Beginners and Beyond


ThursDAILIES; And if you made it this far... (Read 40 times)



      Thanks Z. Cool


      It's. Just. Cold. Outside.


      10 F / wind chill of 0.


      Yes, I've run in similar temps (and worse), which is why my narrow ass is heading to the gym at work; I want no parts of that nonsense. No, I'll save that for running this weekend, where the overnight lows both days is zero, with a wind chill of *EXPLICIT CONTENT*. lol




      delicate flower

        'Morning, ok then!


         No, I'll save that for running this weekend, where the overnight lows both days is zero, with a wind chill of *EXPLICIT CONTENT*. lol



        I am not looking forward to my Sunday run.  No, not looking forward to that at.all.  I'll run later in the day, when it warms up to 10.


        I had another swim this morning and my legs were feeling yesterday's hard run.  I tried to kick but my legs wanted no part of it.  Thankfully the workout contained a fair bit of pulling drills (that is, no kicking) so I managed a decent swim once legs were taken out of the equation.  2000 yards with the masters group DONE.  4 mile run later today.



        Former Bad Ass

          Morning!  I have 7 with 2 at MP and Pilates tonight.



            Maybe I should just skip my race.  Starts at 8:30am


              -1 with a wind chill -13.




              delicate flower

                Maybe I should just skip my race.  Starts at 8:30am



                Does the series count every race?  The three recent 10K's I've done are part of a 10 race series (five 5K and five 10K).  They count your top seven finishes.  I'd have had a shot at taking the series if I did seven of them.



                  Maybe I should just skip my race.  Starts at 8:30a

                  Yes. That's just stupid cold. I will if you will. 




                    Does the series count every race?  The three recent 10K's I've done are part of a 10 race series (five 5K and five 10K).  They count your top seven finishes.  I'd have had a shot at taking the series if I did seven of them.


                    It counts your top 5 (out of 6).  But I already skipped the November one because it was so soon after my marathon and it had just snowed and the course conditions were crappy.



                      It counts your top 5 (out of 6).  But I already skipped the November one because it was so soon after my marathon and it had just snowed and the course conditions were crappy.


                      That's tough. I would just make a game day decision, or the night before. Who knows, you might feel up to it then where now you're like FTS. Or, you might feel like FTS then too. lol


                      Former Bad Ass

                        Racing in that sounds horrible.



                          Yay, gold stars!


                          That sounds like horrible conditions for a race- especially with 49% chance for precipitation on top of that?  But if they count your placement compared to others, could this be a chance to move up if others stay home?  Or is it by time?


                          delicate flower


                            It counts your top 5 (out of 6).  But I already skipped the November one because it was so soon after my marathon and it had just snowed and the course conditions were crappy.


                            Honestly, if I was in the running for OA or AG placement and prizes were at stake, I'd do the race.  It's going to suck for everybody.  On days like that I remind myself that I have skied many full days in painful sub-zero temps, so I can handle a 20 minute 5K.



                               Honestly, if I was in the running for OA or AG placement and prizes were at stake, I'd do the race. 


                              I agree.


                              But if the top five are not there when I lined up to race, I'd go home. lol



                                Honestly, if I was in the running for OA or AG placement and prizes were at stake, I'd do the race.  It's going to suck for everybody.  On days like that I remind myself that I have skied many full days in painful sub-zero temps, so I can handle a 20 minute 5K.


                                Yeah, that would be the only reason to do it.  But is it worth it? It's not like big cash prizes.  This is my series award last time I did it.

