Beginners and Beyond


sdwhiskers runs CIM 2018 RR (Read 32 times)


    It sounds like you had a perfect race! The snotty gloves were also my favorite part, and the jaw dropping part for me was you getting out the door in 10 min, too. It usually takes me 10 min to just wake up and brush my teeth, let alone get dressed, eat breakfast, bathroom, and fret over various things, lol. Nicely done!!



      Yes this. Even when a regular training run and not eating/drinking, it’s close to 20 min for me to get out the door. Mainly because of the bathroom portion, which cannot be rushed.


      And....this was why I was in the POP during the national anthem, lol

      For training, I can usually get things moving right away but race stress always screws things up a bit.
