Beginners and Beyond

IMTPT (Read 1309 times)

    Marjorie, hope those dogs have been good this year.  Santa knows.

    Take Charge. Train Harder. Suck Less. No Excuses.


    Run to live; live to run

      They've been very good.


      Pics are on the daily thread and on fb



      Run to live; live to run

        No posts yesterday??


        Overcast and icky but warm.

        Just work stuff today.


          I guess we've talked about everything there is to talk about. Ha.


          For me, I'm working like a dog.  And have a very bad head and chest cold.  My wife's laptop harddrive fried yesterday morning and my snowblower seized up yesterday afternoon.  Just a bowl of cherries here.

          Take Charge. Train Harder. Suck Less. No Excuses.

          Wandering Wally

            Howdy all!  We were travelling Thanksgiving week and then I was buried at work when we got back.  Haven't been online much in two weeks other than a minimum presence on Facebook.


            How's everyone doing?


            Damaris - What brought you to Chicago?  It looks like you were enjoying the snow.  Cubs or White Sox?


            Van - Sorry about the HD.  Fortunately it's usually an easy part to replace.  Getting all the software and data back can be a major PITA though.  Hope you feel better soon.  My wife had the chest thing and it took her about 3 weeks to get over it.


            Marjorie - I saw the doggy pics with Santa Claus.  Very nice!  I got an iPhone for work last year.  I'm the boss, so I decided :-)  I like it very much.  I'm sure you will too.

            Run!  Just Run!


            Trail Runner Nation Podcast


            Former Bad Ass

              Mike, we were exploring it to see if we like to move here.  I liked it.  Don't think hubby did as much.


              trixie was hospitalized.  Suspected liver disease.  Hoping it's not cancer.  We get back to Miami tonight.


              Wandering Wally

                Certainly a lot to do in Chicago.  The culture is probably a bit different than Miami.  Best of luck as you look around at potential new places to settle.

                Run!  Just Run!


                Trail Runner Nation Podcast

                  Mike, sounds like you are busy!  I'm sure it will only get worse from here on out for a few months.


                  Damaris, was it the cold or the city that he doesn't like?

                  Take Charge. Train Harder. Suck Less. No Excuses.


                  Drink up moho's!!

                    Damaris, you looked WAY overdressed in your FB pic for your winter run.  Big grin


                    Well I still have not heard back from the Chattanooga position except that I know they are contacting my references.  So without hearing about them I had to keep pressing forward in other areas and as such I was up in Chicago at a hiring conference the last 2 days.  7 interviews today and I think 2 maybe 3 have potential.


                    Fibromyalgia Fighter


                      Relentless forward progress


                      Former Bad Ass

                        Damaris, you looked WAY overdressed in your FB pic for your winter run.  Big grin


                        Well I still have not heard back from the Chattanooga position except that I know they are contacting my references.  So without hearing about them I had to keep pressing forward in other areas and as such I was up in Chicago at a hiring conference the last 2 days.  7 interviews today and I think 2 maybe 3 have potential.


                        You migt think that but the windchill was actually less than 12F when we ran and the wind was 15-18mph.  I felt

                        chilly enough with my vest and long sleeve.


                        Today the feels like was 7 and I only wore a vest under my top and felt OK.  Loved it all the way through.  But he hates the cold for long term.



                        Run to live; live to run

                          Flight delayed. Crazy weather. Even with me going south can't control where the crew and planes are coming from.  At least I got called so I didn't get to the airport and have to sit for an extra 2 hours. Instead of 7 they moved us to 9.


                            Marjorie, hope you got out eventually.


                            Damaris, are there any other places that you are thinking?  Maybe something not as extreme as Chicago, but not as hot as Miami.


                            Doug, as always, hoping for the best.  Something has to be out there for you.

                            Take Charge. Train Harder. Suck Less. No Excuses.


                            Fibromyalgia Fighter

                              Morning. I have laundry to do today. Lots and lots of laundry....

                              Relentless forward progress

                                Me too Pam.

                                Take Charge. Train Harder. Suck Less. No Excuses.