Beginners and Beyond

Catching Fire WednesDAILIES (Read 40 times)


    If you see Cuban pizza, RUN like you are pacing blerun on her 10K.


    Wait, is that at 7:15 or 7:08?



      So somebody describe Detroit pizza, FFS.


      It's an oxymoron, there is no such thing. Where food specific to the area is concerned, Detroit is known for its coney dogs.


        So somebody describe Detroit pizza, FFS.


        1. Square

        2. Deep-dish pan style

        3. Sauce on top of cheese

        4. Sauce/cheese is spread all the way to the edges

        5. Edge crust on sides is super crispy and practically burnt


        LRB can advise if I missed any key features.



          Here is the thermostat with the indoor temperature of the room I'm working in this week. Sorry if it's sideways, my phone and the internets do not agree.




            It's an oxymoron, there is no such thing. Where food specific to the area is concerned, Detroit is known for its coney dogs.


            Yes there is - it's the Buddy's/Shield's style described above. Even has a Wikipedia listing. It is pretty unique, and not bad.



              Here is the thermostat with the indoor temperature of the room I'm working in this week. Sorry if it's sideways, my phone and the internets do not agree.





              (And let me guess - with an iPhone?)



                Tinypic and a Galaxy. Photobucket will not load, FFS.



                  Yes there is - it's the Buddy's/Shield's style described above. Even has a Wikipedia listing. It is pretty unique, and not bad.


                  I did not know that was unique to Detroit.


                    Now that I am looking, it just went up to 93.


                    Former Bad Ass

                      Tinypic and a Galaxy. Photobucket will not load, FFS.


                      I blame the Galaxy.




                        1. Square

                        2. Deep-dish pan style

                        3. Sauce on top of cheese

                        4. Sauce/cheese is spread all the way to the edges

                        5. Edge crust on sides is super crispy and practically burnt


                        LRB can advise if I missed any key features.

                        I'd eat it. Smile


                        5k - 20:51 - 9/5/15

                        10k - 47:00 - 5/25/15

                        15k - 1:10:19 - 11/21/15

                        13.1 - 1:42:25- 4/25/15

                        26.2 - TBD (someday)


                        Former Bad Ass

                          Although the plan said 11, the details of the intervals and recoveries show 12 so I ran 12 with 2X3 at MP on the TM.



                            Z - time to call in a repair? That's ridiculous.


                            We keep ours at the traditional 78 summer and 68 winter.  It's a little chilly in the winter, but mostly we're happy with that.


                            Only five today, so I went outside and braved the back to school crowds.  All the parents were lined up at the bus stop in their cars so the kids don't have to walk half a block home.  That always makes me laugh.  It was almost as hot and even more humid than yesterday, but since it was short, it was a better run.


                              They won't turn on the AC since the "official" back to work day for teachers is the 31st. But I am officially on the clock, so I deal. At least the chocolate is a lot less tempting when it's all melty.


                                I'd eat it. Smile


                                Everyone here loves Buddy's Pizza, or Pizza Papalis, a place known for its deep dish pizza in Greek Town.


                                They actually make a splendid seafood pizza there. You would have to try it to know what I am talking about. If you eat crab and shrimp that is.


                                I always preferred thin crust pizza, so I do not frequent either of them.