Beginners and Beyond


Fall-like weather FriDAILIES (Read 29 times)

Half Crazy K 2.0

    To do when I get home.....put screen protector on Garmin.



      It's 53* out there right now. somebody pinch me.  Imma go for a run before it heats up! What'cha got for today?


      So damn jealous!


      It was 73 and humid for me this morning, was able to get out and run 10 miles and they SUCKED. I haven't really been able to eat much other than pudding, yogurt and scrambled eggs with corn beef hash this week.... my gums are still slightly sore AND it just feels so weird with those two teeth missing, I used them for chewing damn it! It is one thing to lose your wisdom teeth, you barely notice, but lose some molars and you definitely notice.

      Mark my words, I will get getting implants someday, within 3 years for damn sure.

      *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


      5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

      10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

      15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

      13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

       26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


      Go figure

        7:45am. Sports doc Eric, I explain the history and problem hams and he said he had the right PT for me, a 68 year old ultra runner, the guy who had fixed his leg problem... he said Farouk has “Magic fingers” and that “He’s a sadistic mother fucker!” 😮
        Called Farouk and left a message, he called right back and said he had an opening now as he had a cancellation.

        8:40 at PT... Farouk asked what body part, I said hamstring and he said “Boy am I going to make you squeal!” 😮

        Really glad I started modestly doing cross ways massage of the hams back in May else today would have hurt more than it did.

        Off to gym for a little pool mix... attempted run but that ain’t happenin’


        My hamstrings have always been a problem spot for. I've done everything from Graston, ART, cupping and dry needling to get them functioning. Dry needling seems to make the most impact for me, but I'm open to new ideas!


        Can you describe the cross ways massage a little more? It sounds pretty self explanatory, but I'm just wondering if there's more to it. Also, is it more of a partner exercise? My girlfriend owes me from the 7 trillion massages she has asked for, so it may be time for her to pay up.


        Half plan!

        Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn

          My hamstrings have always been a problem spot for. I've done everything from Graston, ART, cupping and dry needling to get them functioning. Dry needling seems to make the most impact for me, but I'm open to new ideas!


          Can you describe the cross ways massage a little more? It sounds pretty self explanatory, but I'm just wondering if there's more to it. Also, is it more of a partner exercise? My girlfriend owes me from the 7 trillion massages she has asked for, so it may be time for her to pay up.


          Half plan!


          Here’s the vid I got the idea from:


          To do myself I try to dig in my finger tips in between the seams of that hams and push  and pull.


          my PT sadist today FAR MORE AGRESSIVE!


          Go figure


            Here’s the vid I got the idea from:



            To do myself I try to dig in my finger tips in between the seams of that hams and push  and pull.


            my PT sadist today FAR MORE AGRESSIVE!


            Thanks for the link!


            Just noticed that I missed the lottery registration for the Flying Monkey Marathon by one day Sad  I could still pay $262 to enter as a "charity runner" though....tempted.

            Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn


            Former Bad Ass

              Dr. Farouk's house of pain reminds of LTH, for some reason.  It's Farouk's pain cave!



                Just noticed that I missed the lottery registration for the Flying Monkey Marathon by one day Sad  I could still pay $262 to enter as a "charity runner" though....tempted.


                Dude, you're on some kind of bad streak. Get it in gear!





                  A screen protector is standard operating procedure for any Garmin, especially the flagship. Do better next time! 


                  Seriously? I’ve never had one.



                    I ran during lunch and it was glorious.  5.15 miles along the lakefront, 77 degrees, 49% humidity and a cool breeze.  There were too many people, but I didn't care.  It was exactly what I needed.


                    And thanks for the reminder to order a screen protector for my Garmin!


                    Super B****


                      Seriously? I’ve never had one.


                      Neither did I until I got the Mk1... a $1K watch seemed to merit a screen protector (plus the potential for the screen getting scratched is much higher since it's also my dive computer). When I sent it back to Garmin in exchange for a replacement, they should have sent me a screen protector too since they took mine!

                      chasing the impossible


                      because i never shut up ... i blog





                        A screen protector is standard operating procedure for any Garmin, especially the flagship. Do better next time! 


                        I do not do screen protectors.



                          I do not do screen protectors.


                          I didn't know anyone did



                            I didn't know anyone did


                            I did scratch my 620 a couple of times but I fixed the scratches using a method I found online to fix motorcycle helmet visors.


                            I have a glass Fenix, not the anti-scratch stuff (forget the name) and I've been lucky so far



                              I did scratch my 620 a couple of times but I fixed the scratches using a method I found online to fix motorcycle helmet visors.


                              I have a glass Fenix, not the anti-scratch stuff (forget the name) and I've been lucky so far



                                Dr. Farouk's house of pain reminds of LTH, for some reason.  It's Farouk's pain cave!


                                Dr. Farouk does have a Doctorate Degree in Physical Therapy....



                                i think hunk it’s from Vlad the Impaler University
