Beginners and Beyond


A question about hydration. (Read 42 times)


Run Long, Hard, and Fast

    I am currently training for my first FM on October 6th. I am up to a 16 mile LR which I have done on 2 occasions now. I live in the northeast so the temps are relatively mild this time of year. One of the 16 milers was done in mid 40s temp and the one today in the mid 30s.


    My question is about hydration. Please note I haven't brought water along on either one of these runs and have felt fine. At what point should I worry about hydrating during my run? Is water the best thing to bring along or are there other recommendations?


      Everyone has their point that they don't need water on a run. For me I use it on every run over 10. Yours might be 16 or greater, but I would suggest trying it and maybe your runs become better. As to when, I take a sip every mile. My bottle is 1/2 water, 1/2 Gatorade.


        Everyone's different. Drink when you're thirsty. Helpful?

        I don't take anything on training runs up to 2 hrs or so. I did a HM last weekend & did not have anything during the race. The cold weather helps, of course when it warms up you sweat more & need more fluid. If you are going 16 without fluid, sounds like you're pushing the limit.

        I never have anything other than water, although RSX's 50/50 mix is common. Probably a good idea to try that to make sure your stomach can tolerate it while running, since you may want to have that as an option during your marathon.

        Also I don't like carrying anything. My typical route is a 4 mile loop; I can leave a water bottle on the ground along the way & have a drink up to every 4 miles. I ran 20 today & stopped at 8, 12 & 16. (Yes I did 5x4 mile loops, I guess I have a high tolerance for boredom.)



          Last year it was right around the first week of May when fluid became essential as temps soared into the 90's literally overnight one weekend!


          For anything under 70 degrees I might try Gatorade, but the hotter the weather the simplest I keep it, good old ice cold water.

          Love the Half

            In cooler weather, I'll go to about 2 hours before I stash a water bottle along my route.  In hot weather, I'll still go up to an hour.  I never take along any carbs during a run as I think it helps to train your body to use fat as an energy source.  On race day though, I'll hit pretty much every Gatorade station along the course.

            Short term goal: 17:59 5K

            Mid term goal:  2:54:59 marathon

            Long term goal: To say I've been a runner half my life.  (I started running at age 45).

              I always carry my hand held.


              My advice is that's it's better to have it and not need it than to need it and be SOL.

              ”Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.”

              “Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.”

