Beginners and Beyond

Now then; WednesDAILIES! (Read 46 times)



    I have the book and that was my understanding as well.


    Although I prefer pictures to print so I could be wrong too. Big grin


    You want a pic? Here's a pic. I'm on vacation, I have plenty of time Big grin



      What up peepers?

      I got up and ran 10 miles this morning, with a thunderstorm looming off in the West but never really hitting (damn). It feels good to have my MLR back up to 10 miles, hopefully I can keep it there.

      *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


      5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

      10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

      15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

      13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

       26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


        D2, you've proven (to me at least) that just easy mileage, but lots of it, is effective. But others have also proven that workouts and a bit less mileage is effective. This time around, after changing my mind multiple times, I opted to try the Hansons philosophy. As I said, it makes sense. Many other philosophies make sense, and I might try another one next time.


        Definitely more than one way to skin a cat. Smile  I think finding the plan/method that works best for you and keeps you healthy is what's most important.  None of us are getting paid to do this, so you've got to make sure you're enjoying it.


        My running blog

        Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!


          I guess the pic is a lil' blurry, lol. But the text I posted is exactly what is written at the bottom of the page.


             Coloring book pictures?


            Gosh no, just pictures. Smile


              I guess the pic is a lil' blurry, lol. But the text I posted is exactly what is written at the bottom of the page.


              I wasn't asking for a pic of that text, I was speaking of my brains inability to process text in general.


              I cannot read for long periods without checking out mentally, then I start daydreaming FFS.


              Former Bad Ass


                I wasn't asking for a pic of that text, I was speaking of my brains inability to process text in general.


                I cannot read for long periods without checking out mentally, then I start daydreaming FFS.


                Glad you didn't go to lawschool.  Let me show you a picture of my desk on my to do today.



                Former Bad Ass


                  Start reading.  Must be done by 4:30.


                  That does says jewelry.  Case I'm investigating where they listed $0 as jewelry.  As you can see, I beg to differ.



                    Start reading.  Must be done by 4:30.



                    From the Internet.

                      Cranky and tired today. Got up at 4:45 for my first workout since DH was supposed to take an early train to work for an 8 AM meeting, I get home 2 minutes before he's supposed to leave for the train station and he's still in bed. So I totally could have done my whole workout all at once after all, but instead I now have to sneak away from work for part 2.


                      I haven't had coffee yet and I'm torn between wanting to go get some so I can feel normal and happy for the rest of the day, or skipping it and keeping my tolerance low.


                      Barking Mad To Run

                        Weight training circuit this morning. Have not been consistent in that area and my body let me know it too this morning!


                        Tonite, plan on participating at the VFW run/walk with my fellow veterans of San Antonio Team Red White Blue.  This will be a very nice and easy run/walk along the San Antonio Riverwalk, as the temp will be hovering around 97 to 98 degrees.  Post run...cold beer!


                        Oh yeah...Got my race calendar filled up for August now....
                        August 8, Loteria 5k...
                        .August 15, Dragon's Den 5K....
                        Aug 22...Air Force JR ROTC 5K - gotta support my service, I'm retired Air Force -
                        Aug 23, Alamo Beer 5K - I committed to my friend Bart, the RD for this race,  way back in May to do this his events, he throws a great after-party!  Just like my RD friend of  Carrera Races, which has a race the same day and time as Bart's race, darn the luck...if the race sites were closer to each other and the start times were about 2 hours apart, I'd do BOTH, lol - ....Bart's will be my #40 race for year 2015...
                        Aug 29 - Heidi Search Center 5K...
                        So after August a grand total of 41 races completed in 2015 so far...

                        "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                        Barking Mad To Run

                          'Morning.  I've got a tempo run to do after work today.


                          I hate that summer paces are slower.  I know the heat slows everyone down, but I want those winter and spring paces back.  Most of my runs were in the mid to high 7:00 pace when I was training over the winter, and now I'm consistently 15-20 sec/mile slower.  I hate that.  I know I shouldn't worry about it since my tempo runs are faster and I'm setting PR's, but still...nobody likes to see their paces dip.


                          Not for me, lol...I pretty much stay the same throughout the whole year, consistently slow.   Of course, I'm not ever training for anything and am only a 'fun runner' these days, so that's probably why my pace just stays nice and steady all the time.

                          "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                            So after August a grand total of 41 races completed in 2015 so far...


                            Subtract 39 from that and you'll have my number. lol


                            Barking Mad To Run


                              Subtract 39 from that and you'll have my number. lol


                              But, LRB, you and most people here actually RACE the races...I just run mine - and stop on occasion to take photos - so I can get away with doing a lot of them, without fear of injury from pushing myself too much, etc.  I definitely could not do this many if I were actually RACING like the rest of you do...but my racing days are long over now, so I'm happy with what I can do.

                              "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                                I generally do a 3 mile warmup before any quality run. For MP runs, I often don't do any cooldown. For intervals, cooldown is usually about a mile, or whatever it takes to finish with an even number of total miles for the workout. 
