Beginners and Beyond


2020 Dailies #202 (Read 26 times)


Former Bad Ass

    KCRuns, I would keep the speedwork as is (or as onemile and others have recommended, do less but not necessarily cut it in half) and lower the LR miles so that you can accommodate for the fact that you don't need a 16+ miler.



    Former Bad Ass


      Hahaha, DP is a big factor in the suckiness of running, so I look at that figure a lot.


      Samesies, lol.


      I no longer go outside if it's 70+ dewpoint. I was tempted yesterday because it was in the 70s for temps but the 70+ kill my lungs and like you say, FTS.



         My running temps are 55-65 year round (early morning), it is just extra sunny in the summer.

        I love running in 35-45 degrees. That's the best running weather 45-55 not bad but low to mid-40's is perfect


        Former Bad Ass

          I love running in 35-45 degrees. That's the best running weather 45-55 not bad but low to mid-40's is perfect


          +1. I'm the Puerto Rican onemile, except way slower.


          I actually breathe better in 15F than I do in 70.



            I love running in 35-45 degrees. That's the best running weather 45-55 not bad but low to mid-40's is perfect


            Yep. I tell non-runners this and they look at me like I have three heads.




              +1. I'm the Puerto Rican onemile, except way slower.


              I actually breathe better in 15F than I do in 70.


              Huh, I haven’t run in 15F in a very long time, but I think the cold does more of a number on my breathing than the heat. 



                I love running in 35-45 degrees. That's the best running weather 45-55 not bad but low to mid-40's is perfect


                We don't get into the 40s too much unless I run trails in the canyon. I would love to run in the 40s in the sun, but most of my winter running is dark-o clock so I'm good with 50s.


                Former Bad Ass

                  After all the we're going to have an MCM, it went virtual today.



                  Former Bad Ass


                    Huh, I haven’t run in 15F in a very long time, but I think the cold does more of a number on my breathing than the heat. 


                    Different triggers. I assume being allergic to 80 things that are present in Spring, Summer and Fall helps with Winter since everything is dead.


                    Half Crazy K 2.0

                      After all the we're going to have an MCM, it went virtual today.


                      I'm shocked. Not.


                      Now Baltimore just needs to pull their heads out of their asses and cancel.



                        Different triggers. I assume being allergic to 80 things that are present in Spring, Summer and Fall helps with Winter since everything is dead.


                        Ha, I can never figure out everything I'm allergic to. I'd be having symptoms in the winter, and people are like "what the hell are you reacting to?" Actually I suppose that could be dust. But in any case - super-cold air in my lungs es no bueno.



                        Former Bad Ass


                          I'm shocked. Not.


                          Now Baltimore just needs to pull their heads out of their asses and cancel.


                          The race was the ones that kept saying it was going to happen. 




                            I'm shocked. Not.


                            Now Baltimore just needs to pull their heads out of their asses and cancel.


                            And I don't think I've seen a Detroit update today.




                              The race was the ones that kept saying it was going to happen. 


                              Almost all of them are saying that, until they're not.



                              Former Bad Ass


                                Ha, I can never figure out everything I'm allergic to. I'd be having symptoms in the winter, and people are like "what the hell are you reacting to?" Actually I suppose that could be dust. But in any case - super-cold air in my lungs es no bueno.


                                So long as I cover my mouth for the first 1/2 mile, my lungs won't hurt me at all in 15F. I think we ran once in 11F and once below that and we were fine on both. I didn't even wear a cover for my mouth in 11F and was fine, but there was no wind that day.

