Beginners and Beyond

In two words? ****** MonDAILIES (Read 44 times)



    I took 10 days off after my first and it was awesome.  6 days after my second and 4 this time but I was ready to get back at it physically but more importantly mentally, which some people overlook the mental aspect of it.


    My marathon last fall ruined me mentally for months.


    What is up next for you?



      My marathon last fall ruined me mentally for months.


      What is up next for you?


      A half marathon if things line up right (shh, I'm annoyingly secretive about those things ). I really don't know what to expect, I'm just going to do my best. I do know an NYCQ is out of the question so there won't be any worrying over that.


      Hopefully a 5k to finish the month which if today's tempo run is any indication, I may stink up the house something awful that day.  lol



        A half marathon if things line up right (shh, I'm annoyingly secretive about those things ). I really don't know what to expect, I'm just going to do my best. I do know an NYCQ is out of the question so there won't be any worrying over that.


        Hopefully a 5k to finish the month which if today's tempo run is any indication, I may stink up the house something awful that day.  lol


        What is your NYCQ time?




          I did some of that in Ohio, Cy, running around the indoor track at Wright-Patterson AFB during the winter.  Bored me so much I went out and invested in some winter gear and then just ran outside after that all the time, snow, rain, wind, whatever.  Dang cold at times...but at least I wasn't bored.    You have a lot more patience than I do, apparently.



          I ended up running outside, underdressed. They are making repairs in the center where the track is, and today they were building this metal structure, with soldering and metal buffing right next to the track. After 2 laps, I had enough. Went outside in about 1-2 C (38-40 F) and pretty strong winds in shorts and T-Shirt for a recovery run. After 4.5 miles, I was still dry. Sweat glands were too cold to function properly Smile


             What is your NYCQ time?


            1:25 half, 2:58 marathon. The half is a pace of 6:30.



              1:25 half, 2:58 marathon. The half is a pace of 6:30.


              Didn't know NYCQ was tougher than BQ. Heck, I didn't even know NYCQ existed...


                After 4.5 miles, I was still dry. 


                Those are actually the best runs. I was dressed like a cheap trick myself this morning.  



                  Those are actually the best runs. 


                  Meh. Maybe with arm warmers. Or maybe if today would have been a tempo run day.

                  From the Internet.

                    Evening friends! Busy day. Managed to get in 4.1 miles, longest run since surgery Smile


                    Former Bad Ass



                      The temperature got inverted between NY and Miami. LOL.



                        Sending healing and recovery vibes to everyone who raced over the weekend or is injured!


                        Me? I am mentally committing to a sub-4 marathon the first weekend of June 2015 at the Sandhills Marathon. I think I have about 5 people I went to high school with willing to come run the half or marathon there. It is near where we all grew up. The challenges? Get my mileage back where it needs to be, reintroduce speedwork, and lose 15 pounds. Oh yeah, I will also need to stay up 'til midnight New Year's Eve, because the two races are capped at, I think, 150 people total and filled in 22 hours last year.


                        So this morning, I ran to and from the group run for 10.7 miles total.


                        That is great news Step.  Let the journey begin!


                        Good luck with taper madness Boon!  For what it is worth the general consensus amongst most runners is 10 days to 2 weeks is just about right.


                        Cats are cool Scotty, even for dogs.  Wink


                        Walking is actually pretty good recovery post-marathon FS, at least for me.


                        'Sup TO!


                          31 miles for me last week. It doesn't seem like much but I will take it. Baby steps...




                          How are you feeling Lurch?


                          how are the legs feeling after your 6 Z?  And not that I know anything but I do not think you have done anything wrong during your recovery.  I have not run at 5k pace since August and I fully expect my ass to fall off when I do.  lol


                          Enjoy the rest Blue, you earned it after that helluva run!


                          Dave of those 6 weeks they want you to take off you have already done 2 and 6 was the worst case scenario so I vote for only 2 more.  Big grin


                          'Sup Matt!


                            Hey everyone!

                            The day is almost half over here and I still have lots to do.  It's sunny out but the wind is chilly.  I'm gonna try to get a sitter later so I can get some miles in outside.


                            How'd it go?


                            'Sup BP!


                            Hi Marj!


                            Yo Lauren!


                            When will you be home lily?


                            Inverted D? Hilarious!


                            As forl me, I had a long ass day at work but am finally in, mercifully.


                            Time to get my buzz on.  



                              Didn't know NYCQ was tougher than BQ. Heck, I didn't even know NYCQ existed...


                              They just changed it for 2015. Previously, it was just one huge age group for up to 39 years old where you had to run something stupid like 2:45/1:19 or thereabouts.




                                I'm going to do a core workout instead. I want to work on basic strength this winter. Let's see how long this lasts.