Beginners and Beyond

Where there's a will, there's WednesDAILIES (Read 45 times)

Slymoon Runs

race obsessed


    It's what we didn't do. Not enough dirty talk.







    At last check she was gonna post a pic of her new pink shoes when they arrived. That she hasn't yet one can only conclude they are still in transit.





    I didn't even have to read the thread to figure who this was...




    here is some bait  Wink



    Super B****



      So what's this Paragon Warehouse about blue?


      Paragon Sports, you know?  This.

      chasing the impossible


      because i never shut up ... i blog



        Almond, Cashew, Coconut, mix or other?


        If I must I do not mind coconut milk, the rest can stay tastefully packed back into the nut/ seed it was processed from.  To which I will eat and enjoy.


        Other: Silk Unsweetened, it's in the green carton.


        It has the highest amount of protein for like products which is an important variable for me.


        I have tried coconut milk and it goes great with cereal. I've tried many others as well and settled on the unsweetened because the taste isn't fake and it's actually not bad for what it is.


        Super B****


          Other: Silk Unsweetened, it's in the green carton.



          So... soy. 

          chasing the impossible


          because i never shut up ... i blog


          Former Bad Ass


            Paragon Sports, you know?  This.


            Never heard of it.



            Former Bad Ass




                So... soy. 


                Yes. And unlike dairy milk, it's predictable.  If you know what I mean.




                Super B****


                  Yes. And unlike dairy milk, it's predictable.  If you know what I mean.




                  I was going to say I've never had that happen from dairy milk... but it's been, like, half a lifetime since I've had dairy milk, and I'm too old to remember that far back.


                  Silk was my favorite once.  I can't have it anymore (they're marked dairy now).  Sob sob sniff sniff.

                  chasing the impossible


                  because i never shut up ... i blog



                    I was going to say I've never had that happen from dairy milk... but it's been, like, half a lifetime since I've had dairy milk, and I'm too old to remember that far back.


                    Silk was my favorite once.  I can't have it anymore (they're marked dairy now).  Sob sob sniff sniff.


                    A lot of people have no issues with milk, the lactose in it (apparently) is lethal to me though. It took years before I actually figured it out.


                    Why is Silk labeled as dairy? Is it manufactured in a facility with milk and someone complained about it?

                    Slymoon Runs

                    race obsessed


                      A lot of people have no issues with milk, the lactose in it (apparently) is lethal to me though. It took years before I actually figured it out.


                      Why is Silk labeled as dairy? Is it manufactured in a facility with milk and someone complained about it?


                      Isn't that the way of our society?

                      Slymoon Runs

                      race obsessed

                        Being on the Executive PTA board, I have found all sorts of inane shit.



                        There are an allotment of 'non-nutrition' days.

                        ie:  days that the kids can have something not considered nutrition - candy, pizza, etc.

                        In our district that number is 6 days for the year.  They must be scheduled, they must be approved, the food type items must pass inspection and approval.


                        In concert with that approval: all allergies must be taken into account.  (or at least the most common ones)

                        ie: gluten free, dairy free, sugar free  etc....


                          Well, it's official: I just started my taper 30 minutes ago. I don't believe in taper madness, so I guess I'll find out for myself 


                          Ran 12 with 10 at 7:15 ish. Ran it inside as there was some A/C today. It's a city owned sports center and the people who work there have no control over the A/C. Almost all summer it was turned off. But today it was on. It was not as cool as a runner would like, but it was maybe 70-72 with little humidity. And with my foot pod calibrated perfectly at MP, I'm very happy with this workout.


                          10 days of easy running coming up!!!


                          Super B****


                            A lot of people have no issues with milk, the lactose in it (apparently) is lethal to me though. It took years before I actually figured it out.


                            Why is Silk labeled as dairy? Is it manufactured in a facility with milk and someone complained about it?


                            Nobody complained about it... it's standard policy.  How would anyone know it's manufactured on dairy equipment if they didn't tell you?  (Unless someone is that allergic to dairy and had a reaction, in which case... can you blame them for complaining?!)

                            chasing the impossible


                            because i never shut up ... i blog


                              Well, it's official: I just started my taper 30 minutes ago. I don't believe in taper madness, so I guess I'll find out for myself 



                              Just wait until you have that 5 miler you can barely finish and your foot randomly starts hurting. And wait, have you checked the weather forecast? 


                                Scheduled rest day today.


                                I got my flu shot during lunch, just to anger the anti-vaccination people.  Woo hoo!

                                You got 'em.  Let the anticipation begin.