Beginners and Beyond


Working Tuesday Dailies (Read 25 times)

    Workday 2 flat and 0.5 wiggly roadcrown hill


    Normally I’m off on Tuesday but I changed my schedule for this week to be off Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday…so hopefully four good runs


    UM 45 Ohio 23

      I was just about to start the thread and looked one more time and you beat me to it by a few seconds!


      55 degrees, no humidity...feels like fall, at least this morning. Did 8.6 with 5x800 and 2x400 at the track. Super sluggish after a couple days of yard work and a leg workout yesterday. But got through it with pretty consistent splits although 3-4 seconds slower than I would have liked. Good enough. Happy Tuesday!


      Former Bad Ass

        It was 67F for my run, but managed some of the miles outside. 6 total.



        Waltons ThreadLord

          3 x 2 miles at 10 seconds faster than HM pace, with 800m recoveries.  10 miles total running.  Cooler, drier weather let me actually complete the workout as planned.  Less than 4 weeks until the race.

          5k 23:48.45 (3/22); 4M 31:26 (2/22); 5M 38:55 (11/23); 10k 49:24 (10/22); 
          10M 1:29:33 (2/24); Half 1:48:32 (10/22); Marathon 4:29:58 (11/23)

          Upcoming races: Scotch Plains 5k, 6/12; Firecracker 4-miler, 7/4



          delicate flower

            Hey lol.  Time for a coolstorybro:


            So I drove to the track at 6:00 this morning only to find it chained up with a "CLOSED" sign on it.  Been running on that track for 10 years and this was the first time I've ever seen it closed.  So, I posed the question in the community facebook group and it turns out the track suffered extensive damage during all of the recent storms.  Supposedly it will be repaired this week.  I do have another track I can use in the meantime, but today I just headed over to the rail trail instead.  I had five miles on my schedule, but rounded up and did 10.  Felt good too!  55 degrees, just like wolvmar was going on about.



            Waltons ThreadLord

              Baboon - sorry to hear about your track.  The one I ran on this morning had some wood chips partially covering one of the turns - they had been washed off of an adjacent playground onto the track and I guess cleaning them off isn't a high priority since school doesn't start for another 2 days.

              5k 23:48.45 (3/22); 4M 31:26 (2/22); 5M 38:55 (11/23); 10k 49:24 (10/22); 
              10M 1:29:33 (2/24); Half 1:48:32 (10/22); Marathon 4:29:58 (11/23)

              Upcoming races: Scotch Plains 5k, 6/12; Firecracker 4-miler, 7/4



                8 slow miles.


                Jess runs for bacon

                  Got out for a mile today to see how my toe would hold up. Felt pretty good (and got another one of my credits in for the NYC Marathon 9+1. Treadmill comes today!


                    3 miles in 70F at 6am. Yuck. I didn't run at all while in Palm Springs (back in SD now) where it was like 85F as the overnight low.


                    I have not been sleeping well lately. I can fall asleep just fine but wake up between 3-5am and never get back to sleep.


                      I ran 5.


                      It wasn't quite 55 degrees out but around there.


                      Former Bad Ass

                        Got out for a mile today to see how my toe would hold up. Felt pretty good (and got another one of my credits in for the NYC Marathon 9+1. Treadmill comes today!


                        Which one?



                          5 in 55 ish.


                          Minutes? Degrees?


                          delicate flower

                            The Vermont City Marathon (Oct 24) has been cancelled....the HM and relays are still taking place though.  They are also offering good deferral options (choose from three other marathons or defer to 2022).






                              Minutes? Degrees?


                              I fixed it. 👍


                                The Vermont City Marathon (Oct 24) has been cancelled....the HM and relays are still taking place though.  They are also offering good deferral options (choose from three other marathons or defer to 2022).




                                What’s their explanation for canceling the marathon but not the others?

