Beginners and Beyond

Where there's a will, there's WednesDAILIES (Read 45 times)




    While my which fucking day is it? internal clock is still jacked up thanks to an extended break from work (a break that saw me order a pair of shoes, two LED running lights and three singlets from three different stores over 4 days FFS), the fact that we are only two days away from the start of another weekend makes it tolerable.


    Currently it's darker than the tint on the presidential Escalade outside, as such I'm gonna jog 3 miles up to the track, then run around in circles on it.


    So what's up with you today, yo?

    Little Blue

      There is not enough coffee.  Last night sucked even worse than the one before.  Ah, well, one does not have to be fully awake to pull weeds.


      RD except a walk with my friend.  I ran three consecutive days, which I don't often do, and my feet are feeling it.


      Former Bad Ass

        Morning!  I have 10 with 6 at MP tonight. It's hideous out there already, as usual. Bah.



        delicate flower

          'Morning!!  Back to work after five days off.  I did NOT like getting up at 5:30 this morning...not one little bit.  40 minute run on today's schedule.  I am beginning a mini-taper now for Sunday's HM.



            It's hideous out there already, as usual. Bah.


            Pics or it didn't happen!

              MLR of some sort, a TON of housework that has been undone for seemingly months due to time constraints, and a race tonight.


                I did 5 x 1000's.


                I started moderately then worked my way down to an effort I haven't run with the smoothness I did today in months.


                The focus was there, the purpose was there. The result was my best track session in forever.


                  Was supposed to run 10 at MP at luch break, and might still do it, but might also postpone it until tonight or tomorrow just because of this damn humidity that just won't quit. Go back south to Damaris, humidity!


                    I did 5 x 1000's.


                    I started moderately then worked my way down to an effort I haven't run with the smoothness I did today in months.


                    The focus was there, the purpose was there. The result was my best track session in forever.


                    That's cool! Pretty steady pacing. You're back at my 5K speed now. Looking good!


                    Barking Mad To Run

                      Rest day for me today.  Usually Monday is my rest day, but since I did that 5-miler on Monday, I am taking today as my rest day as I got in a run yesterday also and my legs are still a tad sore.  My wife returned last night from a stressful trip to her family home - her parents are having some health issues - and went to bed around 6 pm last night, she was so exhausted.  When I left for work this morning at 6 a.m. she was still sleeping.  Good thing she has all this week off so she can get herself rejuvenated.


                      Sep 9 is Runner Selfie Day!  Post your selfie!


                       photo 107_zpsjceqmhnw.jpg



                       photo 113_zpsotjfmxyj.jpg

                      "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                        We got our cool off! 55* felt fanTASTIC! 6 miles done; tonight I'll add an hour of martial arts.

                        20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


                        Super B****

                          8 (AlterG).


                          I was going to hit up the Paragon Warehouse Sale this morning, but the line just to get in the door went halfway down the block and wrapped around the corner.  No thank you.

                          chasing the impossible


                          because i never shut up ... i blog


                            Good morning all!!


                            Short crappy run this morning (felt fine, very poor air quality and just wasn't feeling it at all, so I cut it short), speed work this evening.


                            Hope everyone has a great day! Smile


                            My running blog

                            Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!


                            Former Bad Ass


                              Pics or it didn't happen!


                              You asked!  This was a little bit after 7am.  It's been like that forever.




                              Former Bad Ass

                                Was supposed to run 10 at MP at luch break, and might still do it, but might also postpone it until tonight or tomorrow just because of this damn humidity that just won't quit. Go back south to Damaris, humidity!


                                I saw your humidity and it didn't sound so bad after this shit down here in the last few months.  But yes, go somewhere else because I'll be there next week!!!!
