Beginners and Beyond

WednesHumpDAILIES (Read 32 times)

From the Internet.


    you were planning to run 12 miles at your 10 mile (goal) race pace?


    ^^ Yeah that's way too much for a workout imo. You can get away with overdistance workouts at race pace for shorter intervals/shorter distances, esp if you tweak the rest so you get plenty of recovery, but once you get past about 5k pace it's just too much.


    Coach cut me off after 3 sets of 800/200 today - racing 5K on Sunday as a fitness check, I'll do easy/long tomorrow, easy and short Fri and Sat and then time to CRUSH THAT MOFO. The weather looks great and I am excited!


      I ran 7.


      I think I've determined the source of a knee problem I've been dealing with for about 6 weeks which at its worse, saw me on a regimen of pharmaceuticals every 4 hours for a day and a half.


      I initially thought it was cross fit,  because, well, it's cross fit. But no, it appears it has something to do with the course I do speed work on. If true (at this point I have no reason not to believe that it is), my Tuesday night track sessions with the Hansons has come to an end.


      UM 45 Ohio 23


        you were planning to run 12 miles at your 10 mile (goal) race pace?


        that was the plan, although as Cyberic notes and I think your reply implies, it may not have been realistic. I did rest 3-4 minutes between the 4 mile segments (with water) so thought I should be able to push it a bit.


        BTW - does anyone have any experience with the Crim race? First time for me; supposed to be a good one but I assume pretty crowded.



          That's what I'll have to do on purpose on Friday to get in a long run before work. The thought makes me want to cry.


          Thinking about 4AM wakeups to get a15-miler in before work is making me excited about marathon training. Not.




            Anyone want to try making waffles?



            From the Internet.

              4.2 miles that felt really sloggish. And no, I don't mean sluggish.


              Anyone want to try making waffles?


              lol those are gonna be some weird tiny waffles!



                that was the plan, although as Cyberic notes and I think your reply implies, it may not have been realistic. I did rest 3-4 minutes between the 4 mile segments (with water) so thought I should be able to push it a bit.


                BTW - does anyone have any experience with the Crim race? First time for me; supposed to be a good one but I assume pretty crowded.


                I did the mile race there one year, the result of which was an abomination. But the event itself was well organized and HUGE. I would imagine they've got it down to a science and logistically it's probably no big deal.


                Go figure

                  I ran 7.


                  I think I've determined the source of a knee problem I've been dealing with for about 6 weeks which at its worse, saw me on a regimen of pharmaceuticals every 4 hours for a day and a half.


                  I initially thought it was cross fit,  because, well, it's cross fit. But no, it appears it has something to do with the course I do speed work on. If true (at this point I have no reason not to believe that it is), my Tuesday night track sessions with the Hansons has come to an end.


                  By course I'm assuming not track? I'm assuming it has a camber or something?


                  Group run Wednesday for me, so something along the lines of 6+. I'm getting tired of just running easy...thinking about starting back to some short hill sprints and some occasional bursts to get the legs moving again.

                  Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn


                    LOL @ those titles for those items.


                    Wolvmar, sounds like a super intense workout.


                    Lauren, woot woot! Can't wait to read your RR and hear about how you crushed that mofo.


                    LRB, what's up with the course? Is it slanted?


                    I have a RD. Because, taper. Insert hysteria. Internal hysteria.


                    Q for you guys who've dealt with/know about iron deficiencies: you guys know about my low ferritin levels (they were at a 10, and now it's up to 26, in about 2 month's time). How realistic is it to be able to race a marathon at my original goal pace w/this level of ferritin? I know everyone is different and what may work for one person may not work for the other. I'll ask my coach, but I feel like right now he's trying to help work on my mental game and will probably tell me to go for it (GMP is 8:15mm). I've been able to hit those paces on the treadmill with a decline (the whole race has a -2000ft elevation drop--and the whole thing is basically downhill). but whenever I've been on roads I cannot hit paces. Those roads have had slight inclines. This is, of course, if everything aligns...stars, humidity, temps, etc.



                      lol those are gonna be some weird tiny waffles!




                        Insomnia got me up at 4:00, so I ran 7.2 this morning in a light fog. There was a rainbow in the cloud, but otherwise it was a slog. I don't do well on 2 1/2 hours sleep.


                        Odd mismatch with the ad. Some editor wasn't paying attention.


                        I don't know anyone who does. Ugh, sorry, that sucks. Hoping tonight is better for you.


                        Super B****


                          Thinking about 4AM wakeups to get a15-miler in before work is making me excited about marathon training. Not.


                          Or I could just show up late at work since I hate it and it's terrible for my mental health anyway. So irritating how you actually need to be there to get paid, though.

                          chasing the impossible


                          because i never shut up ... i blog


                          Super B****


                            lol those are gonna be some weird tiny waffles!


                            If only it wasn't currently unavailable, I could buy it and try! Because three (four if you count the one floating around somewhere in my basement) waffle makers is clearly not enough for one person.

                            chasing the impossible


                            because i never shut up ... i blog



                              I don't know anyone who does. Ugh, sorry, that sucks. Hoping tonight is better for you.


                              Bizarrely I end up with some of my best workouts on shit sleep. Go figure.




                                Bizarrely I end up with some of my best workouts on shit sleep. Go figure.


                                yeah - I don't think the night before a workout/run matters much.  Multiple nights of poor sleep in a row and then I run like shit.