Beginners and Beyond

Sink or Swim WednesDAILIES (Read 36 times)


    I did 5 minutes on the elliptical to warm up then jogged for 20 minutes on the belt. I stared at the display intently without blinking for like the first 3 minutes because I think I was scared I would fall over if I looked up. lol


    I had no issues. Now to get through an 8 hour workday without tweaking the stupid thing!


    Good to hear!


      Does anyone do doubles where they run at lunch and then in the evening?  Cyberic I think...



        Does anyone do doubles where they run at lunch and then in the evening?  Cyberic I think...


        I used to run in the morning then another run in the evening.... I miss it 

        *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


        5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

        10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

        15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

        13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

         26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


          Does anyone do doubles where they run at lunch and then in the evening?  Cyberic I think...


          Mine were and usually are morning/evening or afternoon/night. Not that it matters I guess but I always want 7 to 8 hours in-between the stupid things if I can get it.


            Third in your AG last year ran 3:28.  DON'T MESS THIS UP.




               Good to hear!


              Just hoping I don't snap it in two tonight at yoga. lol


              Returning to running can be a mental chore sometimes!


                It turns out that you can have taper madness even if you didn't train enough to need a taper and I haven't been running enough to count as a taper.


                I've had a cold for a week which is finally starting to get better (I hope). My mysterious hip/groin issue continues to be mysterious. And everybody at work today is on my last nerve.  Sounds like taper madness to me!


                  It turns out that you can have taper madness even if you didn't train enough to need a taper and I haven't been running enough to count as a taper.


                  I've had a cold for a week which is finally starting to get better (I hope). My mysterious hip/groin issue continues to be mysterious. And everybody at work today is on my last nerve.  Sounds like taper madness to me!


                  I have the usual niggles here & there, but my biggest annoyance is that I've been having a lot of hip & hamstring pain when sitting for long periods of time. Which is why I'm not excited about the drive



                  delicate flower

                    I am looking at some really shitty triathlon weather for my 70.3 Sunday.  *sigh*  Rain and temps in the 50's, so it's going to be a cold swim and a cold bike.  I'm going to have to layer up in the first transition so I don't freeze on the bike.  At least the lousy weather will be good for the run.

                    Eh, screw it.



                      It turns out that you can have taper madness even if you didn't train enough to need a taper and I haven't been running enough to count as a taper.


                      I've had a cold for a week which is finally starting to get better (I hope). My mysterious hip/groin issue continues to be mysterious. And everybody at work today is on my last nerve.  Sounds like taper madness to me!


                      With all the sick people I encounter doing my job, it's been nothing short of a miracle that I escaped April and May without a cold. Of course I had two colds and flu in February and March so never mind!


                      Former Bad Ass



                        Third in your AG last year ran 3:28.  DON'T MESS THIS UP.


                        I knew this was coming at some point.


                        PS, I am glad no one tells me that cause I am sure to mess it up for everybody.




                          I knew this was coming at some point.



                          +1, the order to not mess up along with the historical results research.



                          Former Bad Ass

                            Taper madness?  You're lucky you have not tripped on some stairs, like I did Saturday...on my bad leg, of course.


                            Dave, just stretch a lot and walk some on the drive.  Maybe a pee break here and there?



                              I say Dave ditches work the rest of the week to get the drive done early.


                              delicate flower


                                I knew this was coming at some point.


                                It comes from a place of love.
