Beginners and Beyond

Monday Dailies (Read 34 times)



    Great point. Unlike me, who has left almost as many races as I've stayed for for one reason or a dozen. lol


    The most egregious was a 5k in Lansing one year. I drove 70 minutes, registered, jogged 3 miles for a warm up, determined I wasn't feeling it, then got in my car and left. 


    Ha! I can't imagine doing that. I am pretty much never feeling it, but then race anyway. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't.



    delicate flower


      Ha! I can't imagine doing that. I am pretty much never feeling it, but then race anyway. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't.


      The only race I won was preceded by a lousy warm up.



        10 miles while waiting for my car. Found $40 at the start of my run. Ended the run at a cupcake store. I no longer have $40. 


        I guess I can't complain about the crisp 25 degree weather for my turkey trot.


        Why not? Join in the fun!



          Ha! I can't imagine doing that. I am pretty much never feeling it, but then race anyway. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't.

          +1 and I’m too much of a cheapskate to pay for a race and then not run it. When I had the pelvic stress fracture a few years back, but about a week before it was diagnosed, I had already registered for a 4th of July 5k and I just couldn’t not run it. It was 6 minutes slower than my PR and I’m sure it screwed me up even more, but I didn’t waste my $30 registration fee, haha.


          I never claimed to be smart. I just went on a 3 hour house cleaning spree in my boot and now my foot is throbbing.


            The only race I won was preceded by a lousy warm up.


            Here's to a lousy warm up Thursday! 🏆


              10 miles while waiting for my car. Found $40 at the start of my run. Ended the run at a cupcake store. I no longer have $40. 


              I guess I can't complain about the crisp 25 degree weather for my turkey trot.


              Complaining is a birthright in this country. 


                +1 and I’m too much of a cheapskate to pay for a race and then not run it. When I had the pelvic stress fracture a few years back, but about a week before it was diagnosed, I had already registered for a 4th of July 5k and I just couldn’t not run it. It was 6 minutes slower than my PR and I’m sure it screwed me up even more, but I didn’t waste my $30 registration fee, haha.


                I never claimed to be smart. I just went on a 3 hour house cleaning spree in my boot and now my foot is throbbing.


                Damn it...although it can sometimes mean nothing at all.


                delicate flower


                  Here's to a lousy warm up Thursday! 🏆


                  This race has a fast field.  There will be numerous people in the 16's and 17's.  I'm going for top three AG for a trophy.  19:48 wasn't fast enough when I ran this in 2016.  In 2015 I ran 19:12 and was 1 AG.


                  Half Crazy K 2.0

                    My gripe about the cold turkey's 1.7 miles from my house. I planned on running there and back. But now, not so sure since I may want more clothes to start


                      My gripe about the cold turkey's 1.7 miles from my house. I planned on running there and back. But now, not so sure since I may want more clothes to start


                      I'd just take off the extra clothes and set them down by a tree and put them back on after the race.  No one will take them.


                        My gripe about the cold turkey's 1.7 miles from my house. I planned on running there and back. But now, not so sure since I may want more clothes to start


                        You can a half mile to a mile at your house bundled up, then strip down and run there. That's actually what I did for my half (not the exact distances but the concept).



                          I'd just take off the extra clothes and set them down by a tree and put them back on after the race.  No one will take them.


                          Or that. 


                          Former Bad Ass

                            10 miles while waiting for my car. Found $40 at the start of my run. Ended the run at a cupcake store. I no longer have $40. 


                            I guess I can't complain about the crisp 25 degree weather for my turkey trot.


                            Our TT weather will be in the high 70s if not warmer.  Come on down!



                            Former Bad Ass

                              Not sure if I would leave any clothes on a route I'm running in.  Nor water for that matter.  I'll probably see some dude wearing my stuff before I have even return for them.


                              LRB, I would have stayed in bed or run the race after the lousy warmup.  I'm an all in or out kind of girl, lol.



                                My 10K Thursday has a starting temp of 29 and real feel of 20. I’ll take it. Should probably figure out what I’m wearing. I HATE being too warm when racing and usually err on the side of freezing my ass off a little before the start