Beginners and Beyond

2020 Dailies #192 (Read 26 times)


    Seattle would be a homeless dude in a sleeping bag.



      Michigan would be 3 potholes.


        Michigan would be 3 potholes.


        that would also work for Wisconsin


          Michigan would be 3 potholes.


          Two, tops, the way I remember it.



          delicate flower

            At a recent lunch in Connecticut farm territory.




               Two, tops, the way I remember it.


              That would be two craters then. lol


              Are we there, yet?


                Well 30 ft outside is not only excessive, but who the hell has a feel for what 30 ft looks like?


                Any football player should. It's 10 yards.

                 2024 Races:

                      03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                      05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                      06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





                UM 45 Ohio 23


                  And yeah we have done a bunch of takeout but have yet to dine in anywhere. I’d probably be OK with it...but why.




                  I haven't read the details on the MI mask order but I'm assuming running, alone, at 5:30am, without a mask will still be ok. Or at least no one will notice!


                    I did 4.5 TM miles with the first part being an iFit run/walk in Portugal, it was beautiful scenery!


                    We’re supposed to wear a mask at all times on the lakefront.  Most walkers do, most runners don’t. I have it around my neck if needed, but so far I haven’t felt the need, most people are spaced pretty well.





                      I haven't read the details on the MI mask order but I'm assuming running, alone, at 5:30am, without a mask will still be ok. Or at least no one will notice!


                      Nothing really changed except businesses now have the legal right and obligation to refuse service to anyone entering without a mask (which will result in more ass clownery), and masks at large outdoor gatherings are now required. There is some other verbiage in there but nothing we're not already doing or should be doing.



                        I haven't read the details on the MI mask order but I'm assuming running, alone, at 5:30am, without a mask will still be ok. Or at least no one will notice!


                        Welcome to the club! We've had the mask requirement since May 1. I basically don't run anywhere that I can't be 10-20 ft away from others for 99% of the run, so I just pull up the mask for that other 1% of the time. There was confusion here about the requirement being you must always have a mask on your person, even if you are far enough away from others to not actually need it on your face. I think that ended up being true--you can be fined if you aren't carrying one with you while running/walking. No idea if it's being enforced.


                        This morning, I had to wait at a stoplight and 3 other people were there too wtf. That never happens before 7am.


                          Welcome to the club! We've had the mask requirement since May 1. I basically don't run anywhere that I can't be 10-20 ft away from others for 99% of the run, so I just pull up the mask for that other 1% of the time. There was confusion here about the requirement being you must always have a mask on your person, even if you are far enough away from others to not actually need it on your face. I think that ended up being true--you can be fined if you aren't carrying one with you while running/walking. No idea if it's being enforced.


                          There are exceptions to our order including children who are younger than 5 years old, people who cannot medically tolerate face coverings, individuals who are eating or drinking at restaurants and people who are exercising among about 7 other instances one of which being if you're asked to remove it temporarily to receive in-person services such as a haircut.


                          I love it that running has been specifically addressed in each of her orders, so I can happily go on about my business. 🏃‍♂️💨


                            The mask order here excludes outdoor activities where you can maintain 6 ft distance. I don’t think it gets in more detail regarding the various eventualities. I will always encounter a handful of other runners and walkers on my path. One of us will divert into the grass or the street. There are some circumstances where that’s not possible so we pass on just the width of the sidewalk. I try to keep an eye out way ahead to avoid that, and be the first to divert. But sometimes it doesn’t work out. At least it seems everyone here has the same goal. 

                            I keep a mask in my pocket for when I need to go inside anywhere to use the restroom. I forgot it today, and had to stop at a gas station, but just pulled my shirt over my face for the 30 feet (hey I guess I can measure that) from the front door to the restroom. And passed by a completely unmasked guy. 



                            Super B****

                              On a completely unrelated-to-masks note, I was just scrolling through my watch and noticed my dive log is empty... it now says "complete a dive to view data." But my surface interval is still there (178 days, wah!), so it's not like it doesn't know I went diving at some point. So I went into my activities to see if the dives were there... the first activity in my history is on January 21, and my last dive was on January 14. That's weird because I've never had a Garmin decide it's been X number of days, so these activities no longer need to be here. When I called Garmin support, I selected the Mk1 as my device, and when I got the callback over an hour later, the guy tells me that he knows everything about the device except the dive features (shouldn't you be on the Fenix 5X team, then?!) so he transferred me to the dive team. Which is closed until Monday at 8 AM. Now I am back on the callback list because I just want to know why things are disappearing from a watch I am supposedly going to entrust with my life next week...

                              chasing the impossible


                              because i never shut up ... i blog


                                On a completely unrelated-to-masks note...


                                Are you sure?