Beginners and Beyond


2 Unlimited TuesDAILIES (Read 48 times)


    Hello everyone!


    Heading out for 4 easy miles this morning.  With less then two weeks to go, I'm officially descending into taper anxiety.   Sluggish runs, phantom pains, stressing over race-day logistics, you name it, I got it.  I'm definitely more worried about #2, than I was about the first one, I think because I'm more focused on trying to get the best time I"m capable of, rather than just running it to finish and have fun.  

    Life is good.


      Supp peeps, speed work is done!


      2 X 1200 @ 10k pace - 6:51 average

      2 X 1000 @ 5k pace - 6:23 average

      2 X 800 @ mile pace - 6:01 average


      7.8 miles total with warm up, recoveries, and cool down and a kick ass way to start the day!


      This summer is moving right along, take care to smell the flowers!


      Well it looks like I will not be joining you at Detroit this fall. Not sure what I was waiting for, but registration is now full. Arrgh! I had been periodically checking the registration-meter on their site, seemed like it was pretty wide open last I looked, but had not checked for a couple weeks. I was reminded when a FB friend posted that she just registered (for the half) before the price went up today; I went to the site and it was too late. So I guess I need to find something else in the fall. Grand Rapids again maybe, for a chance to avenge my defeat there last year? We'll see.



      Team TJ

        5.4 mi.le run done this morning.  Finally feeling like my running is getting back on track.


        Have a great day everyone.

        Running for TJ because he can't.



        Former Bad Ass


          Well it looks like I will not be joining you at Detroit this fall. Not sure what I was waiting for, but registration is now full. Arrgh! I had been periodically checking the registration-meter on their site, seemed like it was pretty wide open last I looked, but had not checked for a couple weeks. I was reminded when a FB friend posted that she just registered (for the half) before the price went up today; I went to the site and it was too late. So I guess I need to find something else in the fall. Grand Rapids again maybe, for a chance to avenge my defeat there last year? We'll see.



          Ugh! Sorry about that. That will teach you never to wait, but it sucks!  Lately, all races are filling up too fast, especially Certified and BQ courses.



          Run to live; live to run

            Dave I think Detroit filled fast last year too.  Funny the year I ran it was not full.  Things have changed the last few years for sure.


            Back from the acupuncturist.  I'm thinking that my hip is good.  We shall see when I run tomorrow.  I will go back on Thursday before my flight to tune it up a bit.


            Now I am also thinking I will throw my time goal out the window for the marathon and save it for November.  I'll just run this one easy I think.



               Well it looks like I will not be joining you at Detroit this fall. Not sure what I was waiting for, but registration is now full.


              They are allowing registration transfers up until August 1st.  Post a transfer request on their facebook page and/or keep an eye out for anyone willing to transfer there.


              You'll get in, people drop out all the time.


              By the way, they broke a record this year for how fast it sold out.  Last year, you could still register the week of their August deadline.


                 Lately, all races are filling up too fast, especially Certified and BQ courses.


                No doubt a result of the events in Boston.  Now, everyone wants to run a marathon.


                  3.07 in 30:09





                  Do you even run?


                    4 miles this AM and will likely do a few more later at my son's practice. interesting about races filling up so quickly now. i did get into st. george for later this year and did not expect to get in.


                    SIAR; LRB - nice speedwork.

                    marathon pr - 3:16


                      3.07 in 30:09






                      Hurray, she's back!



                      delicate flower

                        Hi Kay!



                          Hi guys.  Just poking my head in.  Miss you all. Smile

                          Do you even run?



                            Now I am also thinking I will throw my time goal out the window for the marathon and save it for November.  I'll just run this one easy I think.


                            Marjorie, I may be with you on that for mine this weekend. For me, not so much for physical reasons, but because it is only now sinking in that (1) this is a somewhat hilly course, and (2) it may be warm - not too bad by any other standard, but not ideal for marathon pace. (I mean, who schedules one of these things in June??) Not that I couldn't have foreseen these things a long time ago, but was just more worried about being trained rather than the race itself. I'm new at this....



                            They are allowing registration transfers up until August 1st.  Post a transfer request on their facebook page and/or keep an eye out for anyone willing to transfer there.


                            You'll get in, people drop out all the time.


                            Thanks, I hope so. I figured that might be the case, I already sent them an email, & I just liked their FB page, so I can try to work through that. Not sure whether they get in the middle of any of the transfers, or if it is just up to the individuals.



                              Hey everyone!


                              Dropped the truck off to get inspected and ran back home, just like I did in Feb with my wife's car (except I didn't step in a pipe and almost break my leg this time lol).  I absolutely love that I can do that, it just blows me away when I think about it.  In the past, the thought never even would have been entertained, now it's the obvious and most logical answer.


                              This was also my first very public shirtless run.  I've had a couple of shirtless runs prior, one through the neighborhood with minimal traffic, and one at night a few days ago.  It's so much more comfortable with the heat, and you don't have to worry about chafing.  So today I decided I was just going to stop caring, I dropped off the truck, took off my shirt and ran down the busiest road in the area, at lunchtime no less.  And you know what, I'm pretty sure no one cared, no one honked or said anything, and I was as comfortable as you can be in the midday heat.  Smile  This might not seem like a big deal to some, but as a former fat guy, being shirtless in public was something I used to dread.


                              Hope everyone has a great day!!


                              My running blog

                              Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!


                              Run to live; live to run

                                Dave my best marathon was in June!  Washington state Vancouver a few years ago. Loved that race. This one there will be one heat and hills. I'm okay with it. I should still PR but I'm not going to race. Just run it. And depends on if my hip says okay let's go.

