Beginners and Beyond


Snowy MonDailies (Read 31 times)





    Today marks day 1 of an 18 week plan. That's why I wanted to decide yesterday. But I haven't decided on a plan yet. I doubt it will be Pfitz. It looks too hard for me. The runs are too long, the workouts are too hard (example 6 x 1000m at 5K pace). It might be Hansons again, although I don't like the Tuesday "strength" workouts. I could change those for interval workouts and follow the rest of the plan. The remaining problem is the Thursday MP runs, as DD is scheduled for soccer games (not practices) on Thursday evenings this summer. So I'm not sure yet.

    I could also continue to make my own plan. I liked that, but I think I might have pushed too hard too close to the race. On 03/27 I ran 21 miles at a 7:19 pace. Felt great, but looking back, I am not sure I was completely recovered from that on marathon day. A plan tells you what to do.


    So not sure yet. Will decide soon.


    Well having done it once, you are now an expert so can shuffle things around as needed.


    I would probably do Pfitz again, although maybe look at the 12-week version rather than 18. If nothing else, gives me more time to pick a race.



    delicate flower



      So not sure yet. Will decide soon.


      So what did you decide?




        So what did you decide?


        I think all Baboon's workout hours are doing something crazy to his metabolism. So 5 minutes for everyone else is like 5 days for him. It's like some kind of Inception thing.




          It is a race week!    Four weeks between has been so, so, so very long.....


          Oh yeah, for me too I guess (except 3 weeks); 5k on Saturday. It seems kind of weird, I don't feel like I'm getting ready for a race, feels like I'm still in recovery mode. Not so much physically, I'm fine, but just with training. No idea how things will go. Think I may try an interval session tomorrow & see how it turns out. My prediction: PAIN! Well probably not so much that, but more likely just slow. When I tried some strides on Saturday, there was nothing there.



          delicate flower


            Oh yeah, for me too I guess (except 3 weeks); 5k on Saturday. It seems kind of weird, I don't feel like I'm getting ready for a race, feels like I'm still in recovery mode. Not so much physically, I'm fine, but just with training. No idea how things will go. Think I may try an interval session tomorrow & see how it turns out. My prediction: PAIN! Well probably not so much that, but more likely just slow. When I tried some strides on Saturday, there was nothing there.


            Meh, I didn't do a single hard stride between my last two marathon-to-5K-in-two-weeks shenanigans and you know how those went and I I I me me me.  YOU GOT THIS.




              You mean Higdon right?  I think those plans are free online...


              It's not right to laugh at your friends. Not my fault if all the US coaches' start with the letter 'H' and end with 'on'.



                Well having done it once, you are now an expert so can shuffle things around as needed.


                I would probably do Pfitz again, although maybe look at the 12-week version rather than 18. If nothing else, gives me more time to pick a race.


                Are you traveling for this one or running something local?


                Are we there, yet?


                  It's not right to laugh at your friends. Not my fault if all the US coaches' start with the letter 'H' and end with 'on'.


                  Hudson, Hanson, Higdon - they're all pretty much the same, right?

                   2024 Races:

                        03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                        05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                        06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.






                    It's not right to laugh at your friends. Not my fault if all the US coaches' start with the letter 'H' and end with 'on'.


                    I'm sorry. I couldn't resist. 



                      It's fun to laugh at your friends. 




                      Mr MattM

                        Last Chicago run.... 8 miles lakefront...


                        I might get another run in tonight.

                        be curious; not judgmental


                          Today marks day 1 of an 18 week plan. That's why I wanted to decide yesterday. But I haven't decided on a plan yet. I doubt it will be Pfitz. It looks too hard for me. The runs are too long, the workouts are too hard (example 6 x 1000m at 5K pace).


                          I could be wrong, but it seems that you point to this one workout every time when discussing the difficulty of the Pfitz plan, yet thousands of people use the Pfitz plan which includes that workout. Could it be that you are subconsciously putting too much emphasis on a single workout, and not looking at the plan as a whole?


                          I know you use a hybrid of sorts when training which works extremely well for you so it really doesn't matter, I just find it odd that someone with your physical ability (and knowledge of training basics) does not buy into what is essentially a VO2 max workout during MRT.



                            Are you traveling for this one or running something local?


                            Which part of "I haven't picked one yet" did you not understand? 

                            Seriously, IDK, but I would generally prefer not to travel if I can avoid it. I'm kind of half-thinking about doing the same one I did last fall. Which I didn't love because it was small and boring, and is in mid-Sept so higher chance of warm weather. But it's flat, logistics are easy, and weather is a risk no matter what you pick. Also being early in the season means I need to get on the stick. Actually just checked, it is on 9/11, not sure if that's a bad sign. Also I am on vacation 8/13-8/20, which is bad timing since I would have to be peaking at that point. No aversion to running on vacation, but will be on a cruise ship, so a 22-miler will be a special challenge.




                              I could be wrong, but it seems that you point to this one workout every time when discussing the difficulty of the Pfitz plan, yet thousands of people use the Pfitz plan which includes that workout. Could it be that you are subconsciously putting too much emphasis on a single workout, and not looking at the plan as a whole?


                              I know you use a hybrid of sorts when training which works extremely well for you so it really doesn't matter, I just find it odd that someone with your physical ability (and knowledge of training basics) does not buy into what is essentially a VO2 max workout during MRT.


                              Very good point. Very very good point, sir!


                              MTA: I am willing to modify Hansons' workouts to meet my needs, so why not substitute Pfitz workouts also with something more adequate for me, like simply another VO2Max workout.


                              I'll look at it again tonight Smile



                                I could be wrong, but it seems that you point to this one workout every time when discussing the difficulty of the Pfitz plan, yet thousands of people use the Pfitz plan which includes that workout. Could it be that you are subconsciously putting too much emphasis on a single workout, and not looking at the plan as a whole?


                                I know you use a hybrid of sorts when training which works extremely well for you so it really doesn't matter, I just find it odd that someone with your physical ability (and knowledge of training basics) does not buy into what is essentially a VO2 max workout during MRT.


                                I was terrified at a number of the Pfitz workouts, but somehow I survived. I had 6x1200 (erroneously as it turned out, but that's a different story), which I couldn't imagine, since I usually do 4 of those things and am dead at the end. But it worked out OK. If I can do it, Cyberic certainly can. If he wants. Really, I should be taking training advice from him.

