Beginners and Beyond

Where there's a will, there's WednesDAILIES (Read 45 times)



    Just wait until you have that 5 miler you can barely finish and your foot randomly starts hurting. And wait, have you checked the weather forecast? 


    And you get the flu.



    Former Bad Ass


      A lot of people have no issues with milk, the lactose in it (apparently) is lethal to me though. It took years before I actually figured it out.


      Why is Silk labeled as dairy? Is it manufactured in a facility with milk and someone complained about it?


      I am not lactose intolerant but after switching to soy/almond milk when I was first a vegetarian helped my asthma and stomach a lot.  And then I asked the doctor and she said people with asthma should not drink milk.  Figures.



        I got my flu shot during lunch, just to anger the anti-vaccination people.  Woo hoo!


        That'll do it. lol


           And wait, have you checked the weather forecast? 


          He should've done it 22,653 times by now.


            Bah, 10 days in advance they pretty much predict the average for that day of the past 100 years. Not much of a forecast.


              Bah, 10 days in advance they pretty much predict the average for that day of the past 100 years. Not much of a forecast.


              So you haven't checked it yet?  


                Bah, 10 days in advance they pretty much predict the average for that day of the past 100 years. Not much of a forecast.



                I don't know who you are.



                  So you haven't checked it yet?  


                  It's blasphemy. He's a brother from another mother, clearly.



                    So you haven't checked it yet?  


                     Of course I have 


                    I just have not started to bite my nails yet. But that has nothing to do with taper, yo. It is just race stress.

                    Half Crazy K 2.0

                      Being on the Executive PTA board, I have found all sorts of inane shit.



                      There are an allotment of 'non-nutrition' days.

                      ie:  days that the kids can have something not considered nutrition - candy, pizza, etc.

                      In our district that number is 6 days for the year.  They must be scheduled, they must be approved, the food type items must pass inspection and approval.


                      In concert with that approval: all allergies must be taken into account.  (or at least the most common ones)

                      ie: gluten free, dairy free, sugar free  etc....


                      Fortunately not my job, but we send out permission slips for any special food events where parents check what their kid can and cannot eat. Granted it's a special needs setting.....



                        And you get the flu.


                        I don't get the flu before a race. You trying to cast a bad spell on me? Don't talk like that. 



                           Of course I have 


                          I just have not started to bite my nails yet. But that has nothing to do with taper, yo. It is just race stress.


                          'ATTA BOY.


                          I was looking at you sideways there for a minute.



                            I don't get the flu before a race. You trying to cast a bad spell on me? Don't talk like that. 


                            I have never gotten sick pre-race before. I always save it for post-race.  But I still am paranoid about it!

                            Half Crazy K 2.0

                              Scheduled rest day today.


                              I got my flu shot during lunch, just to anger the anti-vaccination people.  Woo hoo!

                              My work says I have to get one if I want to continue working there. They give 'em for free and even give out candy afterwards.






                                At last check she was gonna post a pic of her new pink shoes when they arrived. That she hasn't yet one can only conclude they are still in transit.


                                I'm just being quiet and lurking lately. After a debate with myself this past weekend I decided to take a few days off from running, as I've begun to wake up stiff in my upper right quad, hell this morning it was everywhere in my right leg from hip to knee  I just didn't want to say anything, I am in denial and I know most will say the IMM isn't going to happen this year, and I don't want to hear it 

                                I am feeling better now, I've been foam rolling like crazy and icing and taking it easy, I've got a massage tonight,  told her my issues and I expect pain or discomfort at the least. I figured I was going to lurk and wait until I had good news, like waking up not stiff, and able to run without this kind of discomfort. I've actually been reading every post on the dailies since Monday, every single one which is rare for me. I am just depressed and angry with myself, I should've taken a few days off 3 weeks ago but didn't listen, hell there has been one huge sign almost everyday for the past 5-6 months.....but I ignored it 


                                Thanks for the kind thought Sly, but my mind doesn't even want to hang in the gutter right now.

                                *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                                5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                                10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                                15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                                13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                                 26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)