Beginners and Beyond

Where there's a will, there's WednesDAILIES (Read 45 times)


    Slept in today in because thunderstorms.  Apparently I'm running the training plan that calls for a taper right in the middle of it.  Smile


    5k - 20:51 - 9/5/15

    10k - 47:00 - 5/25/15

    15k - 1:10:19 - 11/21/15

    13.1 - 1:42:25- 4/25/15

    26.2 - TBD (someday)


      I did 5 x 1000's.


      I started moderately then worked my way down to an effort I haven't run with the smoothness I did today in months.


      The focus was there, the purpose was there. The result was my best track session in forever.





        I saw your humidity and it didn't sound so bad after this shit down here in the last few months.  But yes, go somewhere else because I'll be there next week!!!!


        Hehehe, I know that this is nothing. I've been in New Orleans in June in 2010, and I think they have similar weather as where you live, and the humidity is on a whole other level. Not even close.

        But I still prefer running in less humidity, and this is very humid for September this far north. And with my marathon coming, I'm getting a little nervous.

        From the Internet.

          5.6 miles done, shockingly enough.


          I set out on one of my usual routes thinking it was only about 5 miles or a bit less, and I'd have a nice cooldown walk at the end. It's been so long since I've run that far that I realized around mile 3.5 that it's actually more like 5.7 miles when I take the short way back home, and I didn't leave the house early enough stop at 5 miles and walk the rest if I was going to get home in time for husband to leave for work. I survived, it was good Smile


          It was a very eventful run in terms of animals - I ran through a flock of turkeys, startled a deer, scolded two fighting cats and they stopped fighting and went their separate ways.


          Former Bad Ass


            Hehehe, I know that this is nothing. I've been in New Orleans in June in 2010, and I think they have similar weather as where you live, and the humidity is on a whole other level. Not even close.

            But I still prefer running in less humidity, and this is very humid for September this far north. And with my marathon coming, I'm getting a little nervous.


            I really hope it leaves before we land.  Ugh.  FE!



              Tempo for me tonight.  Gonna dial back the paces a bit this week.




                So I shower, get dressed then make a big ass Jethro Bodine size bowl of Cheerios. To which I add a sliced banana and two tablespoons of honey only to find there wasn't a single drop of Silk in my fridge FFS.

                I think I ran faster through Kroger than I did at the track. Big grin


                  Tempo for me tonight.  Gonna dial back the paces a bit this week.


                  What's the workout, or is it with the group and not posted yet?


                  Super B****


                    So I shower, get dressed then make a big ass Jethro Bodine size bowl of Cheerios. To which I add a sliced banana and two tablespoons of honey only to find there wasn't a single drop of Silk in my fridge FFS.

                    I think I ran faster through Kroger than I did at the track. Big grin


                    But how did you peel the banana?

                    chasing the impossible


                    because i never shut up ... i blog



                      Hehehe, I know that this is nothing. I've been in New Orleans in June in 2010, and I think they have similar weather as where you live, and the humidity is on a whole other level. Not even close.

                      But I still prefer running in less humidity, and this is very humid for September this far north. And with my marathon coming, I'm getting a little nervous.


                      I ran in an older pair of DS Racers because I JUST washed this year's training pair Sunday, and knew they would get drenched with sweat again and that is exactly what happened.


                      It's almost over thankfully though....for those of us north of Miami that is. Big grin



                        But how did you peel the banana?



                        5k - 20:51 - 9/5/15

                        10k - 47:00 - 5/25/15

                        15k - 1:10:19 - 11/21/15

                        13.1 - 1:42:25- 4/25/15

                        26.2 - TBD (someday)


                           But how did you peel the banana?


                          Bottoms up baby. Smile


                            'Morning!!  Back to work after five days off.  I did NOT like getting up at 5:30 this morning...not one little bit.  40 minute run on today's schedule.  I am beginning a mini-taper now for Sunday's HM.


                            Glad to be able to sleep IN till 5:30 today, because SRD. Actually slept pretty well, because drugs. Would be nice to even sleep later, but prefer not to, because traffic. When I get up at 5/leave at 5:30 it's about 30 min; when I get up at 5:30/leave at 6:00 it's already up to 45 min and starting to get pretty ugly. I haven't tried later. It's about an hour in the evening no matter what time I leave, so I like to at least try to minimize it in the morning. I know a lot of people have been dealing with this shit for years, but I got really spoiled with my 12 minute commute in MI. Wah wah wah.


                            Anyway, I still kind of feel like crap, and not really sure whether it's a cold or allergies. Either way it better go away pretty quickly, or I'm gonna be pissed.



                            Former Bad Ass


                              So I shower, get dressed then make a big ass Jethro Bodine size bowl of Cheerios. To which I add a sliced banana and two tablespoons of honey only to find there wasn't a single drop of Silk in my fridge FFS.

                              I think I ran faster through Kroger than I did at the track. Big grin


                              Very disappointing!  I would cry.



                                5.6 miles done, shockingly enough.


                                I set out on one of my usual routes thinking it was only about 5 miles or a bit less, and I'd have a nice cooldown walk at the end. It's been so long since I've run that far that I realized around mile 3.5 that it's actually more like 5.7 miles when I take the short way back home, and I didn't leave the house early enough stop at 5 miles and walk the rest if I was going to get home in time for husband to leave for work. I survived, it was good Smile


                                It was a very eventful run in terms of animals - I ran through a flock of turkeys, startled a deer, scolded two fighting cats and they stopped fighting and went their separate ways.




                                Nice run!