Beginners and Beyond

Wednesdaylies on the 28th (Read 37 times)



    Oh, and it's pretty early, but I'm starting to get a little terrified.


    I totally get it


      I ran 14 with 4 x (3k at half marathon effort / 1k easy)... it was only supposed to be 13 but I miscalculated how far I had to run home after the last one 


        I ran 14 with 4 x (3k at half marathon effort / 1k easy)... it was only supposed to be 13 but I miscalculated how far I had to run home after the last one 


        Nice workout.


          I ran 14 with 4 x (3k at half marathon effort / 1k easy)... it was only supposed to be 13 but I miscalculated how far I had to run home after the last one 


          This is why you're fast.




            Get it over with early!


            Good plan.

            If I can't be a whiny baby here, where can I be? Does not help that there is a bunch of life & work shit going on, and training lately has been been very lackluster. Also as of right now, DW & the kids are planning to come along for the weekend. I'd sort of rather they didn't, but couldn't figure out how to say that. You people understand why, but non-runners not so much.



            Super B****


              Good plan.

              If I can't be a whiny baby here, where can I be? Does not help that there is a bunch of life & work shit going on, and training lately has been been very lackluster. Also as of right now, DW & the kids are planning to come along for the weekend. I'd sort of rather they didn't, but couldn't figure out how to say that. You people understand why, but non-runners not so much.


              Can't say that's the sort of problem I've ever encountered or ever will encounter!  But if that's how you feel, that's how you feel.  Whine away.

              chasing the impossible


              because i never shut up ... i blog

              Half Crazy K 2.0

                Upper body weights. Glad I didn't run, the skies opened around 6. We need the rain, but 4-6 inches in three days is a little much.



                  Good plan.

                  If I can't be a whiny baby here, where can I be? Does not help that there is a bunch of life & work shit going on, and training lately has been been very lackluster. Also as of right now, DW & the kids are planning to come along for the weekend. I'd sort of rather they didn't, but couldn't figure out how to say that. You people understand why, but non-runners not so much.


                  Damn. Oh well, the worse that can happen is that you nail the race, because you can do bad all by yourself.

                  :yes, I realize that's a stretch, but it doesn't stop me from doing what I do:



                    This is why you're fast.


                    You're just as fast as I am



                      Good plan.

                      If I can't be a whiny baby here, where can I be? Does not help that there is a bunch of life & work shit going on, and training lately has been been very lackluster. Also as of right now, DW & the kids are planning to come along for the weekend. I'd sort of rather they didn't, but couldn't figure out how to say that. You people understand why, but non-runners not so much.


                      I get that. It's nice they care but sometimes it's easier just to worry about yourself



                        Good plan.

                        If I can't be a whiny baby here, where can I be? Does not help that there is a bunch of life & work shit going on, and training lately has been been very lackluster. Also as of right now, DW & the kids are planning to come along for the weekend. I'd sort of rather they didn't, but couldn't figure out how to say that. You people understand why, but non-runners not so much.


                        Again, I totally get it.

                        Hip Redux

                          The weather for my 14 mile trail run this weekend - 68 degrees, periods of rain and 95% humidity.  BOO




                            Good plan.

                            If I can't be a whiny baby here, where can I be? Does not help that there is a bunch of life & work shit going on, and training lately has been been very lackluster. Also as of right now, DW & the kids are planning to come along for the weekend. I'd sort of rather they didn't, but couldn't figure out how to say that. You people understand why, but non-runners not so much.


                            I get that. You are nervous as it is and then have to worry about people other than yourself.  Maybe the training not to your liking will translate to a great race day. It's like the old saying in the theatre about a bad dress rehearsal meaning a great opening night.


                            6 miles for me Monday and today. I forgot to check in on Monday.



                              I get that. You are nervous as it is and then have to worry about people other than yourself.  Maybe the training not to your liking will translate to a great race day. It's like the old saying in the theatre about a bad dress rehearsal meaning a great opening night.


                              6 miles for me Monday and today. I forgot to check in on Monday.


                              New streak?


                                The weather for my 14 mile trail run this weekend - 68 degrees, periods of rain and 95% humidity.  BOO


                                Is that a race distance or just a run? Not that 14 miles is just an anything, but you know what I'm saying