Beginners and Beyond


2020 Dailies #163 (Read 29 times)


    Fucking virus.  Took DH to the ER and I'm not allowed in with him. He cut up his finger on a router. I'm waiting outside because I apparently sat in the wrong chair in the waiting area.



    MrW's hospital starts allowing family inside starting tomorrow

    Half Crazy K 2.0



      MrW's hospital starts allowing family inside starting tomorrow

      This one has no visitors in the ER. I'd argue a spouse is less visitor and more second set of eyes and ears for the person requiring the ER visit. Although there is no way I was going to look at his finger. If he described it as very bad, I'm going to believe it.



        MrW's hospital starts allowing family inside starting tomorrow


        Sadly nursing homes are probably a long ways off.


        Half Crazy K 2.0


          Sadly nursing homes are probably a long ways off.


          I saw some state was allowing visitors to nursing homes.


          Its a relief MIL moved out of the assisted living in January.


            This one has no visitors in the ER. I'd argue a spouse is less visitor and more second set of eyes and ears for the person requiring the ER visit. Although there is no way I was going to look at his finger. If he described it as very bad, I'm going to believe it.

            My ER just started allowing one visitor at bedside yesterday. As long as visitors are screened I have no problem with it, especially since half of them live in the same household anyway. I would hate bringing my family in and not being able to sit with them during an ER visit


              This is going to be the policy posted everywhere we go - restaurants, concerts, races, everything.


              I'm not sure this wiould be needed for anyone other than those who don't believe C-19 is any worse than "the regular flu", which is the irony of the requirement. Everyone else would simply wear a mask.


              Anyhoo, I found it exhaustingly hilarious and ironic, and laughed myself to sleep.

              Half Crazy K 2.0

                My ER just started allowing one visitor at bedside yesterday. As long as visitors are screened I have no problem with it, especially since half of them live in the same household anyway. I would hate bringing my family in and not being able to sit with them during an ER visit


                Oddly, there was no screening when we walked in. My work doesn't let you get 6 feet in the door without a screening from a nurse. Granted, I'm working in a specialized setting with no ER, so everyone coming in has appointments, but I thought it was standard to make sure you weren't letting covid possible patients mix with the rest. I don't know if they screened DH further once he went back to triage.


                Sitting in the car for 5 hours really sucked. I need to prod DH to actually open the packet he was sent about his upcoming colonscopy (at the same medical center) to see if outpatient rules are different since it's at the same medical center.


                On the plus side, the injury wasn't quite as bas as Mr. HCK thought it was. I did not look at his finger, just took his word when he was urgently saying we need to go to the ER and it was bad. What he thought was the insides of his finger was his fingernail shattered into many tiny pieces. He got 6 stitches, tetnus shot and is loaded up on antibiotics. The hospital we went to is part of a larger group and has a regional hand trauma center. He's supposed to get a call today about an appointment there.


                Former Bad Ass

                  Sorry to hear Ginny.


                  Hope hubby gets well soon, KC.



                    A finger in a router definitely needs a trip to the hospital. Ouch. I feel queezy just thinking about it.

                    Half Crazy K 2.0

                      A finger in a router definitely needs a trip to the hospital. Ouch. I feel queezy just thinking about it.


                      That is why I have not seen the finger.


                        5 stitches isn't too bad. I took the end off one of my fingers once (rock slide) and ended up with 12. Although it took years for the nerves to heal completely, the finger looks normal now. Sorry you had such a long wait though. ERs are unpredictable. Sometimes you get in right away, sometimes it takes forever.
