Beginners and Beyond


WednesDAILIES feel out of shape (Read 27 times)


    Did 4 x ( 6 min / 2 min ) on my commute and couldn't hold 10K pace. A bit disappointing.


    Watcha got?


      I ran 11ish miles with both RPs this morning. It was cool and lovely

      (was supposed to run 10 but we miscalculated the route a little. I didn't mind.)

      From the Internet.

        Early AM track - 1600, 1200/400, 800/800, 1600. 6:23, 4:45/90, 3:10/3:06, 6:19. Reasonably comfortable as far as sweaty humid workouts go (72/69, not the worst workout weather but I'll be happy when the dewpoint drops a bit more). Last 16 might have been a bit quicker if I hadn't gone out with a 1:39 first lap, oops.


        A friend has offered to pace me at the local parkrun this weekend so I may take him up on that - ready to grab that 19:59 5k please and thank you!


        Former Bad Ass

          Morning!  I have 10 with 3 X 2 @ HMP tonight.


          Woke up with less of a sore throat than yesterday so there is that.



          delicate flower

            Swim and run day.  Currently doing stretches in my cubicle with my stretch strap.



            Go figure

              Thanks for the welcome back - nice to see familiar faces. And yes, it was the knee surgery that had me held up. Recovery was just brutally slow. Surgery was in October, and I had actually made a little progress by early February, but then rehab went to junk. Anyway, up to about 30mpw right now and hoping to be able to continue upward.


              Group run for 6mi later tonight.

              Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn


              Former Bad Ass

                Welcome back, SIAR and flarunner!


                SIAR, I forgot what happened to your knee.  Glad you are on the mend.



                Former Bad Ass

                  shortii, hi!  Yes, I'm transferring to Indy and waiting the date and formal transfer.



                    8 miles with 20 min at 10k and 10 min at 10k-15s. Woof. I made it through but it took everything that I had. Makes me regret signing up for a 10k in a will I ever hold that pace for a lot longer??


                    I actually have a PT appt later today but thankfully, its not running related. My shoulder has been hurting/weak for months--I think it's rotator cuff. I thought rest and then slowly getting back into light strength work would fix things up but no. It bothers me every night while sleeping. And taking off a wet sports bra is the worst. Hoping this is straightforward for some PT exercises.


                      Swim and run day.  Currently doing stretches in my cubicle with my stretch strap.


                      Do you ever have days where you do all 3--swim, bike and run? Besides races.


                        I ran 8.35


                        It felt as if I was carrying a refrigerator for most of it, then, I decided to open it up a little the last 5 or 6 minutes or so which felt great. 


                        Go figure

                          Welcome back, SIAR and flarunner!


                          SIAR, I forgot what happened to your knee.  Glad you are on the mend.


                          Was trail running downhill and hyper-extended it back in August last year...had 4 tears in the meniscus. The two smaller tears got cut out, and then the other two were "repaired" in October.


                          Congrats on the transfer and finding a way out of the sauna.

                          Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn


                          delicate flower


                            Do you ever have days where you do all 3--swim, bike and run? Besides races.


                            Sometimes!  Usually something along the lines of a morning swim, then an evening ride/brick run.  I don't have many of those though. 



                            Former Bad Ass


                              Was trail running downhill and hyper-extended it back in August last year...had 4 tears in the meniscus. The two smaller tears got cut out, and then the other two were "repaired" in October.


                              Congrats on the transfer and finding a way out of the sauna.


                              Now I remember!  Ouch.  Glad you are on the mend as that sounds painful.


                                out of shape today, tomorrow, next week, next month, and into next year.


                                my true target is Sugarloaf next May, hope to have 2 out-and-about before then.


                                Off Today, knock on wood test run tomorrow.  I think what knocked me out yesterday was overly aggressive working on the fascia adhesions when the muscle was a bit sore, making the muscle really sore.
