Beginners and Beyond


SaturDAILIES - Balance (Read 35 times)




    A core workout is on the docket this morning. Something in the 90 minute range would be lovely if I can pull it off.


    What's up with you?



      Good morning!


      30 min elliptical.  Yesterday's mile wasn't the best idea I've ever had.  It wasn't the worst, either.  I did have some soreness after several days of no pain.


      Have a great day folks!

      Runner with a riding problem.




        A core workout is on the docket this morning. Something in the 90 minute range would be lovely if I can pull it off.


        What's up with you?


        90 minute core workout? 


           90 minute core workout? 


          Measured as a session, not a continuous workout. That includes a warm-up and cool down on the elliptical, breaks between sets, as well as stretching...


          And surfing on the internet, apparently. 


          delicate flower

            'Morning!  It's a ski day!  Hooray!  Morning break right now.  It's colder than a penguin's nuts out there.



              Might try a 4 miler with the dogs later.  They really need to get out.


              Former Bad Ass

                Morning!  I have 8 miles tonight.  Just spent two hours at the mall (not by choice), but at least there was parking and not masses like there are right now.


                Half Crazy K 2.0

                  6 with 4 at HM pace.


                    9 w/5x1000m



                      13 this morning. It was a  little too cool but not complaining. Now it's time for yard work, then I will resurrect the xmas tree from the garage. Have a great rest of the day!

                      marathon pr - 3:16


                      delicate flower

                        I had a four mile run on the schedule for this evening but swapped that out for 30 minutes in the hot tub.



                          I had a four mile run on the schedule for this evening but swapped that out for 30 minutes in the hot tub.


                          If I was still in charge of gold stars...


                            4 mile run success!  The dogs really needed to get out.  I took it nice and easy.  Mia found one of the good orange balls at the park, and we made it back just before the rain.


                              13 this morning. It was a  little too cool but not complaining. Now it's time for yard work, then I will resurrect the xmas tree from the garage. Have a great rest of the day!


                              I'll be complaining like a mofo in a few days it appears. Sad


                                4 mile run success!  The dogs really needed to get out.  I took it nice and easy.  Mia found one of the good orange balls at the park, and we made it back just before the rain.


                                How are you feeling? Will 4 be the longest you run for awhile? 
