I got to the next water stop. It worked perfectly and I caught him at mile 11.


    Another section of the trail


    We ran together for the next mile or so. He introduced himself as Jim and we didn't chat much because we were both working hard to keep passing the large number of 'walking wounded'. There were a surprising number of people trying this as their first half and a lot of them were under-trained. The looks of desperation and pain on the faces I passed were a little disconcerting. I remember those feelings all too well. Somewhere in mile 12 Jim jumped into a port-o-potty and I was left to continue on my own again. I glanced at my watch and was surprised to see I could still make it under 2:10.

    Mile 10: 10:17

    Mile 11: 10:34

    Mile 12: 9:45

    Mile 13: 10:13

    Last .23: 8:27 pace

    My brain was screaming at me to walk but I told myself there was no time to be a baby now. I pushed on, setting my sights on each person in front of me and slowly working to pass them. Finally there was no one left in front of me and I could see the finish line. I wanted to lay down, I wanted to puke, I wanted to just walk so freaking bad. I threw in one last surge and crossed the mat. I looked at my Garmin and couldn't believe my eyes! 2:09:45!


    Visitors' Center


    I stumbled around the finish area for a bit and grabbed a can of Pepsi and a flavored water. I couldn't find any plain water and I really didn't care at the moment what I drank so long as it was wet. I wobbled back up the hill to the visitor center where we were treated to chili and cookies. The chili totally made the lack of medals and shirts worth it.

    I finally found Shane a little while later. He had gone to the finish later expecting me to come in around 2:15-2:20 so we just missed each other. He finished in 1:49! I ended up coming in 185/277 finishers and 12/25 for my age group. There were 73 DNF's according to the timing site. I think that they included people who registered but didn't show up maybe? It's hard to believe that many people quit.

    In the end I'm thrilled to start off 2013 with a new PR (prior 'official' PR was 2:20) and a great long run. It's going to be a great year!

    2013 races:

    3/17 Shamrock Marathon

    4/20 North Coast 24 Hour

    7/27 Burning RIver 100M

    8/24 Baker 50M

    10/5 Oil Creek (distance to be determined)


    My Blog


    Brands I Heart:



    Altra Zero Drop


      Banshee, this is great! Congrats and let's hope for a great year for you! You're a damned animal to run 5 miles before your race too.


      Former Bad Ass

        Congrats on the new PR, Banshee!  Great job.



        Wickedly Average

          Awesome run, Banshee! Especially after a 5 mile "warmup".


          Nice looking course too.

          Tom (formerly known as PhotogTom)

          5K - 25:16, 10K - 55:31,  15K - 1:20:55,   HM - 1:54:54

            A five-mile warmup? Iron Woman, you are.


            Skirt Runner

              Sounds like you had a great race Smile good job!!!

              PRs:   5K- 28:16 (5/5/13)      10K- 1:00:13 (10/27/13)    4M- 41:43 (9/7/13)   15K- 1:34:25  (8/17/13)    10M- 1:56:30 (4/6/14)     HM- 2:20:16 (4/13/14)     Full- 5:55:33 (11/1/15)


              I started a blog about running :) Check it out if you care to


                Congratulations!  Was it a towpath by the river?  From the pictures, that's what it looks like.  If so, it really is surprising so many didn't finish.


                Barking Mad To Run

                  Congrats on your half, way to go!  Looks like a very scenic route.  Congrats to your DH too!

                  "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt

                    Congrats on the new PR! I love the pictures. Smile

                    5k - 25:15 (11/18/12)

                    10k - 1:01:51 (2/14/15)

                    10mi - 1:33:18 (3/2/14)

                    HM - 2:06:12 (3/24/13)


                    Upcoming Races:

                    Benched until further notice. :/


                    Everything you need is already inside. [[Bill Bowerman]]

                    Trail Monster

                      Banshee, this is great! Congrats and let's hope for a great year for you! You're a damned animal to run 5 miles before your race too.


                      Thanks! I wasn't planning to 'race' and I never really felt like I was racing until maybe the last 5k. I just wanted to do my long run with people instead of doing laps around the lake at home alone. Smile

                      2013 races:

                      3/17 Shamrock Marathon

                      4/20 North Coast 24 Hour

                      7/27 Burning RIver 100M

                      8/24 Baker 50M

                      10/5 Oil Creek (distance to be determined)


                      My Blog


                      Brands I Heart:



                      Altra Zero Drop

                      Trail Monster

                        Congratulations!  Was it a towpath by the river?  From the pictures, that's what it looks like.  If so, it really is surprising so many didn't finish.


                        It was a rails to trails path plus some paved path through the park. I really think the timing company included DNS in the list.


                        Thanks for reading everyone! Hopefully I'll be able to target a half before Shamrock and see what I can really do. I'm excited to find out now!

                        2013 races:

                        3/17 Shamrock Marathon

                        4/20 North Coast 24 Hour

                        7/27 Burning RIver 100M

                        8/24 Baker 50M

                        10/5 Oil Creek (distance to be determined)


                        My Blog


                        Brands I Heart:



                        Altra Zero Drop


                        delicate flower

                          Wow, that's a huge PR!  Way to go, Banshee!  Definitely a great start to your year!


                          Trail Monster

                            Wow, that's a huge PR!  Way to go, Banshee!  Definitely a great start to your year!


                            Its a huge 'official' PR. All of the halves I've run were really tough or part of a heavy week of running/racing. I have run a 2:13 half in a marathon and hit 13.1 in 2:08 during a training run. So it wasn't as surprising as it may seem except that I wasn't really trying for it. Smile


                            And are half the pics now upside down? They were fine last night from my laptop but today from my iPad they are rotated!

                            2013 races:

                            3/17 Shamrock Marathon

                            4/20 North Coast 24 Hour

                            7/27 Burning RIver 100M

                            8/24 Baker 50M

                            10/5 Oil Creek (distance to be determined)


                            My Blog


                            Brands I Heart:



                            Altra Zero Drop


                            flashlight and sidewalk

                              Pics look good from my computer.  Congrats on the new PR.  Do you think the 5 miles of warm up helped shake the legs feeling like lead feeling you had when you got there?  I have a suspicion that I should increase the length of my warm ups (usually about a mile).  During training runs I feel like I just start to hit my stride after 2, and maybe again after 4.  I'm just curious if you think you think you were better or worse off for the pre-race run.


                              **Ask me about streaking**


                              Trail Monster

                                Pics look good from my computer.  Congrats on the new PR.  Do you think the 5 miles of warm up helped shake the legs feeling like lead feeling you had when you got there?  I have a suspicion that I should increase the length of my warm ups (usually about a mile).  During training runs I feel like I just start to hit my stride after 2, and maybe again after 4.  I'm just curious if you think you think you were better or worse off for the pre-race run.


                                If I had been planning to actually race I think a 2-3 mile warm up would be perfect. I also would have tapered. LOL. As it was I couldn't help adding 5 to every mile marker and thinking, "OMG! I'm at 9 and I still have 9 to go!" It wore on me mentally plus it was a higher mileage week for me ending up mid-40's and I raced a 5k on Monday. All in all I have never properly raced a half so I can't give good advice!

                                2013 races:

                                3/17 Shamrock Marathon

                                4/20 North Coast 24 Hour

                                7/27 Burning RIver 100M

                                8/24 Baker 50M

                                10/5 Oil Creek (distance to be determined)


                                My Blog


                                Brands I Heart:



                                Altra Zero Drop
