Beginners and Beyond


FriDAILIES are not the happiest thing for everyone (Read 47 times)


Super B****


    Yes. You got 99 problems but your bib ain't one.


    Well, I'm going to have to lug home TWO T-shirts, so...


    (Just kidding.  By rights I should get two, since I registered for two races, but I think one tent-sized shirt is enough.)

    chasing the impossible


    because i never shut up ... i blog


      I am about to walk a quarter mile to the restaurant for an egg, spinach, feta, and potatoes and onions skillet.


      I am so flippin' full that I just called a cab for a ride home.


        11 with 2x4 miles at HMP, 5 min recovery. Tough workout.



          I don't either. 


          What's your goal for IMM? Because your training paces are looking way fast. And do you have an HM scheduled before then?




            What's your goal for IMM? Because your training paces are looking way fast. And do you have an HM scheduled before then?


            Well, it's a bit early to say but sub-3:20 is what I've been wanting for awhile.  I am starting to feel back in shape again, so we'll see.  Half marathon on Sept 20th.

            Half Crazy K 2.0

              I took the day off today and made the mistake of checking my work e-mail to find several "right now" type requests to which I basically responded I'm out. In one case, it was somebody wanting a correction to a document that needs to be submitted today, but they have had said document since late July!  Anyway, did lower body weights & plyo this morning.



                Well, it's a bit early to say but sub-3:20 is what I've been wanting for awhile.  I am starting to feel back in shape again, so we'll see.  Half marathon on Sept 20th.


                Cool. HM - 1:32-1:33?




                  Cool. HM - 1:32-1:33?


                  That would make me happy. I've not had great luck at racing this year but my fitness seems to be coming around. I need a cold day and a bit of training cutback.



                    That would make me happy. I've not had great luck at racing this year but my fitness seems to be coming around. I need a cold day and a bit of training cutback.


                    Ah the weather. This makes me happy: 74/55, 0%.



                      12.7 km, whatever that is in miles. (more than 7.5, less than 8)



                        Ah the weather. This makes me happy: 74/55, 0%.


                        I prefer colder.


                        Former Bad Ass




                            I prefer colder.


                            Oh yeah for sure. I suppose I should have clarified that is my actual forecast. In mid-Sept, it could be a lot worse.




                              Oh yeah for sure. I suppose I should have clarified that is my actual forecast. In mid-Sept, it could be a lot worse.


                              I knew that's what you meant but I like racing marathons in 40-45 degrees. But yes, for Sept that isn't bad.



                                I like racing marathons


                                These words are not often strung together. But I agree with you on the temps.

