Beginners and Beyond

Black Fridailies, aka Thanksgiving Food Hangover Dailies (Read 43 times)


Former Bad Ass






      Which marathon are you running?


      Former Bad Ass

        Space Coast Marathon.


        Maybe if there was a race thread where it lists all the races for November.... 



          Space Coast Marathon.


          Maybe if there was a race thread where it lists all the races for November.... 


          I'm actually pretty lazy that way. lol


          Are we there, yet?


            The one I'm looking at on 12/20 is called "The 12k's of Christmas", ha ha. So it is obviously a 12k and also has a 5k. I guess I just have no interest in running an oddball distance like 12k where the time will mean nothing to me. But I think often at a multi-distance event, the longest distance is the most competitive, so maybe better chance of bling in the shorter one. Note I have no factual basis for saying this.


            The only 12K that I can think of on the spur of the moment is the Lilac Bloomsday 12K in Spokane, one of the largest road races in the country. Internationally it's the standard long course distance for cross country.

             2024 Races:

                  03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                  05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                  06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.






              It was buzzing all night last night, and now feels like someone banged me with a hammer on my pubic bone.   Which is better than the "ice pick to the groin" feeling from the OTHER hip the other week, but at 18 months post-surgery, I would like to be done with the aches and pains already.


              It's funny (well not funny ha-ha), just this morning I watched on Netflix "You Don't Know Bo", an ESPN documentary on Bo Jackson. This was exactly how he described it when he first tried to get up after injuring his hip. Which of course ultimately needed to be replaced and ended his career. Great film though; brought back what a truly once-in-a-lifetime athlete he was until then, and how huge a media sensation he was in the pre-internet days. His original "Bo Knows" Nike commercial was so awesome.


              Hip Redux


                It's funny (well not funny ha-ha), just this morning I watched on Netflix "You Don't Know Bo", an ESPN documentary on Bo Jackson. This was exactly how he described it when he first tried to get up after injuring his hip. Which of course ultimately needed to be replaced and ended his career. Great film though; brought back what a truly once-in-a-lifetime athlete he was until then, and how huge a media sensation he was in the pre-internet days. His original "Bo Knows" Nike commercial was so awesome.


                Yep, it is a common symptom of hip joint issues.  Most people describe it similarly!


                My other favorite is feeling like my adductor is being ripped off my pubic bone.   Good times!


                Half Crazy K 2.0


                  The only 12K that I can think of on the spur of the moment is the Lilac Bloomsday 12K in Spokane, one of the largest road races in the country. Internationally it's the standard long course distance for cross country.

                  There was one last year around this time near Baltimore also called the 12ks of Christmas. I haven't seen it this year.


                    When I had the ice pick to the bone feeling, I self-diagnosed it as Osteitis Pubis, after reading about it on one of the forums and Googling it since my symptoms matched.  The pain was in the center, not near either hip.  It took months to go away completely. I still get a hammer to the pubis feeling occasionally, which I assume is related, but it doesn't affect my running. I didn't go for an MRI at the time because I didn't want to spend $1500 or more for the test, just to be told, "Rest it."  I could do that without spending a lot of money I can't afford.

                    Hip Redux

                      If runners went in for every pain that they could run through, we'd all be a lot poorer.  lol


                        Black Friday.  All the Bourbon County was sold out within 20 minutes of opening.



                          Black Friday.  All the Bourbon County was sold out within 20 minutes of opening.


                          I managed to get a bottle.  It was good, but dare I say a little too bourbony?

                          Runner with a riding problem.