Beginners and Beyond

WednesHumpDAILIES (Read 32 times)


Super B****


    summer and early daylight are way too fleeting! So much easier and more enjoyable running when a it's little light out and decently warm.


    The dark morning got me to thinking about how to train more consistently and with better quality this winter.  I'm considering putting a treadmill in our garage (there's probably just enough space in the area in front of the parking spots). Why the garage? Our basement ceiling is to low, I think it will be too noisy if upstairs and there's no place on the first level to put it. I used a TM at a local club last winter for quite a few runs but it adds 25 minutes to my morning with the travel time; it's hard enough getting up early as it is. I'd have to get a TV wired up for sure, or go insane, temperature won't be ideal, but won't be as bad as outside, and no snow or ice.


    Does anyone have experience with a TM in the house somewhere other than the basement? How noisy for those trying to sleep? Any issues with ceilings below an upstairs TM? Thanks for any insights.  I'm just at the thinking about it stage with this...


    My AlterG is in my bedroom, which is right over the kitchen. I've obviously never heard it while I was on it, but I'm told it's quite noticeable. (Of course, most of the time when I'm using it everyone else is asleep, so it's never been an issue.) I'm not sure if that would be different for a regular treadmill.

    chasing the impossible


    because i never shut up ... i blog



      It's not that hard to clean up without a shower. Take a container of water into the woods or into the tent/camper, use a bandana and a little dish soap. You won't be as clean as after a shower, but you will feel and smell much better. Hang your wet clothes to dry in the sun and they won't smell as bad either.


      Good suggestions!


      I guess it's actually 2 fold: 1) baby wipes do an ok job too but I can't handle my hair being so gross and 2) finding a 14 mile route in a place I haven't been before where I'm guessing it's just a narrow winding road that either goes up or down the mountain. I'll run shorter on Sunday there though.

      Half Crazy K 2.0


        Never in the history of smoke alarms has this kind of thing happened during normal waking hours.


        Or any home alarm. Both times the battery died on the motion sensor for our security system, it happened at like 4am. The VO detector also goes at 2am. It's a fun night time game playing find the chirping alarm somewhere on 3 levels.



          Never in the history of smoke alarms has this kind of thing happened during normal waking hours.


          Truer words have never been spoken.



            I don't know anyone who does. Ugh, sorry, that sucks. Hoping tonight is better for you.


            Yeah, Ginny, hoping you can sleep better.  If there's something I try to be good at, it's sleeping. Especially with all the running I do. Haven't needed it because my work is not too stressful, but I think I'd use drugs to sleep if I couldn't do it naturally. I do use melatonin once in a while and it helps a little.



               If there's something I try to be good at, it's sleeping. 


              The ability to consistently sleep well is truly a gift. Use your powers for good rather than for evil.




                Never in the history of smoke alarms has this kind of thing happened during normal waking hours.




                  Dammit my calf is hurting now.



                    Never in the history of smoke alarms has this kind of thing happened during normal waking hours.


                    The first thing you do when you hear it is open your eyes with a  are you frickin' kidding me expression!



                      The ability to consistently sleep well is truly a gift. Use your powers for good rather than for evil.


                      I'm middle of the road in that department. I have no problem falling asleep (half the battle), but staying asleep is not easy, and never has. After three or four hours I usually wake up, and the struggle begins.


                      Things I do to try to be a better sleeper:


                      - Try to have zero stress in my life. If anything worries me, I'll start thinking about it at 2AM and it is really hard to fall back asleep when that happens. Many (most) of my life choices are putting low stress in high priority.


                      - Try to always go to sleep at the same time. I'm boring af. Even on weekends, I try not to go to bed too much after my normal bed time (10). With keeping my sleep hours regular, I get better success at sleeping.


                      - Try to avoid alcohol in excess. One or two beers is ok. If I drink a lot, I'll wake up in the middle of the night sweating like a mofo and not able to fall back asleep.


                      - Try not to consider "I'll just sleep less" as a solution to doing more in a day.


                      So I think you can actually do something about it, to some extent.



                        I'm middle of the road in that department. I have no problem falling asleep (half the battle), but staying asleep is not easy, and never has. After three or four hours I usually wake up, and the struggle begins.


                        Things I do to try to be a better sleeper:


                        - Try to have zero stress in my life. If anything worries me, I'll start thinking about it at 2AM and it is really hard to fall back asleep when that happens. Many (most) of my life choices are putting low stress in high priority.


                        - Try to always go to sleep at the same time. I'm boring af. Even on weekends, I try not to go to bed too much after my normal bed time (10). With keeping my sleep hours regular, I get better success at sleeping.


                        - Try to avoid alcohol in excess. One or two beers is ok. If I drink a lot, I'll wake up in the middle of the night sweating like a mofo and not able to fall back asleep.


                        - Try not to consider "I'll just sleep less" as a solution to doing more in a day.


                        So I think you can actually do something about it, to some extent.

                        This is me too (but replace 10 with 930) and I think it makes a big difference. I actually do the same thing with my 6 year old...his bedtime is the same no matter whether its weekday, weekend, school, summer, etc.


                        Former Bad Ass

                          Smoke alarm started  chirping one chirp every 20 minutes at 12:30am, at first thought it was the one near the kitchen but was the one in the bedroom, modestly vaulted ceiling, had to go outside to get step ladder just to hit the button, was groggy,  hold have just used a break stick.  Hardwired alarm with permanent back up battery... must have just been a speck of dust.... very little sleep.


                          6; 3 flat with tiny tilt, 3 bowl hills half sidewalk half road crown,  everything fine, just zombie

                          Why can they never beep at noon or something?



                          Former Bad Ass

                            Wolvmar, my TM is in the living room. Never have I tried running while hubby is asleep. Mine is silent but my steps would sound especially in the quiet morning I think.



                            delicate flower


                              My AlterG is in my bedroom


                              I didn't realize you actually owned one of those things....I figured you went to a PT office or something and rented time.  I am am oddly impressed that you own one.



                              Former Bad Ass

                                I go to bed at the same time every night. And proceed to toss and turn for 2-5 hours depending on the night.
