Beginners and Beyond


Thoughts, Opinions and Basically a Cent or Two (Read 33 times)



    My mind is actually leaning towards no, to be honestalthough my heart is still wanting to argue and debate. but I am just trying to emphasize that the IMM is not a goal race but part of the training for a particular March or April race next year, (somehow I have to find a marathon for January). I don't necessarily need to do this one next month, I just really wanted to. WTF they couldn't have a 2 loop distance, a 28k if they don't like saying 17.4 miles. I mean seriously... a 6k distance, REALLY!

    I do try to go to bed early, but with a son who sometimes is so overstimulated with new creativities and other things, he's singing and chatting for hours even when we go to bed at 8 or 9 PM (like last night).

    Honestly, I was really hoping that signing up for IMM would stimulate MY mojo, back in the day when I never made excuses and always got up early no matter how much sleep, or got out in the afternoon or evening no matter the temperature, I find myself making more excuses these days still. Our CPA/Control guy is promising he can have me out of the office by January next year, which will give me more hours in the day to get runs in rather than always banking on early morning.

    My son is 7 now, and like 50-55 lbs so yeah I will normally run 3-6 miles with him in it but the last 2 times were awful hell due to it constantly pulling to the left, those days may be over. 

    And as for bulk of weekly mileage, I'm not really worried about it, I've read plenty of ultramarathoners books and articles where the LR is much more important, even if you can't get a lot of shorter runs in. But they also stress that the real importance is time on feet.

    Trails do not rough me up like road races or road running, I recover quicker from trail races than I do from road races although it is super tough during the actual race sometimes.

    I think part of the reason for my arguing or debating over this is that I am sick of dropping from races either due to life or my heart just not being in it  I can't tell you how many races I've signed up for and so far how many I've just said fuck it and didn't go to - either staying in bed or going out for a run by myself. It sucks, I'm all pumped when I'm signing up for the race, then over the weeks or months I find myself not giving a fuck about it at all. WTF is wrong with me?

    *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


    5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

    10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

    15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

    13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

     26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)
