Beginners and Beyond

Insipid ThursDAILIES (Read 39 times)


Super B****

    25 trainer miles.  Didn't even look at my log before that uploaded.

    chasing the impossible


    because i never shut up ... i blog


    delicate flower

      Eric says to start a thread in the support forum if you notice anything wrong.



        For example, this shows my last 6 months.  And the first were similar.  That includes the runs I don't put time/pace.  Yet, the average for the year is way different.


        December: 144.1 mi 19:20:36 10:31 / mi
        November: 148.7 mi 18:35:33 10:23 / mi
        October: 253.3 mi 38:43:06 10:27 / mi
        September: 233.3 mi 36:51:53 10:20 / mi
        August: 232.2 mi 39:50:33 10:29 / mi
        July: 206.2 mi 29:42:17 10:52 / mi


        But for the yearly total it takes the miles that you logged and the time that you logged. So say you logged 2500 miles but only 2000 had time.  And then it divides that to get your pace.  So it thinks you ran all those miles in the time that you logged (it doesn't add time for the runs where you didn't log time, but it still counts those in total miles for this formula). So you get an inaccurate pace if you are logging runs without time.


        Former Bad Ass

          True, but you think it would be similar to the paces each week (that already count the total miles, including those without time/pace).  Because the weekly has those runs too.  I just find it weird that the difference is that large when weekly, it calculates using the same formula.


          I forgot to mention that my massage therapist found the same fucking rib still out of place.  This time, it hurt more to move it. Ouch.



             I just find it weird that the difference is that large when weekly, it calculates using the same formula.



            It does not use the same formula. That's what I'm trying to tell you.


            And this isn't a new issue. It has always been that way.


            Former Bad Ass

              Ack, I was going on the premise that it used the same formula, so, nevermind, ha.




                I am just glad my stuff is still there, even if I could've sworn I was over 6,000 but thinking about it now that is impossible as I had only just reached 5,000 towards the beginning of Fall. I think I posted about it...... somewhere.

                *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                 26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


                delicate flower

                  I am running a freaking 5k in 2.5 hours. 


                  This should be completed by now.  Where's the online tracking?  Where are the results?  WHERE!!!




                    This should be completed by now.  Where's the online tracking?  Where are the results?  WHERE!!!


                    20:39 because I suck. 


                    Super B****


                      20:39 because I suck. 


                      Wanna trade??

                      chasing the impossible


                      because i never shut up ... i blog


                        11 difficult miles because of the loose thick snow on the ground.

                        265 miles for December

                        2712 miles for 2015


                          Doing a midnight trail run tonight.  The running club is meeting to run up a hill, to celebrate the new year at the top.  Then we run down.  That's one way to get some extra 2016 miles in, right?  It's supposed to be in the mid-20s tonight, and I haven't run outside in a couple of weeks (because the trail by my house is still flooded), so I guess I'd better bundle up!


                            Went back and read the thread. You all right now FS?


                            Onemile, what's sucky about that? I don't get it.



                              20:39 because even if I am not going to get a PR, I will make damn sure to beat Dave's PR by 1 second, just to rub it in. 


                              FYP. Nice job for a race that I'm guessing was not in ideal weather conditions.

                              Splits? AG placing? Swag report for Baboon? C'mon, man!


                              Half Crazy K 2.0

                                5.1 plus biceos and core.


                                Onemile, that's fast in my book.