Beginners and Beyond


Snowy SATURDAILIES (Read 57 times)


delicate flower

    Step and FreeSoul, great job on your races!!



    My first of three PT sessions for the day is done.  Already some progress compared to last night.  Lots of pain but I can't let that stop me.  Ice ice ice for three hours, then I'll do it again.



      Fantastic job on your races, Shari and Freesoul!


      Go figure

        Step & Freesoul...nicely done ladies. It's tough racing this time of year, but should pay off when the weather improves.


        Baboon..stuff a towel in your mouth to keep from screaming and keep at it Smile Hopefully it won't hurt as badly soon.


        10 with my group was good..pretty easy. Off in a few hours for 4 on the trail, although I may get there early to steal a few extra miles.

        Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn


        Former Bad Ass

          Great job!


          My race went well, I swear their concrete out there at USI is like kryptonite to runners lol. My goal was 28:59 and I finished 28:29, which I am happy with though I was hoping for closer to under 28 minutes and I will blame that on a very evil hill at the end that seemed like forever. I will do RR later today, but it was better than I expected and I stayed under 9:30 pace for the most part. Smile I did do about a 2 mile warm up beforehand, about 1.15 around 7:30 a.m and then the rest around the university looking for a bathroom.


            Nice races Step and FreeSoul!


            I got in 8 last night and 6.5 today. Was a great day out. Pretty darn brisk, but sunny and beautiful at the state park. Ran with a couple buddies of mine, so it was a great morning.  Capped it off with a couple of breakfast burritos that I made with eggs, red and yellow bell peppers, onions and mushrooms.  Bring on the day.


            YAYpril - B-Plus

              6 miles done. I wanted 10 today, but people suck at shoveling their sidewalks and tromping through 5" of fresh snow can get tiring. The side roads weren't plowed too well, but traffic was light so I spent a fair amount of my run on the road itself. Splits were pretty even despite the surface issues. Fastest mile was 10:13 and slowest was 10:36.


              Skirt Runner

                Good job freesoul!

                PRs:   5K- 28:16 (5/5/13)      10K- 1:00:13 (10/27/13)    4M- 41:43 (9/7/13)   15K- 1:34:25  (8/17/13)    10M- 1:56:30 (4/6/14)     HM- 2:20:16 (4/13/14)     Full- 5:55:33 (11/1/15)


                I started a blog about running :) Check it out if you care to



                  Good afternoon everyone. As for me I'm slowly recovering from an Achilles Tendonitis, so I a walk/run work out today. It looks like I will be doing the walk/run then run/walk for a few weeks. It is very hard for me to build back up so slowly, but I know I will have to go slow so I don't aggravate my injury. I hope every one is doing well.

                  Formally known on the Runners World forums as Malletgirl02.

                  YAYpril - B-Plus

                    Shari and Freesoul, great job on your races!


                      Well that was a comedy of errors!


                      First, I ran the 2 mile warmup portion to the wrong workout, so once I hit lap to begin my first tempo mile, I realized something was wrong and had to stop and figure that whole thing out.  Then, I ran the first half mile of my first tempo mile at 6:30!  The stupid watch kept beeping for me to slow down, but I recently decided that I would not pay attention to the watch while running, doh!


                      I was able to collect myself and completed the first two tempo mile repeats at 7:25 and 7:25 with a scheduled 1:00 recovery jog in between.  Problem is I was gassed, so I took a walk break, something I have done only one other time.


                      I recovered quickly and ran 2 more miles at 7:26 and 7:25 with a 1:00 recovery jog in between, did a cool down lap then called it a day.


                      It was not the workout I intended, and after I realized I was running to the wrong workout, I was discombobulated for the rest of the stupid thing.  As it is I got 7.53 miles in total, 4 of them at tempo pace.


                      Today's run was a lesson in preparation and pacing.  I really need to work on my pacing for this speed, as I was continually "beeped at" for going too fast during each of the 4 miles.


                      In the olden days having to stop running would have crushed my confidence, but I know now that none of that matters.  That is why it's called a training run.  Some are good, most are tough but they all serve a purpose.


                      So despite the difficulties, today was a good day!


                        Happy Saturday everyone! I hope you're all comfy in your warm homes. It stopped snowing here, but it's still very cold.


                        I had in mind that I was going to run 20, but all I had in me was 18... The pace was ok, 8:07 overall and 13 @ 7:51, but the last 3 miles, I was dead... more crawling than running... To be fair, I did not sleep well last night and haven't been feeling myself lately. Maybe I'm coming down with a cold... Tomorrow, I have a first aid course which will take all day, so I'll only do 7-8 recovery miles in the evening. Hopefully, I'll feel better on Monday. If not, no big deal.


                        Have a great day everyone!

                        PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                                Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                        18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010

                          Great racing, Step and FreeSoul!


                          LRB, still sounds like you got a nice workout in today!


                          My morning?  I headed outside, made it 1/2 mile from the house when it started snowing, so I turned around to head back home and nearly fell on my ass a minute from my house, the black ice now concealed with a dusting of snow.


                          So I took my frustration and energy to the treadmill, and decided I wanted to run fast (for me), so I did 6x400m @ 8mm in the middle of my 6 mile run (7 total for today).


                          5k: 25:05 (Sep 2011)     10k: 51:57 (Aug 2012)     half: 1:56:46 (May 2013)     full: 4:09:46 (Jan 2016)


                            Just read Shari's and FS' posts. Ladies, you did awesome! I'm very proud of you both! And Shari, super fast last mile! Please, write RRs! Smile

                            PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                                    Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                            18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                              I just finished putting together my marathon plan for San Francisco, which turned out to be a hybrid between Higdon Novice II and Intermediate I.   It's a nice bump up from Higdon I which I used last year.    It moves me to 5 running days, which is probably long over-due, but I'm still a little nervous about it.  The 5th run day is simply a short recovery run, so I'm hoping it is manageable.    Speaking of recovery run, that's what's on schedule for today -- 3.5 recovery miles on the treadmill, plus a little core strengthening.


                              Free Soul -- Great job on the 5K!  Dang that hill at the end.

                              Step -- Nice work on the 5 mile race!

                              Bruce -- Kudos for sticking with your plan and getting that 11 miler in.

                              Heidi -- I just realized -- your recovery pace is my goal 5K pace.  You are seriously fast.  

                              Life is good.


                              Former Bad Ass

                                Wait, your doing SF?  Me too!


                                I just finished putting together my marathon plan for San Francisco, which turned out to be a hybrid between Higdon Novice II and Intermediate I.   It's a nice bump up from Higdon I which I used last year.    It moves me to 5 running days, which is probably long over-due, but I'm still a little nervous about it.  The 5th run day is simply a short recovery run, so I'm hoping it is manageable.    Speaking of recovery run, that's what's on schedule for today -- 3.5 recovery miles on the treadmill, plus a little core strengthening.


                                Free Soul -- Great job on the 5K!  Dang that hill at the end.

                                Step -- Nice work on the 5 mile race!

                                Bruce -- Kudos for sticking with your plan and getting that 11 miler in.

                                Heidi -- I just realized -- your recovery pace is my goal 5K pace.  You are seriously fast.  

