Beginners and Beyond


FriDAILIES! (Read 47 times)

From the Internet.

    My shin seems to be behaving but I am skeered of making it mad. 30 minutes/10.5 miles on some type of bike at the gym followed by incline bench press, dumbbell rows, weighted calf raises. Attempting a run tomorrow.


    delicate flower

      I ran.  7.4 miles easy.



        Thanks peeps. I am still in shock but am holding out hope (as is my annoying nature) it's not the worst case scenario.

        Any chance it's just the skin infection and the stress fractures seen on the X-ray were old healed ones?  Are they going to do a bone scan or MRI or did the doc seem certain these were new?  I'm sorry you're dealing with this.  It totally sucks.


        5 miles on the treadmill. I didn't feel like fighting the 35mph winds.


          I ran.  7.4 miles easy.


          What's on tap quality-wise this weekend?


          delicate flower


            What's on tap quality-wise this weekend?


            2:45 run tomorrow, which will should come in right around 21 miles unless I feel particularly tired.  I have no reason to push it tomorrow.



              Any chance it's just the skin infection and the stress fractures seen on the X-ray were old healed ones?  


              Yes, I'll take it!


              I was seen by an MD who was a bit perplexed by it all. She didn't actually make the call on the fractures a radiologist did.


              I will ask about the other issue you brought up when I see Dr. Bone next week.


                Ahhhh, crap crap crap crap crap shit.   


                x 1,000,000

                Wow, what total, miserable suckage. And only about 48 hrs after I was talking about the possibility of joining you on 5/2. Good luck, man.

                The plus side for the rest of the B&B is of course this will not keep you off the forums, unlike some people when they get injured.


                  Rick - Oh, balls.    Wishing you a quick and full recovery.  Losing a big chunk of running sucks horribly.  Sorry, man.


                  D - mange de la merde?  (that sounds filthy in french, lol)


                  Baboon - let it roll off your back, everyone will be better off without that person working there.


                  5 easy was not the plan, but my workout felt like a major chore from the get-go, so I stopped there.  Live to fight another day.




                    How's that thumb? 


                    95% healed, but nerves are still flaky.  It feels like someone else's thumb until I bang it around, then I know it's mine.

                    Runner with a riding problem.


                      Thanks again everyone! I am not really used to being on the receiving end of so much caring, (THAT'S MY JOB DAMMIT!) but appreciate it.


                      I am higher than a kite though so I got that going for me. lol

                      Half Crazy K 2.0

                        Is it a good sign when you use your bib number at the roulette table and win?


                          Damn LRB.  I'm sorry.  

                          How long do stress fractures show on an xray?

                          Little Blue

                            Is it a good sign when you use your bib number at the roulette table and win?


                            Absolutely!  Any win at the roulette table is a good sign.


                            Are we there, yet?

                              Is it a good sign when you use your bib number at the roulette table and win?


                              I didn't know numbers on a roulette wheel went that high.

                               2024 Races:

                                    03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                                    05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                                    06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.




                              Half Crazy K 2.0


                                I didn't know numbers on a roulette wheel went that high.


                                i was playing each number individually. Any number that hits is good.
