Beginners and Beyond

Saturdailies - B-E-A-UTIFUL (Read 30 times)



    No idea but it’s been three hours and I’m panicking. 🤦‍♀️


    Best of luck!! Hope you get it!!


      All of you racing soon, care to share your time goals with the forum?


      I’m not racing soon, but for the first time in a few years I have zero goals (immediate goals at the least, maybe even in totality), and it feels damn nice. Which is really weird to say bc I would have thought I’d feel lost. Instead, it feels great!


        See if you can wrap your head around this.


        Zach Bitter just ran 100 miles in 11:19:13, an average pace of 6:47.53 per mile.

        He ran it at my indoor track too!



          I misstated that. It'll be an all out effort but on a tough course so not the traditional confirmation of fitness one would like to have 6 weeks out. I don't know what to expect because I've never raced the course so I have no idea where to put my time goal expectations. I will not be there to half ass it though (I could do that on my own) so whatever the case it'll be the best that I have to give on that day for as long as i ca give it. In a perfect world, I would qualify for NYC but I'm not sure just how realistic that goal is right now.


          TL/DR; The plan is to go big.


          Ok, I get it. NYC Q is sub 1:32 for your AG?


            See if you can wrap your head around this.


            Zach Bitter just ran 100 miles in 11:19:13, an average pace of 6:47.53 per mile.


            I'm sure there is an area in life in which I can beat him, but running isn't it.



              I'm sure there is an area in life in which I can beat him, but running isn't it.


              Potato chip consumption?



                I'm sure there is an area in life in which I can beat him, but running isn't it.




                  I'm sure there is an area in life in which I can beat him, but running isn't it.


                  Trouser inseam?
