Beginners and Beyond


2020 Dailies #34 (Read 32 times)



    Pro tip: the way to come up with something is to take the day of the week, and add “lies” to the end. You’re welcome.




      4 easy miles.


      Went golfing yesterday with the family and we were paired up with a guy, probably in his mid 60s. He said I looked athletic (creepy?) and I responded that I like to run. He next said he ran Boston twice in the 90s. And that he didn't qualify because you didn't have to back in those days to get a bib. Ah yes, the good old days.


      I'm on Week 4 of Daniels 5k plan and am thisclose to tossing it aside.


        I'm on Week 4 of Daniels 5k plan and am thisclose to tossing it aside.




          Went golfing yesterday with the family and we were paired up with a guy, probably in his mid 60s. He said I looked athletic (creepy?) and I responded that I like to run. He next said he ran Boston twice in the 90s. And that he didn't qualify because you didn't have to back in those days to get a bib. Ah yes, the good old days.



          Um, that’s actually not accurate. Either he is forgetting, or making shit up, or he bandited.





            It is definitely written for people far faster than I. The workouts so far are mostly 200s and 400s--even using recent race times, I can't come close to the pace I should be for those (according to his pace charts). I am sprinting as fast as I can. So that's a bit demoralizing. And I should probably take more rest between the intervals (his explanations about recovery are not the same as his plans for a runner at my paces)...but at some point, if I modify everything, am I still doing what I need to improve? I don't know. And honestly, it's pretty boring to basically only run different combos of 200/400 twice a week.  I do like filling in my easy miles around the 2 workouts and the LRs are fine.


            My coach is running Phoenix Mesa marathon next weekend so I may have her do my training again after that (she does it for me for free so I was giving her a break after CIM).


            UM 45 Ohio 23

              ran 6 this morning. as good as yesterday felt, today was the polar opposite.  Slow, sluggish, pain in the butt present during run and now.  Was thinking tempo tomorrow, now thinking short and slow...


              Former Bad Ass


                I'm pretty sure we all told you to do the 4 miler


                I remember this as well!




                  Um, that’s actually not accurate. Either he is forgetting, or making shit up, or he bandited.


                  Probably all 3? Don't usually find the most honest people on the golf course!

                    4 easy miles.


                    Went golfing yesterday with the family and we were paired up with a guy, probably in his mid 60s. He said I looked athletic (creepy?) and I responded that I like to run. He next said he ran Boston twice in the 90s. And that he didn't qualify because you didn't have to back in those days to get a bib. Ah yes, the good old days.


                    I'm on Week 4 of Daniels 5k plan and am thisclose to tossing it aside.

                    Was his name John Kerry?   
                    1990-2002 qualifying times


                    Are we there, yet?


                      It is definitely written for people far faster than I. The workouts so far are mostly 200s and 400s--even using recent race times, I can't come close to the pace I should be for those (according to his pace charts). I am sprinting as fast as I can. So that's a bit demoralizing. And I should probably take more rest between the intervals (his explanations about recovery are not the same as his plans for a runner at my paces)...but at some point, if I modify everything, am I still doing what I need to improve? I don't know. And honestly, it's pretty boring to basically only run different combos of 200/400 twice a week.  I do like filling in my easy miles around the 2 workouts and the LRs are fine.


                      My coach is running Phoenix Mesa marathon next weekend so I may have her do my training again after that (she does it for me for free so I was giving her a break after CIM).


                      Anyone who isn't used to training that fast, R pace which is about mile race pace IIRC, is going to struggle with consistently hitting the times.  I haven't reviewed his training plans recently, but I remember them being extremely aggressive as far as pace.  You might try going more with 600m and 800m intervals at I pace (at or slightly faster than 5K race pace) for at least one of those workouts.

                       2024 Races:

                            03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                            05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                            06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour, 35.82 miles






                        It is definitely written for people far faster than I. The workouts so far are mostly 200s and 400s--even using recent race times, I can't come close to the pace I should be for those (according to his pace charts). I am sprinting as fast as I can. So that's a bit demoralizing. And I should probably take more rest between the intervals (his explanations about recovery are not the same as his plans for a runner at my paces)...but at some point, if I modify everything, am I still doing what I need to improve? I don't know. And honestly, it's pretty boring to basically only run different combos of 200/400 twice a week.  I do like filling in my easy miles around the 2 workouts and the LRs are fine.



                        I think if you continue to do them, you will prob gain some speed. if I am out of practice for short intervals I can't hit the paces but if I do them regularly for awhile I get better.  It's hard to do if you aren't used to running those paces and are coming out of marathon training.


                        But I would prob want a second more "tempo" type workout in addition to the 200s/400s instead of only doing 200s/400s.



                          Anyone who isn't used to training that fast, R pace which is about mile race pace IIRC, is going to struggle with consistently hitting the times.  I haven't reviewed his training plans recently, but I remember them being extremely aggressive as far as pace.  You might try going more with 600m and 800m intervals at I pace (at or slightly faster than 5K race pace) for at least one of those workouts.


                          You are absolutely correct. I was talking to Coach about this just now and she said the same thing. Recommended running them closer to 5k with equal distance jog OR trying to run them faster but with much longer (walking) rest between. And not doing that every week.


                          She wants me to continue to loosely follow his plan but will help me make appropriate modifications. So I'm feeling a little more positive about it than earlier.



                            It's 70 fucking degrees, the sun is shining... I must go for some sort of run damn it! Before the rains come!

                            *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                            5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                            10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                            15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                            13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                             26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)

                            Half Crazy K 2.0

                              Whiskers, I tended to do no more than 1:30 at R pace. Anything longer and my form totally broke down.


                                I ran 3 on the treadmill during lunch.
