Beginners and Beyond

Tuesday Snowdailies (Read 32 times)



    Looking at another marathon option: North Olympic Discovery Marathon on 6/4. 


    Well I went & booked a hotel room. It's totally refundable, so it's not a commitment, but it's something.

    DW even said she would come with. Since that day is our anniversary and all.


    Half Crazy K 2.0


      Senility hits some early.

      We had a treadmill in the house for a while. DW would get kind of disgusted because that thing would be covered with sweat.

      It was a real cheapo POS, something like $300 at Wal-Mart, clearly designed for walking. I'm sure I would've busted the thing given more time.


      Yea, the ones designed for walking don't hold up well to running. One of the neighbor's asked DH to help in take a treadmill (working) to the dump. It wound up in our basement. Didn't survive long. Current treadmill is from the same neighbors, same situation. They just put their house on the market. DH was asked to help take yet another treadmill to the dump--I was hoping to upgrade, but this one was broken. Not that it will excite runners, but we now have a set of dumbbells ranging from 5-40 lbs courtesy of the move. I need to make a trip to Goodwill to donate the old ones to make room in the gym.



        Well I went & booked a hotel room. It's totally refundable, so it's not a commitment, but it's something.

        DW even said she would come with. Since that day is our anniversary and all.


        I looked at the elevation chart. I suck at translating them to real life but it didn't look too terrible




          It's $4 if you aren't a member of the running club. But to get the $2 price you just have to say "I'm a striders member" (I actually am)



            Well I went & booked a hotel room. It's totally refundable, so it's not a commitment, but it's something.

            DW even said she would come with. Since that day is our anniversary and all.


            Hooray MARATHON.



              It's $4 if you aren't a member of the running club. But to get the $2 price you just have to say "I'm a striders member" (I actually am)


              $4 would be like stealing. You're fortunate!


              Say, send some warm weather this way would ya?,



                $4 would be like stealing. You're fortunate!


                Say, send some warm weather this way would ya?,


                DO YOU THINK I HAVE IT?? It was 16 this morning and got up to 25 I think.



                  I looked at the elevation chart. I suck at translating them to real life but it didn't look too terrible


                  Ha. I am worthless at this. But yeah, that was my take. FWIW, I use the time converter tool on

                  Victoria Marathon in 3:28:55

                    North Olympic Discovery Marathon
                  Comparable Finish Time  3:29:05
                  Course Time Difference -0:01:24
                  Weather Time Difference +0:01:34
                  Total Time Difference +0:00:10


                  Faster course, slower weather, net dead even. I'd rather have this combination anyway, because you never know what you're going to get with weather. And at least they have the good sense to start at 7:30; Victoria started at a WTF 8:45.

                  (FTR, before Zel says it, Newport is rated comfortably faster than both.)



                    I've finally commited financially to the May 21st half. The one in April's price has gone up to a ridiculous $75 + tx + registration fees. The one in May is a more reasonable $49 +tx + fees. $63 total. Lots of people I know will be running both the full and the half.  Of course temps are risky, but hey, if it's warm, my finish time will be slower and that's all.


                       DO YOU THINK I HAVE IT??


                      A boy can hope can he not?!




                      The temps in the teens along with high winds just make it miserable for running in the morning darkness. But I can't even do that because asking for 6 or 7 miles worth of passable sidewalks is apparently asking for too much.


                        Since we are talking about races. I was planning to run a 5k on Saturday. It is one I ran last year that is flat and accurately measured, put on by a running club. But the forecast looks like it's going to be windy (gusts to 30mph). Should I even bother?


                        My plan was to run two 5k's this spring - the other is April 29th. If I don't do this one, I will just wait til then because I ran too many stupid hilly short courses last year so I only want to do ones I know are good


                          I've finally commited financially to the May 21st half. The one in April's price has gone up to a ridiculous $75 + tx + registration fees. The one in May is a more reasonable $49 +tx + fees. $63 total. Lots of people I know will be running both the full and the half.  Of course temps are risky, but hey, if it's warm, my finish time will be slower and that's all.


                          I will pray for cold weather that day

                          (because I am also running a half)


                            Since we are talking about races. I was planning to run a 5k on Saturday. It is one I ran last year that is flat and accurately measured, put on by a running club. But the forecast looks like it's going to be windy (gusts to 30mph). Should I even bother?


                            My plan was to run two 5k's this spring - the other is April 29th. If I don't do this one, I will just wait til then because I ran too many stupid hilly short courses last year so I only want to do ones I know are good


                            That's horrible. I could barely jog in that shit let alone race. What are the expected temps?



                              That's horrible. I could barely jog in that shit let alone race. What are the expected temps?


                              32 degrees.

                              The course is all directions like this and the wind is north west

                              Sounds like I should just skip it.


                                I've finally commited financially to the May 21st half. The one in April's price has gone up to a ridiculous $75 + tx + registration fees. The one in May is a more reasonable $49 +tx + fees. $63 total. Lots of people I know will be running both the full and the half.  Of course temps are risky, but hey, if it's warm, my finish time will be slower and that's all.


                                WOOT! Goal?
