Beginners and Beyond


Better living through chemistry SATURDAILIES (Read 42 times)

Hip Redux

    Rise and shine runners!



      Aww, can't I sleep just 10 more minutes Mom?


      Sigh. OK, getting ready to go out in the rain.



        I feel like a fat flippin' pig. 


          Must be some gooooood stuff for Oski to be up and starting the dailies! At least I hope it's good, and you aren't up due to pain.


          6.5 slow miles for me this morning - my son will be running much faster when he does some local kids' races this afternoon. But then he just has a 100-meter dash and 400-meter run. For the first time in a week or so, we also have sunshine this morning. Finally!

          20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


          Former Bad Ass

            Morning!  I am going to try 11 tonight but we'll be busy so I'll take what I can get.




              Hello Oski!


               And everybody else! No running today, I might take Dorian biking or rollerblading a little later... I want to get out and do something, we might even go hiking.

              *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


              5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

              10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

              15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

              13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

               26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)

              Hip Redux

                Must be some gooooood stuff for Oski to be up and starting the dailies! At least I hope it's good, and you aren't up due to pain.




                Pain, sore throat from the intubation, tummy aches from the medicine - you name it, I have it!  At the moment, I'm maxxing out the vicodin dosing and still feeling it.  However, I do have a nice high going on lol




                  Pain, sore throat from the intubation, tummy aches from the medicine - you name it, I have it!  At the moment, I'm maxxing out the vicodin dosing and still feeling it.  However, I do have a nice high going on lol




                  Rain held off. 5 miles.



                    Feel better, Oski! Thanks for starting the dailies.


                    Where is Basya, by the way? Have I missed her posts?


                    9 easy miles done. Now I'm leaving for a hairdresser appointment in Ottawa. Yes, you read that right, Ottawa, which is 275 km away from my house. What can I say... I don't trust hairdressers in general. This girl in Ottawa, she understands my stupid hair.  Anyway, I get a cut twice a year, it's not like I'm destroying the world by burning gas for no good reason. Later this evening, we are having dinner in town with a couple of friends and when we get home, I'll try to squeeze in 3 more miles. I'm playing catch up once again with my mileage. Old monkeys do not change...

                    PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                            Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                    18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                      I want to get out and do something, we might even go hiking.


                      How about a movie, pizza and wine? (a frozen strawberry daiquiri for my date) As the 23rd iteration of The Amazing Spiderman is out this weekend, that's my plan anyway.


                      After of course I make my way up to the track and try to get in some type of decent workout.  I am really feeling sluggish at the moment however but sometimes have a really great run in those instances...and other times, they are sluggish and suck.  lol


                      Run to live; live to run

                        6.2 for me this am.  Off to the puppy pool and then errands




                          How about a movie, pizza and wine? (a frozen strawberry daiquiri for my date) As the 23rd iteration of The Amazing Spiderman is out this weekend, that's my plan anyway.


                          Let us know how the movie is. It's getting lukewarm reviews at best, I read one last night where it got totally ripped. Among other things, for not giving Emma Stone a significant enough role, which I agree is criminal, because she is awesome. Gained even further admiration from her performance lip-synching on Jimmy Fallon; it's worth a watch if you've got some time. (Actually a number of the celebs doing that bit have been very impressive; find the ones with Paul Rudd & Joseph Gordon Levitt.)




                            pizza and wine....hmmm I have never had those two together. Sadly I have yet to find a red wine that I like, so if it is ok with you I will stick with my Red Stag Cider :-)



                            How about a movie, pizza and wine? (a frozen strawberry daiquiri for my date) As the 23rd iteration of The Amazing Spiderman is out this weekend, that's my plan anyway.


                            After of course I make my way up to the track and try to get in some type of decent workout.  I am really feeling sluggish at the moment however but sometimes have a really great run in those instances...and other times, they are sluggish and suck.  lol

                            *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                            5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                            10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                            15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                            13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                             26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


                            delicate flower


                              Pain, sore throat from the intubation, tummy aches from the medicine - you name it, I have it!  At the moment, I'm maxxing out the vicodin dosing and still feeling it.  However, I do have a nice high going on lol


                              Well on the plus side, there is a lot of playoff hockey and basketball on TV today if you like that sort of thing.


                              'Morning, all!  22 miles done at 8:41 pace.  My previous LR was 8:23 pace.  So, today wasn't quite as good, but I sort of expected that and it was still a decent run.  I am physically and mentally tired, and I am thankful that it's TAPER TIME.



                                DD saw Spiderman yesterday and said it was pretty much like every other Spiderman movie she'd seen.  The High Schoolers were out at 12:30 yesterday for some reason, I'm sure the poor movie theater had no idea what hit them!


                                As for me, not too much going on. Stayed up late (for me) to watch the Blazers win their series last night.  It's been a long time since we've been to round 2, yay!  I'll probably run 2 later.
