Beginners and Beyond


National Anthem Penguin Tuesday (Read 25 times)

Singer who runs a smidge

    I'm a giving person like that.

    When it's all said and done, no one remembers how far we have run.  The only thing that matters is how we have loved.


      Scotty - nice song. Have fun with your hills and rain this afternoon.


      StoneFence - Good luck with your miles later.  If you start out to do only a half hour, it's easier.  I usually find that once I'm into mile two, I get back my desire to run.


      D - enjoy your run and gym time.


      Brilliant - have fun with the run club.


      Jerry - sounds like our weather.  Have fun at the track.


      Z - good luck with your speedwork later.  Are you running with your club too?


      PAD - good job on the 5.


      Traci - just start out slow and speed up after a couple of miles.  Good luck.


      Kathleen - I'm glad you found a PT.  I hope it helps.  Good job on the early miles.


      HM - I hope the ice stays away.  Never fun.


      Jack - of course you should embarrass your daughter.  That's what parents do.  Have fun.


      AFM:  the next three days are a mixture of snow, sleet, ice and rain.  I'll be back on the TM, way more than I want.  At least today is supposed to be a short recovery run of 5 miles.


      Barking Mad To Run

        Good luck with your miles this afternoon, StoneFence.  Don't get too ambitious.   Funny, though, some days I get out there and before I start  I am SO lacking motivation and thinking 'maybe I should just go home and nap' - and my first running segment usually finds me having a tough time getting going.  But after my first walk break and then during my second running segment, I find it gets a lot better.  Some of my more 'blah' starts have actually turned out to be some of my better runs, go figure.


        You should have a shirt made up, Damaris, with your daily exercise mantra:  Pilates and Running


        Good luck with the running 4 - 5 miles with a club, Brilliant!  Don't your arms get tired? Hope your house stuff went well yesterday.


        You are in Chicago, Jerry....spring doesn't start till.....June!


        I can't imagine you ever getting into trouble, Zelanie, you're the Penguin Angel...    Hope your track work goes well!


        Congrats on your 5, PAD!  Weather up there like ours down here, nice and wet?


        I dunno, Traci, if I'd want to try intervals if your leg is still hurting, you might make it worse.  As for your Half, you might just have to use the Scottydog goal plan...the hell with the pace, have fun, and at least finish by sunset!  Your weather sounds like ours...two warmer days for us - 60s today, near 70 tomorrow - and then the bottom drops out on Thursday, sheesh.  Stupid see-saw weather!


        Congrats on the 3 today, Kathleen in the springlike mist!  Glad you found a convenient PT, that is helpful for you.   Cool about your grandpa..nice that he got a Key spot at the cemetery...


        Umm, HsM, from what I saw on the Weather Channel last night, you better get ready to bundle up a bit toward the end of this week!   good luck with your busy work week!


        Jack, I see go for it on the FB thing!  Happy birthday to your daughter!  Hope you can do your HM this weekend.   Maybe you should use the same race plan I suggested to Traci above... 


        Ginny, when does it finally start getting warm in PA?  Your weather is sounding like y'all are in the Great North.  I feel for ya...I really do...NOT LIKE AT ALL  cold weather!

        "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt

        From the Internet.

          Hi pens!


          Legs felt like lead yesterday so swapped my workout and easy days. 5 easy yesterday, 6.5 with 5x1000m ~10k pace today. I was feeling uninspired so I just took last week's workout and tacked on 200m per rep. What kind of interval-type workouts do you all like to do as part of HM training?

          Jack K.

          uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

            Scotty: The FB post is done. Lol... As for HM race strategy, I will most likely take your advice.


              ... What kind of interval-type workouts do you all like to do as part of HM training?


              I need to know this, too.  After the marathon I want to focus on getting faster in the half.




                Good luck with the running 4 - 5 miles with a club, Brilliant!  Don't your arms get tired? Hope your house stuff went well yesterday.



                Haha, Scotty, not that type of Running Club. Although I've seen walkers in my area with golf clubs.  I'm not sure if they want to beat off coyotes, dogs, or the Bad Man.


                Speaking of coyotes, we took our doggy with us to the new house this weekend and one of our new neighbors came over to tell us we can't leave him alone in the yard for a second - that the previous owners' dog had been attacked by a coyote who got over the side wall.    I am so bummed about that.


                  Scotty: The FB post is done. Lol... As for HM race strategy, I will most likely take your advice.


                  Happy birthday to your daughter, Jack.  I hope your FB collage wasn't too embarrassing.  I don't think my kids would be embarrassed about any pictures I could post except maybe a bathtub shot.  (and I would never put that on the internet because I don't want to get arrested).


                    Hopesmom, hope you stay warm and dry and avoid the "wintry mix."


                    Ginny, you stay warm and dry, too; sorry about the treadmill running!


                    Zel and Traci, enjoy your repeats.


                    Kathleen, hope your new PT works out well.


                      The 'wintery mix' held off, so I was able to do my 5 outdoors after all.  I was so happy not to be on the TM today.


                      Brilliant - that's bad news about the coyote attack.  How big is your dog?  Could be the previous dog was a small one, and thus more tempting.  Maybe if you get another dog or two, they'll scare away any would be predators.


                      Return To Racing

                        Or put up a "Beware of Dog" sign, Brilliant.


                        Kathleen, was the cave race the Sandmine Challenge?  There was an article about it in the WSJ today.   They call it SpeRUNking.  Looks like fun.


                        From the Internet.


                          I need to know this, too.  After the marathon I want to focus on getting faster in the half.


                          Onemile and LRB made some good suggestions in the dailies thread!


                            Those workouts in the dailies look brutal. I can look up the Pfitz HM workouts when I get home.


                            Ginny, sort of. The running club's HM training club meets, but I'm not really a part of that. But my friend is following a Hansons FM program, so she's been doing her speed workouts at the same time and place. So I mostly show up and run with her because I think she likes the company, and we're close to the same pace. Plus I know the workouts from last fall.


                              I still have no energy to run. I only made it through 2 of my 5x 1000s and then I quit went home and laid down  last 4 runs have been like this 




                              Jack K.

                              uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

                                4 easy miles done. Easy. Very easy. It felt good. I also did my core workout and will likely not run tomorrow. So far so good...
