Beginners and Beyond


FriDAILIES - Enjoy that refreshing new feeling (Read 30 times)


    3.8 slow, crappy miles.  Hammy tendon was ok for the first mile and then progressively worse.


    Pretty sure I'm skipping the Crim race tomorrow and riding the stationary bike for a couple days to see if I can get past this thing...always something and this one seemed to come out of the blue. I think I must have strained it doing some leg strength stuff Monday morning, then sat all day at work, then at a work dinner, then at a neighborhood meeting. I think that resulted in it getting really tight then the run Tuesday probably really aggravated it.


    Funny how stuff like this, or not running enough in general, makes you feel really crappy. Running really is addictive.




    The tendency is to stretch the hamstring when it's sore but be careful with overstretching. Sometimes a sore hamstring just needs to be left to heal so be mindful of that. Shouldn't be much of an issue if it was strength training induced.


    Former Bad Ass

      The forecast in Indy this weekend looks amazing and 20F cooler than here.  Love it!


      I have 18 with 6 X 4 mins @ HMP in the middle of the workout.  TM of course because I'm not in Indy yet.



      Super B****

        3.8 slow, crappy miles.  Hammy tendon was ok for the first mile and then progressively worse.


        Pretty sure I'm skipping the Crim race tomorrow and riding the stationary bike for a couple days to see if I can get past this thing...always something and this one seemed to come out of the blue. I think I must have strained it doing some leg strength stuff Monday morning, then sat all day at work, then at a work dinner, then at a neighborhood meeting. I think that resulted in it getting really tight then the run Tuesday probably really aggravated it.


        Funny how stuff like this, or not running enough in general, makes you feel really crappy. Running really is addictive.


        I'm not so sure "funny" is the right word here!

        chasing the impossible


        because i never shut up ... i blog


        UM 45 Ohio 23


          The tendency is to stretch the hamstring when it's sore but be careful with overstretching. Sometimes a sore hamstring just needs to be left to heal so be mindful of that. Shouldn't be much of an issue if it was strength training induced.


          Agree. I think I did a bit too much stretching in general or exercises that stretched the tendon. The timing really sucks as I was excited about finally running Crim and training had been going so well.


          UM 45 Ohio 23


            I'm not so sure "funny" is the right word here!


            SO true! My wife sure knows I'm not very fun(ny) when I'm not running!



              What happened to your ankle? I must've missed it.

              Nothing much. I barely mentioned it. It's been feeling weak for about 10 days. Could especially feel it if I was doing side steps. But it didn't bother me while running. But on Tuesday morning, I had 200s and 400s on the menu, was running on the rail trail, and during my second 200, my must have hit an uneven spot or something and I felt a sharp pain, and it was hurting with every step  I just stopped, turned around and jogged home, and then to work. Gave it a couple of days' rest (only jogging) and tried it again this morning with a less brutal pace.


              I've tried it time and time and again. Everytime I start integrating 200s and 400s on a regular basis, something in my frame breaks or gives me big flashing red warning signs. I'll switch back to Intervals and Threshold paces. My body can usually handle those paces.


              Super B****

                So the cardiologist my doctor referred me to didn't have an opening until nearly a month away, which is really no big deal, given that I don't really quite understand why I'm going to a cardiologist at all. But then it was pointed out to me that it would be prudent to go see one who also works with athletes, so I got another referral and called to make an appointment. They asked if it was an emergency (because the next appointment was, surprise, a month away), and I said no, and they said they'd get back to me. My appointment is on Monday. If that's what they do when it isn't an emergency, what happens when it is? House calls??

                chasing the impossible


                because i never shut up ... i blog


                  If that's what they do when it isn't an emergency, what happens when it is? House calls??


                  Prob send you to the ER


                  Go figure

                    So the cardiologist my doctor referred me to didn't have an opening until nearly a month away, which is really no big deal, given that I don't really quite understand why I'm going to a cardiologist at all. But then it was pointed out to me that it would be prudent to go see one who also works with athletes, so I got another referral and called to make an appointment. They asked if it was an emergency (because the next appointment was, surprise, a month away), and I said no, and they said they'd get back to me. My appointment is on Monday. If that's what they do when it isn't an emergency, what happens when it is? House calls??


                    I've always wanted to have a house call from a doctor...something so romanticized about it!


                    Cyberic and Wolvmar - heal up!

                    Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn


                    Super B****


                      Prob send you to the ER


                      Where you can die in a filthy waiting room

                      chasing the impossible


                      because i never shut up ... i blog


                      Former Bad Ass

                        Ugh, bluerun.  Hoping the appointment goes well and no issues.


                        wolvmar, sorry about the hamstring.


                        Cy, glad the ankle is OK.



                          7 miles with strides.


                          I had a million work meetings the past 2 days so am looking forward to a mostly meeting free schedule today, where I can finally get some work done.


                            Day off work today. I had so much shit that had to get done yesterday, some of which had been festering for a long time but I could never manage to get to. But of course the day was filled as usual with crisis management, I was getting nothing done and then our server went down. But actually that ended up helping because I could focus on some stuff without being bothered by emails. And then once it gets past 5, there are even fewer distractions. I ended up in the office till 7:30 PM but got (almost) everything done, so I can be more relaxed for the weekend and walk into less of a shitstorm Monday.


                            Anyhoo. Celebrated my day off by going for a run at 5:30 AM anyway. Which was a ridiculously sluggish, plodding 8 miles. Combination of a roll-out-of-bed run, which are the worst, and some general running sluggishness I seem to be dealing with lately. Later this morning, we are driving out to Spokane for the weekend. A branch of my wife’s family who lives just across the border in Idaho is having some kind of reunion. It promises to be pretty rednecky, but we’ll see. I’ve never been to that area before, so we’ll probably do some other fun stuff.



                            Super B****

                              Ugh, bluerun.  Hoping the appointment goes well and no issues.



                              I'm just hoping it's quick since apparently I was squished into an appointment slot that doesn't actually exist.

                              chasing the impossible


                              because i never shut up ... i blog


                                Later this morning, we are driving out to Spokane for the weekend. A branch of my wife’s family who lives just across the border in Idaho is having some kind of reunion. It promises to be pretty rednecky, but we’ll see. I’ve never been to that area before, so we’ll probably do some other fun stuff.


                                I really enjoyed running in that area
