Beginners and Beyond


Wednesday 4/19 - Running is my friend. (Read 32 times)

From the Internet.

    YTD mileage:


    4 Cyberic99 987.91 mi 129:29:16
    5 Lauren. 948.29 mi 141:53:20.58
    9 onemile 887.93 mi 124:10:14.58
    14 DavePNW 799.67 mi 118:34:08.3


    Lookit Lauren! I am slacking.


    OMG look how long it took me to run that many miles though! D:



      You are bound to catch up with all the stupid miles you are running lately 


      By the end of the year, Dave always beats me.



        By the end of the year, Dave always beats me.


        Do you have racing plans for fall?



          Do you have racing plans for fall?


          No plans. I will plan after I come back from my family vacation in Italy. If I plan before, I will be obsessed with my training during my vacation. I'm thinking a 10K mid October... but that is really just a random thought.



            Do you have racing plans for fall?


            Ha, I know you didn't ask me, but fall seems like such a long way off, I can't imagine making any concrete plans yet. And to a large degree it depends on how the spring marathon goes.


            Are you going back to Monumental?




              Ha, I know you didn't ask me, but fall seems like such a long way off, I can't imagine making any concrete plans yet. And to a large degree it depends on how the spring marathon goes.


              Are you going back to Monumental?


              I assumed you were running a fall marathon so that's why I didn't ask you. 

              I am registered for Monumental but who knows. Some days it feels like a whole lot of effort and very little to show for it



                I assumed you were running a fall marathon so that's why I didn't ask you. 

                I am registered for Monumental but who knows. Some days it feels like a whole lot of effort and very little to show for it


                Good assumption. I keep telling myself when I get to a certain point, I will give it up, or cut back to one a year tops. But of course I haven't gotten to that point yet, and I'm already looking at 3 or 4 different fall options. 


                I think you may have a lot to show for your efforts; CIM was clearly not the right place to do it, but Monumental is your wheelhouse.




                  <3 <3 <3 Ah man I'm in love all over again. Test drove the 2017 WRX today. I have about a million more cars to drive between tomorrow and Friday, and the WRX might end up winning out as the best fun-to-dollars ratio that includes AWD.


                  I gave all the WRXs a hard stare Saturday while we were at the Subaru dealer getting the wife a Crosstrek.  I did not test drive, for I do not want a car payment.  I really want the wagon version, so it will have to be a '14 or older.  They are hard to find still stock and untainted by teenage drivers.

                  Runner with a riding problem.



                    What is the treatment for that?


                    I have no idea. My wonderful sports doc of 5 years doesn't do feet so I will have to find someone else, sniffle.


                    In the meantime, I'll wear my support insoles on every run and at work until I can spend some time on google to see how long I have to live. lol


                      But you do yoga and other similar (to me) shit. So stretching is probably not the solution for you.


                      Actually stretching is precisely how I've been able to run and manage the discomfort for this long. Otherwise, I would've been on the bench by now.



                        Heh. Looks almost exactly like the stretching I do after every run. Except instead of the one in the middle for hammies, I do the one where I put my leg up on something and lean over it. I guess there are only so many different stretches runners do. But none of that stuff addresses the foot.


                        I have no help for LRB, other than the fact that there are a billion runners who have dealt with PF, and so a billion different ways to address it (for better or worse). Whereas I had never heard of that other thing.


                        Yeah Eric nailed it in his response, it's indirect. I figured that much out at least way back when it started after noticing it always felt 1,000% better the day after yoga class, despite the fact that we do no stretches for the feet. We do however (as you know), do a ton of shit for the quads, hamstrings and calves, which releases the tension on the achilles and thus, the hoof.


                        I am not overly concerned about it (clearly, I haven't googled it yet!). As I said, the fact that it has not hindered my training has kind of precluded action. Now that I've been given another path to explore however, I'll take a look at those options.


                          I ran 11-ish with

                          2 mile warm up
                          3 sets of 600/500/400/300/200 - 90 seconds between each interval and 4 minutes between sets. 
                          2 mile cool down



                            I am pretty sure that the PF I had was as much a calf problem as it was a foot problem.

                            When the knots in my calf were being kneaded, I could feel it in my arch.  I now do and have done heel drops/calf raises religously since.

                            I'm sure stretching is good for nearly everything.  I should do more of it.

                            Runner with a riding problem.

                            Half Crazy K 2.0

                              LRB, I went through a period when I had a lot of heel and foot pain that I assumed was PF. What I noticed was every time I had the foot issue, I had an accompanying pain in the ass. Managing that tightness/issue kept the foot stuff at bay. The figure 4 stuff, where you cross a leg and stretch (both laying on my back or sitting) really helped a lot. I also learned to never, ever, under any circumstances walk between my building and the main hospital in a particular pair of shoes. Could have been coincidence, but it all started after I walked about a mile in work shoes.


                              delicate flower

                                I remember when I used to be near the top of the mileage chart.  Good times.


                                I ran.  30 minutes, 4.2 miles, 7:05 avg.  Included 6 x 2:00 intervals.  Basically 6 x 400.

