Beginners and Beyond

FriDAILIES in 3, 2, 1... (Read 43 times)


    Today is my one month surgiversary!   Off to the pool for my PT "homework."   45 minutes of walk and whatnot.  Next week I start transitioning to land PT.   Exciting stuff!


    Cool points for using whatnot in a sentence.


    Former Bad Ass


      My half marathon in September will come during marathon training so it will be interesting to see which method produces the best results.  But I had always thought I could race a half marathon off of my 5/10k training and yeah, it works.


      Mine too.  Both a HM in September during marathon tranining.



      Former Bad Ass

        Happy surgeyversary!



           Mine too.  Both a HM in September during marathon tranining.


          Last year I bailed on it because I was just simply burned out from racing, running in general and the hot weather.  Hoping for big things this year though!



            My half marathon in September will come during marathon training so it will be interesting to see which method produces the best results.  But I had always thought I could race a half marathon off of my 5/10k training and yeah, it works.


            +1 I also pretty much ran my last half off of 5k training + 5 weeks of half marathon workouts.


               +1 I also pretty much ran my last half off of 5k training + 5 weeks of half marathon workouts.


              Have you run one while doing marathon training?  If so which would you prefer?  I felt sharper just in general with the 5k version, but never made it to the start line while marathon training so I do not know about the other way...yet.



                My half marathon in September will come during marathon training


                Brooksie? That's 3 weeks out, is that not too close?




                  Have you run one while doing marathon training?  If so which would you prefer?  I felt sharper just in general with the 5k version, but never made it to the start line while marathon training so I do not know about the other way...yet.


                  Yes, I always run one while marathon training.  Last fall I had a pretty good race 6 weeks out from my marathon (I did a 4-day mini taper) and  it was just one of those days where my legs felt good and I surprised myself by running faster than I thought I could.  But then, the previous marathon training cycle, I had a sucky half  4 weeks out and my legs didn't want to run fast and it was super windy - so it can go both ways.


                  But I was happy with the one I ran off of 5k training this spring too. The difference is - I ran right where I wanted to run this last one whereas the one during marathon training last fall was about 3 minutes faster than I had hoped to run (marathon fatigue made a lot of my training paces feel harder, so I think I didn't realize I had gotten faster til I ran that race).


                    My half-marathon in September will come three weeks before the marathon which will be my warm-up for my "real" marathon three weeks later which will be 4 weeks before my cool-down marathon in December. You can now call me Mini-Docket_Rocket. 


                    BRUCE!!! In the dailies! So good to see you here.  You don't have to worry about me, I have long stopped being competition to you in terms of running. :-) What are the 2 marathons you are planning to do? What about Boston 2015? As for that little baby, yep, I got you beaten at that.  At least my DD had the decency to wait until I was 48 to make me grandmother (she's 27). I made my poor mother a granny at 42. 


                    Beth, continued positing thoughts for your FIL and many hugs to you. We are leaving for PEI on July 26, and staying there until August 16th. I won't be able to see you in Ottawa, but we won't be far from each others while I'm in the Maritimes. You and your family should come to our place for a couple days at the beach. We have room in the house. 


                    I don't have time for more personals, I just finished work and have to start my 11 miler. I'll be back later.

                    PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                            Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                    18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010



                      Not one, but two on the schedule. I'm doing repeats again this year and will do Milwaukee in October and then follow up with the Indianapolis Monumental a month later.  (I did both last year as well) Friends are trying to convince me to run a hilly trail marathon in July but that just sounds like a horrible time and REFUSE to do it. I told them I'd wait for them at the finish line with burgers on the grill.


                      Whew, Lily is doing neither of those races so I think I'm safe.


                      That answered my first question. 

                      PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                              Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                      18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010



                        I don't have time for more personals, I just finished work and have to start my 11 miler. I'll be back later.


                        I wonder if they make an iPad holder or something similar where you could post while running. Think of how much you'd get done!


                        *Edit* Now that I think of it, my TM has a ledge where it could prop right up there. Of course I'm just kidding! I can just imagine how difficult it would be to actually type on that thing while running.

                        - Andrew



                          I wonder if they make an iPad holder or something similar where you could post while running. Think of how much you'd get done!


                          *Edit* Now that I think of it, my TM has a ledge where it could prop right up there. Of course I'm just kidding! I can just imagine how difficult it would be to actually type on that thing while running.


                          What about Siri ... that'd probably lead to some funny auto-corrections though.


                          Lily- Yep, I do have a BQ time that should be good enough to get me in for 2015. My Green Bay goal was to hit the BQ-10 club but that didn't quite go according to plan. I can't believe you're a meme!?!? She is such a cutie and I'm sure you will enjoy every single minute you get to spend time with her.

                          Train smart ... race smarter.



                            Last year I bailed on it because I was just simply burned out from racing, running in general and the hot weather.  Hoping for big things this year though!


                            The only downside to racing a HM during marathon training is the tired legs from lack of a real taper. I did a hilly HM 5 weeks out  from my FM and just took one day off as taper. Regardless, it was a good tune-up race and a nice switch from the constant training runs.

                            Train smart ... race smarter.



                              Wait what? Crotch muscles........ I must have missed a post dang it!



                              Oh that has completely different connotations! And that being sore is not a bad thing!


                              besides... shhhh  or you will arouse FS.  

                              *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                              5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                              10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                              15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                              13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                               26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


                              Former Bad Ass

                                Wait what? Crotch muscles........ I must have missed a post dang it!



                                I'm surprised.
