Beginners and Beyond

Now then; WednesDAILIES! (Read 46 times)



    The last time I did a 3 mile cool down, I about died from boredom. lol


    As simple as it sounds, it is really hard for me to jog that far after a quality workout. And on the other end, it is boring as hell to warmup longer than 3 miles to begin one.


    Yes, I am an idiot.


    I'm more likely to be willing to run 3 very very slow miles after a quality workout, and almost enjoy them, than to run 3 very slow miles BEFORE the quality portion. I get all anxious and I have this weird (and false) notion that I'm wasting precious energy during the warm up. So most often, I just dive right in the speed part of the run, without warming up at all. Talk about shocking the body...

    PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

            Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

    18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010

    Little Blue

      Hi all!  3.1 was all I could muster.  80+73.  Breathing hard.  Much drippy.  Can't wait for fall!



        The last time I did a 3 mile cool down, I about died from boredom. lol


        As simple as it sounds, it is really hard for me to jog that far after a quality workout. And on the other end, it is boring as hell to warmup longer than 3 miles to begin one.


        Yes, I am an idiot.



        I hear you. I'm a bit of the same. Although I find it much easier to warm up for longer than cool down for longer. After yesterday's workout, as after all my workouts, cd was difficult both physically and mentally. I often cooldown for only 0.25 - 0.5 miles. So even if I'm itching to start the workout, it's still easier for me to put in the easy miles before.


        Onemile, I always thought the 3 miles wu/cd they talk about in the advanced plan is 3 miles total for wu and cd. Of course you can add to that, but their calculation is based on 3 easy miles + the workout ( I think! ).


        D2, you've proven (to me at least) that just easy mileage, but lots of it, is effective. But others have also proven that workouts and a bit less mileage is effective. This time around, after changing my mind multiple times, I opted to try the Hansons philosophy. As I said, it makes sense. Many other philosophies make sense, and I might try another one next time.


          Onemile, I always thought the 3 miles wu/cd they talk about in the advanced plan is 3 miles total for wu and cd. Of course you can add to that, but their calculation is based on 3 easy miles + the workout ( I think! ).



          I am pretty sure it is 1-3 miles for wu + 1-3 miles for cd. But I no longer have my book so I can't even check. I gave it away after I decided I had my fill and never wanted to see it again. 


          Former Bad Ass


            I prefer the increased volume and frequency, if you can handle it of course.  I think that slowing down your easy runs is worth it to get the extra time on your feet which will do more for your endurance than the increased pace would.  I'm also a big fan of doubles, I think that it helps your body adapt to recovering more quickly when it starts to learn that it's not always going to have 24 hours or more between runs.  Of course this is all purely based off of my personal experience, maybe along with some articles I've read, experiment of one, ymmv, and all other applicable disclaimers. 


            ^ This.



            Former Bad Ass


              The last time I did a 3 mile cool down, I about died from boredom. lol


              As simple as it sounds, it is really hard for me to jog that far after a quality workout. And on the other end, it is boring as hell to warmup longer than 3 miles to begin one.


              Yes, I am an idiot.


              My warmups and cooldowns are 3-4 miles.  LOL.



              Former Bad Ass


                I am pretty sure it is 1-3 miles for wu + 1-3 miles for cd. But I no longer have my book so I can't even check. I gave it away after I decided I had my fill and never wanted to see it again. 


                From what I remember from the book, onemile is right.



                  I think I remember 3 miles total wu+cd, not less than 1 on either side of the workout.  But they did say you could pad that a bit if you wanted.  Or rather, they said add miles there instead of to the LR.


                  I have a track workout planned.  Don't know what the workout is, and it doesn't matter so much as long as I get my 8 in and have something to break up the monotony.  It's a bit cooler today, so hopefully more people will show.


                    Speed, Strength and Tempo workouts should include a 1.5 - 3 mile warm-up and cooldown.

                    Weekly total mileage includes a 1.5 mile warm-up and cooldown.


                    Taken from p.98 of the book. I think the second sentence is clear, total weakly mileage is calculated as workout + 3, but the first sentence says you can do more, I think.


                    Former Bad Ass

                      Speed, Strength and Tempo workouts should include a 1.5 - 3 mile warm-up and cooldown.

                      Weekly total mileage includes a 1.5 mile warm-up and cooldown.


                      Taken from p.98 of the book. I think the second sentence is clear, total weakly mileage is calculated as workout + 3, but the first sentence says you can do more, I think.


                      I remember that but when I added the miles for the advanced plan (when I attempted Hanson), the 1-3 miles were not enough to make the miles they say at the end for the week.  If I am remembering correctly.



                        I am pretty sure it is 1-3 miles for wu + 1-3 miles for cd. 


                        I have the book and that was my understanding as well.


                        Although I prefer pictures to print so I could be wrong too. Big grin



                          I remember that but when I added the miles for the advanced plan (when I attempted Hanson), the 1-3 miles were not enough to make the miles they say at the end for the week.  If I am remembering correctly.


                          I went by the book on that, and 3 was exactly the number needed for me.  I still have the plan saved in my log.


                            I hate cooldowns.  I get really excited that I hit my workout, and then I'm like oh crap, I've got another couple miles to go, even if it is slower.


                            Speaking of quality workouts, 8m, with a 5m progression this morning.  Satisfied with it, and after running 8 of the last 9 days, I can't wait for a day off tomorrow.


                            5k - 20:51 - 9/5/15

                            10k - 47:00 - 5/25/15

                            15k - 1:10:19 - 11/21/15

                            13.1 - 1:42:25- 4/25/15

                            26.2 - TBD (someday)


                            Former Bad Ass


                              I have the book and that was my understanding as well.


                              Although I prefer pictures to print so I could be wrong too. Big grin


                              Coloring book pictures?



                                Speed, Strength and Tempo workouts should include a 1.5 - 3 mile warm-up and cooldown.

                                Weekly total mileage includes a 1.5 mile warm-up and cooldown.


                                Taken from p.98 of the book. I think the second sentence is clear, total weakly mileage is calculated as workout + 3, but the first sentence says you can do more, I think.


                                Thank you.


                                A lot of people read that to add 1.5 - 3 to the warmup and to the cool down.