Beginners and Beyond

Where Have All the MONDAILIES Gone? (Read 45 times)

From the Internet.


    Which Hokas? Spill the beans!


    No Hokas yet, though I could be tempted to try them as my cushy long run shoe... Any one in particular that's good for a road and occasional trail runner who needs some stability? DS Racers from last week's racing flat sale are on the way, and I grabbed another backup pair of DS Trainer 19s last week before they sold out of my size.



      If you are racing Saturday you would do only one of the quality workouts (the slowest paced of the two) and get three days of easy running in leading into the race.


      Or, if you are feeling particularly fatigued, skip them both and make the race your quality workout for the week.


      Remember Daniels is written for high school and college aged athletes. Which was a major reason I modified his plan from time to time.


      Yeah, not only do I feel fatigued, but I'm feeling some pain in my lower legs.


      Saturday is a "friendly" 5K. Some local running club rented the two inner lanes (didn't know you could do that) of an indoor track not far from here. It's a brand new 200m track. Never been there. Anyways, I see the guy who runs the club often at the indoor track where I always run. He asked me if I was interested. There should be around 40 people, 50 max. It will be 4 or 5 waves depending on estimated finish time. Ex:

      Wave 1 : 15:30 to 18:30
      Wave 2 : 18:30 to 21:30
      Wave 3 : 21:30 to 24:00
      Wave 4 : 24:00 and up

      No chip time, no T-Shirt, no medal, just a friendly competition. It will cost the track rental cost divided by the number of participants, so somewhere in the $ 8-10 range.



        Yeah, not only do I feel fatigued, but I'm feeling some pain in my lower legs.


        Saturday is a "friendly" 5K. Some local running club rented the two inner lanes (didn't know you could do that) of an indoor track not far from here. It's a brand new 200m track. Never been there. Anyways, I see the guy who runs the club often at the indoor track where I always run. He asked me if I was interested. There should be around 40 people, 50 max. It will be 4 or 5 waves depending on estimated finish time. Ex:

        Wave 1 : 15:30 to 18:30
        Wave 2 : 18:30 to 21:30
        Wave 3 : 21:30 to 24:00
        Wave 4 : 24:00 and up

        No chip time, no T-Shirt, no medal, just a friendly competition. It will cost the track rental cost divided by the number of participants, so somewhere in the $ 8-10 range.


        Sign up for wave 2 and run your fuckin ass off yo!


        Oh, and just run easy the rest of the week. No sense in risking injury or burnout.


          Page 6 on a Monday? I'm not going to bother


             Page 6 on a Monday? I'm not going to bother


            'Sup, yo?


            Former Bad Ass


              Okay that made me laugh. You are funny!


              But it's true!



              Former Bad Ass


                No Hokas yet, though I could be tempted to try them as my cushy long run shoe... Any one in particular that's good for a road and occasional trail runner who needs some stability? DS Racers from last week's racing flat sale are on the way, and I grabbed another backup pair of DS Trainer 19s last week before they sold out of my size.


                Hokas are neutral, except their new model, the Constant.  Never tried it.  My favorite are the Cliftons but not sure if they can be used on trails.  They have specific trail shoes too.



                Former Bad Ass


                  Page 6 on a Monday? I'm not going to bother


                  But you were mentioned on each page.  You must go back and find those!




                      The waves are not definitive. If there is close to 50 people, he might go for 5 waves. But yeah, I will be in wave 2.


                      I'll see how I feel tomorrow. I could go for a few 1 milers at T pace, and then take the rest of the week (3 days) easy. Like you said, the race would be my 2nd workout of the week. Or just go easy tomorrow also, and the race being my only workout.


                      Thanks for the advice.

                      Hip Redux


                        Page 6 on a Monday? I'm not going to bother


                        LRB will be publishing the cliff notes version shortly.



                           LRB will be publishing the cliff notes version shortly.


                          Girl I am too far into my bottle for any of that nonsense. lol


                          I am not long for this evening. 


                            Hello all. 7 easy miles for me.


                              Bandages off, only took ibuprofen once today, minimal swelling, and I can walk up and down the stairs almost normally. For three days post-knee scope, I'll take it.

                              20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.



                                Girl I am too far into my bottle for any of that nonsense. lol


                                I am not long for this evening. 

