Beginners and Beyond


Streaking SunDAILIES (Read 35 times)


    As in four consecutive nights of sleeplessness for me, ugh. Not sure what's up with that (I had gotten that under control the past few months) but Imma beat myself in the face with a brick if it happens again tonight. lol


      As for today, I'm gonna head over to the trail and run there. Something in the 85 minute range would be nice.


        Take melatonin a few nights in a row? Usually helps get me back in the correct sleep cycle.


        Ran 10.8 easy miles. Came back because of a) the foot and b) this is a Hansons easy week and I think it is globally helpful to keep it this way, but I would have kept going. Felt good in my head.


          I turned around at mile 3.7 instead of going out 5. Although mentally I was fine, my legs were really heavy, so I caved in.


          On another note, I wore sunglasses during a run for the first time ever. That was weird.


            As in four consecutive nights of sleeplessness for me, ugh. Not sure what's up with that (I had gotten that under control the past few months) but Imma beat myself in the face with a brick if it happens again tonight. lol

            Not the face!


              Half Crazy K 2.0

                9 miles with 1 mile of 1 minute hard, 1 recover, then 2 miles of 1 minute hard, 45 seconds recover. Most of the intervals were uphill, at which point I decided that despite it being a really short drive from home, not feeling the 5k in August that is an out and back on that road, the back being uphill. I'll drive further for the flat, penis shaped course.


                  14 miles at 8:25 avg. very happy with the pace and strong finish, after ~2 weeks of sluggishness & crazy travel schedule.


                  Ended up with 46 for the week, also not bad considering.


                  So I am 75% sure I am going to sign up for the Victoria Marathon on 10/9. Which means the 12 week training plan starts tomorrow.  Fortunately it starts with a rest day. 




                    Good morning!


                    I ran 6.4 easy miles.  Then I mowed.  The running part I liked, the mowing part not so much.


                    I hope everyone has a great rest of the day!

                    Runner with a riding problem.


                    Super B****

                      Ended up with 11.18 ... warm-up, 5K, cool-down run home that really should be called something else because I was nearly baked alive.  It's National Ice Cream Day, so I detoured a bit to end up fulfilling my obligation.


                      I ran the 5K nineteen seconds faster than I did the first one in the series last month, and was the second female instead of the first.  Which isn't even the best part.  Oh, no.  That would be finishing ONE SECOND off my PR.


                      But since my hip didn't explode, I am actually quite thrilled.

                      chasing the impossible


                      because i never shut up ... i blog



                        I wanted to get in some extra miles, but made sure that they were very easy miles this morning. Jetta and I got in 3.1 miles (with Dorian in the stroller), and half a mile's cool down walk. It was like 79 degrees and sunny.

                        I'm going to take the rest of the day easy, because I've got speed work tonight and I'll need my energy. Hoping to handle a set of  3x800m and then gauge my legs before either hitting a set of either 8x400m or another set of the 3x800m.


                        Oh, and today is my hubby's birthday!!! And to celebrate his birthday, he is going to begin his running tonight - one lap at the track.

                        *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                        5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                        10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                        15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                        13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                         26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)

                        Half Crazy K 2.0

                          Bluerun, nice race! And thanks for the tip, I will be grabbing some ice cream out of the freezer in celebration.


                            Ended up with 11.18 ... warm-up, 5K, cool-down run home that really should be called something else because I was nearly baked alive.  It's National Ice Cream Day, so I detoured a bit to end up fulfilling my obligation.


                            Let me guess, pistachio?


                            Congrats on the race, but omg where are the pics already??



                            No more marathons

                              Any word on how Phil's Olympic tri is going?


                              It is today, isn't it?

                              Boston 2014 - a 33 year journey

                              Lordy,  I hope there are tapes. 

                              He's a leaker!


                              delicate flower

                                RACE REPORT IMO:


                                I rocked my triathlon today.  Doing the math leading up to the race, I had decided I wanted to break 2:40.  I finished in 2:38:52.


                                Swim:  1600 yards at 1:54 pace.  That is FAST for me!  Still not great, but I am happy that I was smack dab in the middle of the pack instead of bringing up the rear.  I was in wave 2 and actually caught and passed a bunch of wave 1 people.  That's new for me.  I am thrilled with my swim today.


                                Bike:  24 miles at 19.0 mph.  12 miles down, and 12 miles up.  I was at 23 mph avg through the first half, and finished at 19 mph avg.  It is that kind of course.


                                Run:  6.2 miles at 7:48 pace.  The run was hot, humid, and hilly.  Just brutal.  Half mile into the thing I was wondering if I'd break a 9:00 avg pace.  I dumped water on myself at every water station.  I ended up passing 25 people on the run.


                                Results aren't online yet but I am anxious to see my placements.  I know I was 45 OA and 7 AG, and I was around 100 on the swim and 50 on the bike.  The run split was cut off on the results sheets.  The field is usually 300 or so.


                                Anyway, I ache.

